Let me reframe. This dll is created in .NET and I am using it in ASP. The dll works fine with out parameters.
Which are the faster functions in order to read/write a file?
I must write string in a file in a cycle and must be fastest possible!
Thanks a lot.
1) Have you meassured a performance problem or are you simply expecting it? Unless you do something strange I doubt you will notice any performance differences between the various ways of writing to files.
2) If you have performance problems are you sure it is not in the disk IO system instead of your code? If it is, get faster disks or more memory for diskcache, or start collecting changes in memory and write them in batches (possible on a worker thread, but then you must take care of locking etc).
Besides this it is not easy to help you when you do not provide more information on what you are trying to write and for what purpose.
does somebody knows where can i get a maskedtextbox that can support transparent background
I am busy going through netron application so i want to know if is possible to save netron graphs as an xml and how.i have gone though it several times but i can figure it out as is too complex.
mamphekgojakes wrote: i want to know if is possible to save netron graphs as an xml and how
Possibly, but since I don't know what a netron graph is I can't help much. Perhaps if you explained what one is.
Which version of Netron? Unloaded, Unfold, new Netron, old Netron?
Off the top of my head, I can't remember if Netron ships with an XML serializer, but if it doesn't then one way that you could do it is to iterate through the Shapes collection of the graph and write out the attributes from the serialization context.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
OK - then you are probably going to have to write your own code I'm afraid. Basically, you will need to iterate through the shape collection building up the shape Xml document as you go.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
How does one go about creating a login window using C#.
For that u have to use database connection
I think this code will help u......
<br />
SqlConnection MySchool;<br />
MySchool= new SqlConnection("server=(local);database=MySchool;integrated security=sspi");<br />
MySchool.Open();<br />
String selectCmd = "select * from signin where vusername='"+Txtuname.Text+"'";<br />
SqlCommand MyCmd = new SqlCommand(selectCmd,MySchool);<br />
SqlDataReader dr;<br />
dr=MyCmd.ExecuteReader();<br />
while(dr.Read())<br />
{<br />
if((String.Equals(dr.GetString(0).Trim(),Txtuname.Text.Trim()))==true)<br />
{<br />
if((String.Equals(dr.GetString(1).Trim(),Txtpassword.Text.Trim()))==true)<br />
{<br />
Response.Redirect("New_Page.aspx");<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
Lblmsg.Text="Error:Password is wrong.";<br />
}<br />
}<br />
else<br />
{<br />
Lblmsg.Text="Error:Username is wrong";<br />
}<br />
}<br />
<br />
:)<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Storing passwords unencrypted in the database...
Are you sure that's a good idea?
Better to encrypt the passwords using a hash, then hash the login password supplied and compare it against the hashed password for the user in the DB.
pmarfleet wrote: Storing passwords unencrypted in the database...
That is really bad. I cannot believe people do that
"Real programmers just throw a bunch of 1s and 0s at the computer to see what sticks" - Pete O'Hanlon
Are you NUTS!
The password is unencrypted, as the other posted has indicated, AND your code is susceptable to a SQL Injection Attack.
Also, you are accessing the columns by ordinal position so the code will break if you change your database design because you are using SELECT *.
Please learn about and protect yourself from SQL Injection Attacks.
SQL Injection Attacks and Tips on Hot to Prevent Them[^]
The normal way of doing this is to create a form that is called before you create the MainForm. If the user successfully logs in, then you do the Application.Run(new MainForm()) section.
Remember though, that you'll probably want to save the password encrypted, so your login code will need to check the encrypted versions.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
What part of creating a login window do you need help with?
"Real programmers just throw a bunch of 1s and 0s at the computer to see what sticks" - Pete O'Hanlon
I want to transmit a live video from server to multi clients using UDP, I m working in C# and I've captured the video from WebCam. So please tell me the steps to be follow to accomplish this task.OR if u have any tutorials or links related to my task plz Notify me.
Hi all
Is it possible to change the screen resolution in c# (no DirectX!).
Also why is it that when creating a windows application in c# without the designer, along with your window you get a cmd window? Could someone post some code to get a simple window up without this!
Many thanks
I have a dataset containing multiple rows. Now I want to insert these rows at a stretch to database. Even though I'm using dataadapter.Update method, it's not updating or inserting any rows. Also, it is not giving me any error.
Anybody who knows please help. It's very urgent. Any url or link explaining the solution is also fine.
Did you specify InserttCommand property of the dataadapter?
I have tried both InsertCommand and then Update command also. It's not giving any error. It is simply coming out of the loop, without inserting the rows to the database.
Hello friends,
I want to know, can we get the COM Port list (device attached to pc).
and the process name using the the COM port in C#.
Thanks in Advance.
Rahul Kulkarni
If you are using .NET 2, you can use:
string[] portNames = System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames(); If it's .NET 1/1.1 you will have to enumerate the registry entries at HKLM\Hardware\DeviceMap\SerialComm.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
Firstly thanks for reply.
In that way we can get the com ports to which device are attached.
Now how can i get process name who r using these com ports. And which com port
is used by which process.
Thanks again.
rahul kulkarni