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QuestionHave a timer on a function Pin
andredani7-Sep-07 1:48
andredani7-Sep-07 1:48 
AnswerRe: Have a timer on a function Pin
Giorgi Dalakishvili7-Sep-07 1:52
mentorGiorgi Dalakishvili7-Sep-07 1:52 
Questionglobal.asax Pin
kalyan_24167-Sep-07 1:27
kalyan_24167-Sep-07 1:27 
AnswerRe: global.asax Pin
Giorgi Dalakishvili7-Sep-07 1:34
mentorGiorgi Dalakishvili7-Sep-07 1:34 
AnswerRe: global.asax Pin
Pete O'Hanlon7-Sep-07 1:39
mvePete O'Hanlon7-Sep-07 1:39 
QuestionProjectitem documents replacetext. Pin
topcatalpha7-Sep-07 1:26
topcatalpha7-Sep-07 1:26 
AnswerRe: Projectitem documents replacetext. Pin
topcatalpha7-Sep-07 2:38
topcatalpha7-Sep-07 2:38 
Questionmutlicasting problem Pin
snouto7-Sep-07 0:47
snouto7-Sep-07 0:47 
how are you everybody ?

i would like to ask what is the most suitable method for creating chat rooms , to use multicast or unicast methodology ?
and if it is multicast how can i assign a globally reachable multicast address for the server machine

knowing that yahoo uses unicasting in chat rooms ?

uuuh , Yahoo guys are incredible , what about the overhead on the servers , how could they solve it ?

Human knowledge belongs to the world.

QuestionList View Column Manipulation Pin
M. J. Jaya Chitra7-Sep-07 0:02
M. J. Jaya Chitra7-Sep-07 0:02 
AnswerRe: List View Column Manipulation Pin
Giorgi Dalakishvili7-Sep-07 1:32
mentorGiorgi Dalakishvili7-Sep-07 1:32 
QuestionNeed to use Dos command Pin
M Riaz Bashir6-Sep-07 23:53
M Riaz Bashir6-Sep-07 23:53 
AnswerRe: Need to use Dos command Pin
Colin Angus Mackay7-Sep-07 0:04
Colin Angus Mackay7-Sep-07 0:04 
GeneralRe: Need to use Dos command Pin
M Riaz Bashir7-Sep-07 0:13
M Riaz Bashir7-Sep-07 0:13 
Questionto read from a notepad file line by line and insert each line into one table Pin
George Mathew6-Sep-07 23:07
George Mathew6-Sep-07 23:07 
AnswerRe: to read from a notepad file line by line and insert each line into one table Pin
DaveyM696-Sep-07 23:15
professionalDaveyM696-Sep-07 23:15 
GeneralRe: to read from a notepad file line by line and insert each line into one table Pin
Larantz7-Sep-07 1:01
Larantz7-Sep-07 1:01 
AnswerRe: to read from a notepad file line by line and insert each line into one table Pin
M Riaz Bashir6-Sep-07 23:59
M Riaz Bashir6-Sep-07 23:59 
QuestionGridview aditing Pin
Tsepoz6-Sep-07 22:12
Tsepoz6-Sep-07 22:12 
AnswerRe: Gridview aditing Pin
Larantz6-Sep-07 22:29
Larantz6-Sep-07 22:29 
Questionxml validation in C# giving errors during the process? Pin
nicolus6-Sep-07 22:09
nicolus6-Sep-07 22:09 
AnswerRe: xml validation in C# giving errors during the process? Pin
Larantz6-Sep-07 22:22
Larantz6-Sep-07 22:22 
GeneralRe: xml validation in C# giving errors during the process? Pin
nicolus6-Sep-07 23:54
nicolus6-Sep-07 23:54 
GeneralRe: xml validation in C# giving errors during the process? Pin
Larantz7-Sep-07 0:52
Larantz7-Sep-07 0:52 
GeneralRe: xml validation in C# giving errors during the process? Pin
nicolus7-Sep-07 1:17
nicolus7-Sep-07 1:17 
GeneralRe: xml validation in C# giving errors during the process? Pin
Larantz7-Sep-07 3:20
Larantz7-Sep-07 3:20 

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