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GeneralRe: DataGridView Pin
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 20:14
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 20:14 
QuestionIntel UPnP SDK Pin
MicealG5-Sep-07 2:41
MicealG5-Sep-07 2:41 
QuestionWord Addins Pin
som84835-Sep-07 2:20
som84835-Sep-07 2:20 
QuestionAbstract, interface, Confusion Pin
Vodstok5-Sep-07 2:19
Vodstok5-Sep-07 2:19 
AnswerRe: Abstract, interface, Confusion Pin
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 2:56
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 2:56 
GeneralRe: Abstract, interface, Confusion Pin
Vodstok5-Sep-07 3:19
Vodstok5-Sep-07 3:19 
GeneralRe: Abstract, interface, Confusion [modified] Pin
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 3:25
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 3:25 
GeneralRe: Abstract, interface, Confusion Pin
Larantz5-Sep-07 9:05
Larantz5-Sep-07 9:05 
There's also the benefits of using Interfaces as contracts for communication through .NET Remoting.
If the server exposes an Interface, the clients don't have to know the inner workings that's going on on the serverside.


for those about to code, we salute you

Questionuse math.h in C# Pin
max_dev2006@yahoo.com5-Sep-07 1:35
max_dev2006@yahoo.com5-Sep-07 1:35 
AnswerRe: use math.h in C# Pin
Nouman Bhatti5-Sep-07 1:38
Nouman Bhatti5-Sep-07 1:38 
GeneralRe: use math.h in C# Pin
max_dev2006@yahoo.com5-Sep-07 19:25
max_dev2006@yahoo.com5-Sep-07 19:25 
AnswerRe: use math.h in C# Pin
blackjack21505-Sep-07 1:47
blackjack21505-Sep-07 1:47 
QuestionCannot take the address or size of a variable of a managed type Pin
Vikas Salvi5-Sep-07 1:32
Vikas Salvi5-Sep-07 1:32 
AnswerRe: Cannot take the address or size of a variable of a managed type Pin
TJoe5-Sep-07 8:41
TJoe5-Sep-07 8:41 
QuestionHow to create new file Pin
Hum Dum5-Sep-07 1:26
Hum Dum5-Sep-07 1:26 
AnswerRe: How to create new file Pin
originSH5-Sep-07 1:37
originSH5-Sep-07 1:37 
GeneralRe: How to create new file Pin
Vodstok5-Sep-07 2:00
Vodstok5-Sep-07 2:00 
GeneralRe: How to create new file Pin
originSH5-Sep-07 3:19
originSH5-Sep-07 3:19 
GeneralRe: How to create new file Pin
Vodstok5-Sep-07 3:20
Vodstok5-Sep-07 3:20 
QuestionIt's quite embarrassing.. Pin
Muammar©5-Sep-07 0:55
Muammar©5-Sep-07 0:55 
AnswerRe: It's quite embarrassing.. Pin
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 1:00
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 1:00 
AnswerRe: It's quite embarrassing.. Pin
Guffa5-Sep-07 2:44
Guffa5-Sep-07 2:44 
QuestionCreating a web server for board game Pin
MeLight5-Sep-07 0:52
MeLight5-Sep-07 0:52 
AnswerRe: Creating a web server for board game Pin
Larantz5-Sep-07 9:49
Larantz5-Sep-07 9:49 
GeneralRe: Creating a web server for board game Pin
MeLight5-Sep-07 10:24
MeLight5-Sep-07 10:24 

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