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QuestionDataGridView Pin
Assaf825-Sep-07 2:51
Assaf825-Sep-07 2:51 
AnswerRe: DataGridView Pin
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 3:00
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 3:00 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Pin
Assaf825-Sep-07 4:50
Assaf825-Sep-07 4:50 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Pin
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 4:55
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 4:55 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Pin
Assaf825-Sep-07 9:53
Assaf825-Sep-07 9:53 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Pin
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 20:14
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 20:14 
QuestionIntel UPnP SDK Pin
MicealG5-Sep-07 2:41
MicealG5-Sep-07 2:41 
QuestionWord Addins Pin
som84835-Sep-07 2:20
som84835-Sep-07 2:20 
I need to create and Ms-Word addin that will add a footer to all the pages of an open document. I have browsed and got some code.

I have referred MS knowledgebase article and have created an addin, but that code is not adding any button to the commandbar of Word. It did one for outlook. When I made some changes to the code to make it word specific, it still didn't do anything. I have written the following code in OnStartupComplete method:

object oMissing=System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

CommandBars cmdBar = wordApp.ActiveDocument.CommandBars;



this.myButton = (CommandBarButton)cmdBar["Tools"].Controls.Add(1, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing);




this.myButton = (CommandBarButton)cmdBar["Tools"].Controls.Add(MsoControlType.msoControlButton, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing);

this.myButton.Caption ="Hello";



this.myButton.Tag ="Hello Butom";


this.myButton.Visible =true;

this.myButton.Click += new _CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(this.myButton_Click);

But this is not working. I am also not able to debug it.

Please help!!!!
QuestionAbstract, interface, Confusion Pin
Vodstok5-Sep-07 2:19
Vodstok5-Sep-07 2:19 
AnswerRe: Abstract, interface, Confusion Pin
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 2:56
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 2:56 
GeneralRe: Abstract, interface, Confusion Pin
Vodstok5-Sep-07 3:19
Vodstok5-Sep-07 3:19 
GeneralRe: Abstract, interface, Confusion [modified] Pin
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 3:25
Urs Enzler5-Sep-07 3:25 
GeneralRe: Abstract, interface, Confusion Pin
Larantz5-Sep-07 9:05
Larantz5-Sep-07 9:05 
Questionuse math.h in C# Pin
max_dev2006@yahoo.com5-Sep-07 1:35
max_dev2006@yahoo.com5-Sep-07 1:35 
AnswerRe: use math.h in C# Pin
Nouman Bhatti5-Sep-07 1:38
Nouman Bhatti5-Sep-07 1:38 
GeneralRe: use math.h in C# Pin
max_dev2006@yahoo.com5-Sep-07 19:25
max_dev2006@yahoo.com5-Sep-07 19:25 
AnswerRe: use math.h in C# Pin
blackjack21505-Sep-07 1:47
blackjack21505-Sep-07 1:47 
QuestionCannot take the address or size of a variable of a managed type Pin
Vikas Salvi5-Sep-07 1:32
Vikas Salvi5-Sep-07 1:32 
AnswerRe: Cannot take the address or size of a variable of a managed type Pin
TJoe5-Sep-07 8:41
TJoe5-Sep-07 8:41 
QuestionHow to create new file Pin
Hum Dum5-Sep-07 1:26
Hum Dum5-Sep-07 1:26 
AnswerRe: How to create new file Pin
originSH5-Sep-07 1:37
originSH5-Sep-07 1:37 
GeneralRe: How to create new file Pin
Vodstok5-Sep-07 2:00
Vodstok5-Sep-07 2:00 
GeneralRe: How to create new file Pin
originSH5-Sep-07 3:19
originSH5-Sep-07 3:19 
GeneralRe: How to create new file Pin
Vodstok5-Sep-07 3:20
Vodstok5-Sep-07 3:20 
QuestionIt's quite embarrassing.. Pin
Muammar©5-Sep-07 0:55
Muammar©5-Sep-07 0:55 

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