You are welcome
Sir, thank you so much for all the help that you lend me.. .. until next time sir..
for printable characters (letters, digits, punctuation) you should use the KeyPress event;
its event arg provides a KeyChar property which is a char, so don't compare it to
(char)Keys.A instead compare it to 'a' or 'A'.
special characters (escape, enter, ...) don't fire the KeyPress event; you should use
the KeyDown (possibly KeyUp) event for these; its event arg provides a KeyCode property
which is a Keys, so that one you can compare to Keys.Escape and others.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
this weeks tips:
- make Visual display line numbers: Tools/Options/TextEditor/...
- show exceptions with ToString() to see all information
- before you ask a question here, search CodeProject, then Google
For the specific cases of Enter and Escape there's an easier solution. The AcceptButton and CancelButton properties of the form can be given an event handler as a value (the buttons click handler).
If you view money as inherently evil, I view it as my duty to assist in making you more virtuous.
disable hotkeys ctrl, alt,del,win through c# and then enable code
I've already replied to your first post which is the same as this one. It is rude to ask the same question twice. I have given a direction to explore, if you are lazy no one will do the work for you
The veteran poster had also tried to start up this elite discussion thread in a rated PG non-programming forum (aka) Lounge.
Don't Cross Post and repost.
I have a project developed in 2.0 Framework, can i use a Forum which is developed in 1.1 Framework.
Please suggest is there any problem to integrate the forum.
Thanks in advance
Arun Kr.
Arun Kr
Kumar Arun wrote: I have a project developed in 2.0 Framework, can i use a Forum which is developed in 1.1 Framework.
Can you use source code from a .NET 1.1 project? Sure. Most of the .NET 2.0 BCL is backwards compatible, but there are breaking changes.
Can you use a .NET 1.1 compiled assembly in your .NET 2.0 project?? Most likely not, but only if the .NET 1.1 assembly MUST use the .NET 1.1 CLR. If this is the case, then no, you can't use the assembly because you cannot load two different versions of the .NET CLR into the same process.
If the .NET 1.1 assembly will work fine running under the .NET 2.0 CLR, then yes, you can use it.
But, like I said, there ARE breaking changes between .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 and above.
i want to get start menu programs in a listbox of my application
You can iterate over the files and folders in these folders to extract the information you need:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs
In WinForm Project.
I want to touch off keyboard's event and capture "Ctrl+Enter" in a Form.
How to do?
You can handle the Keypress event and check for the modifiers and keys that are pressed
Which part is the article in, Applications,Beginners or General?
I didnot find it.
It's not in my articles, it's just a signature. Form class has a KeyDown event which receives KeyEventArgs type parameter. You can check its Control property to determine if CTRL is down or modifiers property and also examine the KeyData property.
I try and judge the keys,but i am failure.
I donot know how to write the "if" language yet.
In that case you should first learn c# syntax
I apprehend it is "if(e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Modifiers == Keys.Control)".
But it is unsuccessful.
Keydown is fired twice: once for control key and once for Enter so you can't test it in one piece of code. Instead use keydown and keyup events to toggle a boolean value which shows if CTRL key is down and for enter key and this value
How do i insert new objects like Trackbar to the Built-In Column Types in DataGrid?
there are only the options TextBox,Button,Link and CheckBox..
what do you do with your sensitive data (passwords, connection strings, and others (eg chunks of code, which shall in no case be disassembled))?
Do anybody use the EntLib 3.1 for any this purposes?
I'm using System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar in my project. I allow the users to select multiple date (date range) in that calendar control.. One strange thing that I noticed is that there is one while line in the selection which looks really bad...
I would like to know how to remove this while line from selection...
Steps to reproduce this issue ~
1. Create one window application in VS 2005.
2. Place MonthCalender on the form
3. Run the application.
4. Press "Shift" key and click two dates (eg: 1st September, 2007 and 4th September, 2007)
Observe: There will be one white line within selection line...
I have tested this issue on Windows XP Professional.
How to remove this while line from selection??
Thanks in advance..
Thanks and Regards,
Michael Sync ( Blog: http://michaelsync.net)
If you want to thank me for my help, please vote my message by clicking one of numbers beside "Rate this message". Why vote? Plz Read it here. Thank you.
Hi Michael,
I followed your steps and got the same result. Also using XP Pro. It does look really bad as you said. I wish I found how to get rid of it, but not yet.
I have inherited an application that needs to get start and stop dates from users also. What the original developers did was provide two calendars, one for start date the other for end date. Probably they did this because it's in VS 2003 and the old month calendar doesn't allow selecting multiple dates. That's one option, maybe not a good one, but an option.
Another option might be a control found here on Code Project written by Patrik Bohman. We use the VS 2003 version of it in that same application I referred to earlier. There is also a version for VS 2005. Here's a link.
Take a look, see if it's workable for your application. Otherwise, I hope someone else has better solution for you.
Thanks for your reply.. BDF
I think that this whiteline might be a bug of MonthCalender control in .NET 2.0..
I will take a look the link you gave me..
Thanks again.
-- modified at 22:09 Wednesday 5th September, 2007
Thanks and Regards,
Michael Sync ( Blog: http://michaelsync.net)
If you want to thank me for my help, please vote my message by clicking one of numbers beside "Rate this message". Why vote? Plz Read it here. Thank you.