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GeneralRe: How can I prohibit writing a characters? Pin
daavena28-Aug-07 10:28
daavena28-Aug-07 10:28 
QuestionUTF-8 characters in RichTextBox with SelectedRtf... Pin
Paradox2227-Aug-07 10:00
Paradox2227-Aug-07 10:00 
QuestionIUPnPDeviceFinder Pin
MicealG27-Aug-07 9:53
MicealG27-Aug-07 9:53 
AnswerRe: IUPnPDeviceFinder Pin
Mark Churchill27-Aug-07 15:34
Mark Churchill27-Aug-07 15:34 
GeneralRe: IUPnPDeviceFinder Pin
MicealG28-Aug-07 5:38
MicealG28-Aug-07 5:38 
QuestionAdvanced Typed Dataset Pin
hamid_m27-Aug-07 9:42
hamid_m27-Aug-07 9:42 
QuestionSerial Keys. Make trial version. Examples ? Pin
finayev27-Aug-07 9:40
finayev27-Aug-07 9:40 
AnswerRe: Serial Keys. Make trial version. Examples ? Pin
Spacix One27-Aug-07 10:14
Spacix One27-Aug-07 10:14 
Most people do these though their distribution system such as Install Shield which take your applications binary files and wraps it's usage control around it...

I don't have an example of how this is done in C# but the methood would be to set a obscure reg key when it is first run that encodes the date...

Easy to crack though with a tool like "procmon" from sysinternals (you can see the reg key entry and delete or reset it to when it worked)

You could call it to goto the web but that can be spoofed (easy with %systemroot%/system32/etc/host) too...

Install shield isn't the best method, but will be harder to crack than most home made stuff...
as there are tools to "unwrap" install shield from a program...

best way to limit use on a program is have two versions. One with limited functionally, and another that is paid and have the program "track back" with in-program registration to verify the identity of the user. (CPU SN, Volume ID, and WMP user ID are good to build a GUID off of)
QuestionAdding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001427-Aug-07 9:22
basi001427-Aug-07 9:22 
AnswerRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
keyboard warrior27-Aug-07 9:24
keyboard warrior27-Aug-07 9:24 
GeneralRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001427-Aug-07 9:32
basi001427-Aug-07 9:32 
AnswerRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
Spacix One27-Aug-07 10:02
Spacix One27-Aug-07 10:02 
GeneralRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001427-Aug-07 11:12
basi001427-Aug-07 11:12 
GeneralRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
Big Daddy Farang27-Aug-07 13:03
Big Daddy Farang27-Aug-07 13:03 
AnswerRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
Vikram A Punathambekar27-Aug-07 20:47
Vikram A Punathambekar27-Aug-07 20:47 
GeneralRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001428-Aug-07 4:43
basi001428-Aug-07 4:43 
AnswerRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001428-Aug-07 4:57
basi001428-Aug-07 4:57 
QuestionRequest.Form to Array Pin
keyboard warrior27-Aug-07 9:19
keyboard warrior27-Aug-07 9:19 
AnswerRe: Request.Form to Array Pin
NaNg1524127-Aug-07 9:29
NaNg1524127-Aug-07 9:29 
NewsSQLite wrapper class Pin
Igor Sokolsky27-Aug-07 8:22
Igor Sokolsky27-Aug-07 8:22 
QuestionExpose EventHandler to VBScript [modified] Pin
patrickcbrown27-Aug-07 5:53
patrickcbrown27-Aug-07 5:53 
QuestionNewbie question about "%" Pin
...---...27-Aug-07 5:34
...---...27-Aug-07 5:34 
AnswerRe: Newbie question about "%" Pin
Michael Potter27-Aug-07 5:47
Michael Potter27-Aug-07 5:47 
Questiontrying to create a bitmap from 8bit greyscale using System.Drawing.Bitmap Pin
aei_totten27-Aug-07 4:58
aei_totten27-Aug-07 4:58 
AnswerRe: trying to create a bitmap from 8bit greyscale using System.Drawing.Bitmap Pin
aei_totten27-Aug-07 5:14
aei_totten27-Aug-07 5:14 

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