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QuestionUTF-8 characters in RichTextBox with SelectedRtf... Pin
Paradox2227-Aug-07 10:00
Paradox2227-Aug-07 10:00 
QuestionIUPnPDeviceFinder Pin
MicealG27-Aug-07 9:53
MicealG27-Aug-07 9:53 
AnswerRe: IUPnPDeviceFinder Pin
Mark Churchill27-Aug-07 15:34
Mark Churchill27-Aug-07 15:34 
GeneralRe: IUPnPDeviceFinder Pin
MicealG28-Aug-07 5:38
MicealG28-Aug-07 5:38 
QuestionAdvanced Typed Dataset Pin
hamid_m27-Aug-07 9:42
hamid_m27-Aug-07 9:42 
QuestionSerial Keys. Make trial version. Examples ? Pin
finayev27-Aug-07 9:40
finayev27-Aug-07 9:40 
AnswerRe: Serial Keys. Make trial version. Examples ? Pin
Spacix One27-Aug-07 10:14
Spacix One27-Aug-07 10:14 
QuestionAdding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001427-Aug-07 9:22
basi001427-Aug-07 9:22 
In my win-form, I am binding a textbox to a property, populated through my object. The property returns a number. Let's say 55.5
I want to add a % sign at the end of this 55.5 without changing the decimal or any of the significant figures.
How can i do it?

Here is what i know so far:
In the binding panel in the text property, under the "Format type" menu, there is a "Custom" option. It has Custom format textbox. If we put the % sign in here in a correct way, it will just be added to the end of the value of the property. So far, 0.0% or 0.00% has not worked as it changes the decimal and significant figures.

Any insight will be appreciated.

AnswerRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
keyboard warrior27-Aug-07 9:24
keyboard warrior27-Aug-07 9:24 
GeneralRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001427-Aug-07 9:32
basi001427-Aug-07 9:32 
AnswerRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
Spacix One27-Aug-07 10:02
Spacix One27-Aug-07 10:02 
GeneralRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001427-Aug-07 11:12
basi001427-Aug-07 11:12 
GeneralRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
Big Daddy Farang27-Aug-07 13:03
Big Daddy Farang27-Aug-07 13:03 
AnswerRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
Vikram A Punathambekar27-Aug-07 20:47
Vikram A Punathambekar27-Aug-07 20:47 
GeneralRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001428-Aug-07 4:43
basi001428-Aug-07 4:43 
AnswerRe: Adding "%" at the end of text in a textbox Pin
basi001428-Aug-07 4:57
basi001428-Aug-07 4:57 
QuestionRequest.Form to Array Pin
keyboard warrior27-Aug-07 9:19
keyboard warrior27-Aug-07 9:19 
AnswerRe: Request.Form to Array Pin
NaNg1524127-Aug-07 9:29
NaNg1524127-Aug-07 9:29 
NewsSQLite wrapper class Pin
Igor Sokolsky27-Aug-07 8:22
Igor Sokolsky27-Aug-07 8:22 
QuestionExpose EventHandler to VBScript [modified] Pin
patrickcbrown27-Aug-07 5:53
patrickcbrown27-Aug-07 5:53 
QuestionNewbie question about "%" Pin
...---...27-Aug-07 5:34
...---...27-Aug-07 5:34 
AnswerRe: Newbie question about "%" Pin
Michael Potter27-Aug-07 5:47
Michael Potter27-Aug-07 5:47 
Questiontrying to create a bitmap from 8bit greyscale using System.Drawing.Bitmap Pin
aei_totten27-Aug-07 4:58
aei_totten27-Aug-07 4:58 
AnswerRe: trying to create a bitmap from 8bit greyscale using System.Drawing.Bitmap Pin
aei_totten27-Aug-07 5:14
aei_totten27-Aug-07 5:14 
Questionhow can i shut down my LAN? any idea Pin
nayabsiddiqi27-Aug-07 4:27
nayabsiddiqi27-Aug-07 4:27 

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