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AnswerYou mean: 'declare'? Re: How decline event in C# class ? ? ? Pin
jhwurmbach30-Jul-07 21:57
jhwurmbach30-Jul-07 21:57 
GeneralRe: You mean: 'declare'? Re: How decline event in C# class ? ? ? Pin
Yanshof30-Jul-07 22:02
Yanshof30-Jul-07 22:02 
GeneralRe: You mean: 'declare'? Re: How decline event in C# class ? ? ? Pin
originSH30-Jul-07 22:06
originSH30-Jul-07 22:06 
AnswerRe: How decline event in C# class ? ? ? [modified] Pin
Martin#30-Jul-07 22:41
Martin#30-Jul-07 22:41 
GeneralRe: How decline event in C# class ? ? ? Pin
Yanshof30-Jul-07 23:01
Yanshof30-Jul-07 23:01 
GeneralRe: How decline event in C# class ? ? ? Pin
Martin#30-Jul-07 23:05
Martin#30-Jul-07 23:05 
GeneralRe: How decline event in C# class ? ? ? Pin
Martin#30-Jul-07 23:22
Martin#30-Jul-07 23:22 
QuestionPrint the scrolled content of a windows form Pin
pranu_1330-Jul-07 21:26
pranu_1330-Jul-07 21:26 
I have a windows application in .net 2.0. I use a webbrowser control to display an asp page which is on server. Below the browser control i display an electronic signature.

My requirement is to print this form. I tried to use the memorygraphics class and take the screenshot of the form and draw the image to printer. But this gives me only the part of the form visible on the client area.
The part which is visible on scrolling the form is left. I need the complete form along with the scrolled part.

How do i do this? Can any one help me?

AnswerRe: Print the scrolled content of a windows form Pin
il_masacratore30-Jul-07 22:29
il_masacratore30-Jul-07 22:29 
AnswerRe: Print the scrolled content of a windows form Pin
Herman<T>.Instance31-Jul-07 3:00
Herman<T>.Instance31-Jul-07 3:00 
Questionaccess modifiers Pin
pavanteja30-Jul-07 21:20
pavanteja30-Jul-07 21:20 
AnswerRe: access modifiers Pin
originSH30-Jul-07 22:04
originSH30-Jul-07 22:04 
GeneralRe: access modifiers Pin
pavanteja30-Jul-07 23:11
pavanteja30-Jul-07 23:11 
GeneralRe: access modifiers Pin
Sonia Gupta30-Jul-07 23:33
Sonia Gupta30-Jul-07 23:33 
GeneralRe: access modifiers Pin
originSH31-Jul-07 0:03
originSH31-Jul-07 0:03 
GeneralRe: access modifiers Pin
pavanteja31-Jul-07 1:00
pavanteja31-Jul-07 1:00 
Generalsatellite assembly Pin
pavanteja31-Jul-07 19:12
pavanteja31-Jul-07 19:12 
QuestionTop C#/.Net sites Pin
koger30-Jul-07 20:36
koger30-Jul-07 20:36 
AnswerRe: Top C#/.Net sites Pin
Colin Angus Mackay30-Jul-07 21:20
Colin Angus Mackay30-Jul-07 21:20 
GeneralRe: Top C#/.Net sites Pin
originSH30-Jul-07 22:10
originSH30-Jul-07 22:10 
QuestionEdit icon is displaying in rowheader for datagrid Pin
Software_Guy_12330-Jul-07 19:57
Software_Guy_12330-Jul-07 19:57 
QuestionOpen files with my Application Pin
rkcsharp30-Jul-07 19:24
rkcsharp30-Jul-07 19:24 
AnswerRe: Open files with my Application Pin
Christian Graus30-Jul-07 19:48
protectorChristian Graus30-Jul-07 19:48 
GeneralRe: Open files with my Application Pin
rkcsharp30-Jul-07 20:14
rkcsharp30-Jul-07 20:14 
GeneralRe: Open files with my Application Pin
Christian Graus30-Jul-07 20:19
protectorChristian Graus30-Jul-07 20:19 

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