You don't want that... You're database will become terribly slow. Store the filename of your image instead and store the image itself on the harddrive...
I disagree with the other guy...I mean, he has a point. But sometimes you really do need to store an image in a db. You may just have to figure out a way to work around the slow down...so it's important to keep that in mind.
I work with VB not C#, but it's pretty close so you should be able to figure it out from what I give you. Basically, you need to turn the image file into an array of bytes. So your table should contain a blob column, or a column that will hold an array of bytes. So, your code would look something like this
Dim dt as New DataTable<br />
'Either fill dt with schema from access db or add column like below...<br />
dt.Columns.Add("ImageColumn", System.Type.GetType("System.Byte[]"))<br />
<br />
Dim strImageLocation as String = "C:\My Image.gif"<br />
If System.IO.File.Exists(strImageLocation) Then 'Make sure the image file exists<br />
Dim rowNew As DataRow = dt.NewRow<br />
rowNew("ImageColumn") = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(strImageLocation)<br />
dt.Rows.Add(rowNew)<br />
End If
Hope this helps.
Hello there,
Can anyone guide how to implement the regular cut/copy/paste functionalities in the windows forms combobox control? I am surprised to note that these are not present by default!
I have been able to implement copy and cut for the selected text, but Paste still remains an issue as I am not able to know the position on the combobox where I should paste from the clipboard.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks and regards
Atul Agarwal
atulagarwal56 wrote: I am surprised to note that these are not present by default!
Even I am surprised, why didnt you find that?
FYI, it is there.
I agree that its present. But guess I forgot to mention that I am using MDI forms and the same functionality is missing the moment you add a combobox to a child form. How do we solve this?
Thanks and regards,
I'm assuming that you're using a DropDownList -style combo box, because the edit box of the DropDown style already implements cut/copy/paste.
To select a particular string, use the FindString /FindStringExact methods to find the string, and set the SelectedIndex property to the returned value to select it.
How do I link data bound detail fields on a form to data bound master fields? I'm using the default setup produced by dragging fields onto the form from the Data Sources window, so I have two BindingSource objects, one for detail and one for master. The two tables are linked by a relation in the DataSet.
Hello eveybody!
I have a small question need your help.
My datagridview is bound with a dataset contains tblProduct table. A combox allows users choose a Product(B3700, NAPPLE 3'1, NAPPLE 3'2,...)
If I filter like this tblProductBingdingSource.Filter = "Product = 'B3700'" . It works well
If I repeat tblProductBingdingSource.Filter = "Product = 'NAPPLE 3'2'" , it fails to work because of existence of the quote mark.
If I replace string "Product = 'NAPPLE 3'2'" with string "Product like 'NAPPLE 3%'" , my grid will have this list of unexpected products such as NAPPLE 3'1, NAPPEL 3'2, NAPPLE 3'3,so on.
When the users choose a value from combobox such as NAPPLE 3'2, I only have an only product, NAPPLE 3'2. Please help me correct the filtering string.
I know the filtering string "Product like 'NAPPLE 3%2'" but the string is not general for all.
Thanks in advance
Sorry about my English.
It seem to be a solution or an answer.
You can replace the single quote with two of them which means that it will work, so the search term would be
"Product='NAPPLE 3''2'''"
Give it a try and post back if you need any help
I have a text box with the following properties: Enabled=true,readonly=true.
The text box is only for reading and not for modify text.
i acomplish the above tasks but i cannot get read off the cursor in the text box.
if i use Enabled=false the cursor inside the textbox gone and cannot show in it, but the text
lose its forecolor which i can not accept it.
Please advice how i can make that cursor will not show at all in the text box
Or if we use Enabled property false how i not lossing the original forecolor of the font?
Thank in advance.
U can use Moucefocus propery to False.so than no mousce focus on that
Where does MouseFocus property occur mate?
RepliCrux wrote: Where does MouseFocus property occur mate?
It doesn't. See MSDN for a complete list of available properties[^]
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"I wouldn't say boo to a goose. I'm not a coward, I just realise that it would be largely pointless."
Ready to Give up - Your help will be much appreciated.
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how can i access this property.
Do you have a link or example that i can use?
tomertro wrote: how can i access this property.
It doesn't exist. See MSDN for a complete list of available properties[^]
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"I wouldn't say boo to a goose. I'm not a coward, I just realise that it would be largely pointless."
Ready to Give up - Your help will be much appreciated.
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Thank you for your replay.
Tomer Trojman.
Catch the GotFocus event and focus another control
Very good idea, i try it and it's working good.
Thank you.
You are welcome
if you want to read it, you may also want to be able to copy (part of) its
contents, so having a cursor may be good.
thats right too, thank for your replay.
Tomer Trojman.
Hi All,
I am getting this error when I am adding user control in the form, Please me in solving this problem.
Thanks in advance.
In your user control there is a variable called emSize,
-- Either you are setting the value as 0 (and it should not be)
-- OR there is some calculation going on in the code, which is resulting the value of emSize to be 0 (which ofcourse should not be)
If that does not help, post it the usercontrol code.
No I have not use emSize variable anywhere.
The user controls is date control and code is:
Me.BackColor = g_FormBackColor
Dim obj As Object
For Each obj In Me.Controls
If TypeOf obj Is TextBox Then
obj.backcolor = g_TxtBackColor 'clrtxtbackcolor 'color.lightgray
obj.forecolor = g_TxtForeColor 'clrtxtforecolor 'color.blue
obj.font = New Font(g_strTxtFontName, g_intTxtFontSize, FontStyle.Regular) '"courier new"
'obj.borderstyle = borderstyle.fixedsingle
End If
If TypeOf obj Is Label Then
obj.font = New Font("", g_intLblFontSize, FontStyle.Bold)
End If
My code is working fine if I comment this code.
Please help me...Thanks in advance...
I did a quick search, looks like emSize has to do with System.Single, U are right.
don't know the exact reason why the code is falling over, but you can find a way out for sure.
may be 'obj.borderstyle = borderstyle.fixedsingle is the reason.