Get it[^]
Thanks and Regards,
Chetan Ranpariya
it takes so much time
i need it urgrntly
Put 2 textboxes on ur aspx page. 1st for username and 2nd for password.
Put 1 Label control to show error message.
Put 1 button also. On the click event event of the button write code which compares values from the textboxes to the values in ur datasource like sql server, xml file or MS - Access or MYSQL.
If the values are correct then redirect the user to the desired page otherview set Label's text property to the error message "Username/Password is not correct".
I hope this is fast enough.
I hope this will help you.
Thanks and Regards,
Chetan Ranpariya
'Let him Try .
Please don't give him any code.
Then only he will know how to code.
Are you a Student or Developer.
Do you want us to do your work?
ya im student
i was thinking about yahoo , microsoft
i wanted to know how do they do it?
Did you go through the Link refered by Chetan Ranpariya.
there are lot of examples and with the help of that try to implement the Login control.
If you face any error tell us we are here to help you.
Hi my dear friends,
We know when we publish a web site by VS .NET default settings, many dlls generates with random names and add a element to page directive wich refers to the particular dll file. When we change a code line in a file and recompiling web site all dll names changes and we have to upload all of dlls . Now , my question is How we can aviod this?
Is there any way to uploading just one dll which we change its code ... ?
"Sorry for my bad english "
You should have a look at this[^].
If you're question was not answered 3hrs and 20mins ago what makes you think it will be answered now?
you can see that it answered by a honorable friend "Paddy Boyd".
hi all
I am developing a web application.
And I have problem with event in UserControl.
i have userControl is search.ascx
With usercontrol search.ascx have three Control is : two DropDownList (ddlCategory and ddlProduct) and Button(search).
in Function Page_Load of search.ascx have function "LoadCategory load all category" for ("ddlCategory"). When user choose category it will Load All Product of category ("ddlProduct") with event ddlCategory_SelectedIndexChanged(). after that user choose product(“ddlProduct”) and finally click button "search".
note: ddlCategory is postback = "true" and event ddlCategory_SelectedIndexChanged()
ddlProduct is postback = "false" and event SelectedIndexChanged = “”
I have a page Default.aspx and in Page_Load
UserControl ucl = new UserControl();
ucl = (UserControl)LoadControl("search.ascx ");
but have problem:
so it don't get SelectedValue "ddlProduct".and into usercontrol it run to Load_page() function then to ddlCategory_SelectedIndexChanged() finally btlSearch_ServerClick().
"i dont understand why it run to ddlCategory_SelectedIndexChanged() ?????" when i click button search . And the ddlCategory and ddlProduct dont store value when i click search button ???
How can I get value in ddlProduct and don’t run event ddlCategory_SelectedIndexChanged() in search.ascx UserControl ????
Could u show me ???
If i drag usercontrol to “desgin” default.aspx page it run ok !!! it dont run to ddlCategory_SelectedIndexChanged() function when i click to search button and it get value ddlProduct is successful.
Here u r creating an instance of ur usercontrol in page_load of default.aspx page so it will be created everytime your aspx is loaded. Process of creation of new instance of usercontrol causes page_load of usercontrol to execute hence your ddlcategory will load data again in itself hence it wont preserve its value and so ddlproduct doesnt.
The better way it to drang and drop your usercontrol in page then use it.
of the second way is use if(!ispostback) block arount your code in page_load.
I am not sure the second way will work perfectly but the first option will 100% work.
I hope this will help you.
Thanks and Regards,
Chetan Ranpariya
hi Chetan Ranpariya
Thank reply to me
But i have three usercontrol and search is one of three usercontrol therefore i have to use dynamic usercontrol with code behind
So when i use if(!ispostback) with usercontrol search isn't feasible
Because When u choose every usercontrol if u user if(!ispostback) it dont run the function on page_load() ex: function loadallcategory on the usercontrol search.ascx
Could u show me any way solve this problem.
Why dont u put 3 usercontrols on different panel controls and make them visible/invisible as per your search criteria?
I hope this will help you.
Thanks and Regards,
Chetan Ranpariya
I have a checkbox in Login control and this control exist in MasterPage, I want that When user press 'Login' button to get login there should be a check which check whether checkbox is checked or not?. I want to write cookie base on checkbox action. I tried but could not find a right solution. Can anyone help me? Following is the hierarchy of checkbox;
Thanks and Regards,
Well you would use FindControl metod.
I am using (((Login)LoginView1.FindControl("Login1")).FindControl("rememberCheckBox")) but I don't know which is exact place to check whether checkbox is checked or not? In other words under which even I should place this? I don't have Page_Load as it is in Masterpage
Ya I know I am using following code.
I have a checkbox named "RememberMe" what I need is that when user press button to get login system should check checkbox. If checkbox is checked then write a cookie with username and passwod otherwise do nothing so what could be its solution?
Waiting for reply.
Kind Regards,
Abubakar Malik
Very simple before signing out check which type of user is selected then based on that redirect to appropriate page.
If usertype = admin then
end if
Hope that would do for you.
Zafar Iqbal
Why do you need two logins ? An admin should be an admin by virtue of their privileges, based on their username/password. Also, putting the message on the URL is a bad idea.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
I am having some image along with date of employee in sql server 2005.
i want to show all the information along with image to my web application.
how can i retrive image from database and show it to web page on specfied location.
can any one solve my problem
Have a look on following link
Hope this will help sort out things.
Zafar Iqbal
Actually i upload my jobs site demo www.jobsfreejobs.com On First Page user select the country and enter into the site but there an error occur :
Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
but i am giving all correct information i.e username, password
Please visit www.jobsfreejobs.com and tell me the problem