No, I haven't. In a prior message I tried to add new records to the end of the dataset. I was afraid to commit the updates because the dataset was hosed up.
Secondly - I need to add another button to the BindingNavigator control for updating purposes. I have to create a new image(Update) for this new button to indicate that when this button is activated it will commit the updates to the SQL Server database. I also need to write the updating code. I have put this off until I'm satisfied that the data in the dataset is represented properly.
Im just curious if the database/dataadapter connection will help resolve the ID issue because you have to think of other situations where a company has 15 apps going all with in memory datasets, how does it resolve the ID's when they're updated? It has to let SQL Server or whichever database handle the "REAL" ID's (or at least I would think so).
"Now, a man would have opened both gates, driven through and not bothered to close either gate." - Marc Clifton (The Lounge)
I don't think that will be a problem with this particular application. This application is just a tool to help the administrator with data management.
For-what-its-worth: Here is the T-SQL script for the table I'm having trouble with.
CREATE TABLE Tool_Dev.dbo.tblBindings
[BindingCode] CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
[Ordinal] INT NOT NULL,
[BindingName] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL)
Due to a lack of funds, I have been trying to use the free obfuscators for a .net assembly.
Skater Lite doesn't seem to do anything - I select the assembly to open, click the button and nothing happens. Their support team did however respond to this query with an immensely helpful reply (relevant section below)
Open your .NET assembly (dll or exe) by using "Open" dialog box. On the Info
Tab page you able to browse main assembly properties and the assembly structure as well.
Apsose Obfuscator appears to do something - at least it's busy for a minute or two. It generated something in the output/temp folder and produces a new .exe version of my app.
"Great" I thought. I then got out Reflector to have a look at this file and it produced very readable "source" code with all my original variable/method names.
Does anyone have similar experiences or any suggestions?
At the moment it's a chicken and egg situation - if I could obfuscate my code I could maybe sell a few copies, make some money and buy a decent obfuscator!!!
Didnt you try Dotfuscator..???
Not included in VS Express and I don't have the cash for the standard edition.
Using the trial version of Dotfuscator, I believe the licence prohibits use for commercial purposes.
My program is patterned after the excellent article by Sujith C. Jose entitled "How to use Stored Procedures in VB6." My stored procedure follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE empdetails (@empid varchar(9), @lastname varchar(18),
@firstname varchar(18), @deptno varchar(30), @deptname varchar(30))
UPDATE sysadm.table001
SET I0013=@firstname
WHERE I0010 = @empid
My VB6 code(edited) is:
Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim str_empid As String, strconnect As String
Dim lastname As String, firstname As String, deptno As String, deptname As String
Dim str_lastname As String, str_firstname As String, str_deptno As String, str_deptname As String
Private Sub Form_Load()
strconnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=esp; Initial Catalog=DMTESTDB"
con.Open strconnect, "sysadm", "sysadm"
str_empid = Field0
str_lastname = Field1
str_firstname = Field2
str_deptno = Field3
str_deptname = Field4
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
cmd.ActiveConnection = con
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd.CommandText = "empdetails"
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("empid", adVarChar, adParamInput, 9, str_empid)
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("lastname", adVarChar, adParamInput, 18, str_lastname)
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("firstname", adVarChar, adParamInput, 18, str_firstname)
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("deptno", adVarChar, adParamInput, 30, str_deptno)
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("deptname", adVarChar, adParamInput, 30, str_deptname)
Set rs = cmd.Execute
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing
End Sub
My stored procedure works fine in SQL Query Analyzer; I believe my database DMTESTDB opens correctly w/o error (because if I change the password, I generate an error message); and in the cmd.Parameters.Append section, the str_ variables are correctly filled from a part of the program not shown. The cmd.Execute statement runs, but does not result in a successful Update of the database table. (I did "grant" the EXEC permission in my SP for that password).
What am I missing here? I'm stumped.
Since it runs without errors my first thought is to check the value being passed for str_empid for the @empid paramiter.
You are updating WHERE I0010 = @empid, if the value for @empid doesn't match any values in your table then nothing happens.
You nailed it! Needed to LTrim leading blanks in str_empid or RTrim trailing blanks in the table. Works fine. Tx.
in a datagrid's dropevent, how can i find out, in which row the user droped? i tried to find out the row with hit-test in my dropevent, but as rowindex '-1' is given back to me.
Using Visual basic 6.0, I want to format a date and foce the date to have the AM/PM indicator, it seems as though it does not always show up
An example:
? format(now(),"m/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
5/21/2007 08:32:48
never mind, jsut figured it out just add the AM/PM to the format part of teh string...
Dim param12 As New ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf paeamthread)
Dim arr1(3) As String
arr1(0) = "trial"
arr1(1) = "parameter"
arr1(2) = "passing"
Dim tt As New Thread(AddressOf param12)
paeamthread is a method with object type parameter
i am just trying to change the code from a sample c#project from our code project
wat i have to do to correct the error
it shows error at
Dim tt As New Thread(AddressOf param12) as 'AddressOf' operand must be the name of a method (without parentheses).
pls help me
with regards
You don't have a method in your code called "param12". What's the name of the method you want this thread to start on? What does the code look like defining it?
this is the sample code from which i tried.its from a codeproject article
now tell me the way in which i can use parameterizedthreadstart
there param12 is object of parameterizedthreadstart
ParameterizedThreadStart pts = new ParameterizedThreadStart(MyParameterizedMethod);
Thread t = new Thread(pts);
double d = 123d;
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
WaitCallback myCallback = new WaitCallback(MyParameterizedMethod);
if (!ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(myCallback, al))
throw new Exception("Not able to queue work item");
private void MyParameterizedMethod(Object o)
ArrayList al = (ArrayList) o;
String param1 = (String) al[0];
int param2 = (int)al[1];
with regards
Cute and all, but this isn't YOUR code. This is the code you're trying to make work.
I want to see YOUR code.
yeah true. i never said u thats my code
i have already posted the code now again i am pasting the code
Dim param12 As New ParameterizedThreadStart(AddressOf paeamthread)
Dim arr1(3) As String
arr1(0) = "trial"
arr1(1) = "parameter"
arr1(2) = "passing"
Dim tt As New Thread(AddressOf param12)
then why its saying method should be without parameter in thread . its obvious for normal thread i am trying to do parameterizedthreadstart
with regards
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim newThread As New Thread(AddressOf worker)
Dim arrParameters(2) As String
arrParameters(0) = "This "
arrParameters(1) = "is "
arrParameters(2) = "a test!"
End Sub
Private Sub worker(ByVal param As Object)
Dim params() As String = DirectCast(param, String())
For Each s As String In params
End Sub
In order to use this, you have to be using .NET 2.0 and VB.NET 2005.
In web development the Cancel button would always be set to Causes Validation = False so how can I reproduce that in a Windows App where I might be in the middle of entering data but decide to close the form using the X button and I need to be able to close it without it validating and this looks like the only way for me to check the values of the databound textboxes without it getting to the Null entry on an Integer column and throwing an exception.
"Now, a man would have opened both gates, driven through and not bothered to close either gate." - Marc Clifton (The Lounge)
Try handling the Form's Closing event and turning off it's CausesValidation property.
Dave Kreskowiak wrote: Try handling the Form's Closing event and turning off it's CausesValidation property.
Wow, duh on my part. I have MDI forms and I was thinking that if I turned the "CausesValidation" off on the parent form it would work since that is where the "X" is...oh well. Thanks!
"Now, a man would have opened both gates, driven through and not bothered to close either gate." - Marc Clifton (The Lounge)
But the FormClosing event happens *after* the Validating events of the controls on the Form, because they are triggered by the loss of focus.
I hope you realise that hamsters are very creative when it comes to revenge. - Elaine
this is sanapathi
i have three text boxes in my .aspx page like title,datesbetween.
now i want to get the data from sqlserver database.in the database under videos table i have the fields like title,dateentered,videoid.how can i retrieve data from the data base.
I have an updatepanel with a little animation in it and I want to trigger this when the user clicks the button in the loign control.
But everytime I add a trigger of LoginControl - OnLoggingIn it throws this error the first time the site is run (after a service start or a long period)
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message recived from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), reponse filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.<br />
Details: Error parsing near '_WS/SE/Welcome.aspx|<html><br />
<head><br />
Anyone know why this is? Or how to help?