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QuestionAbout iTextSharp Pin
Diego F.11-Apr-07 5:48
Diego F.11-Apr-07 5:48 
AnswerRe: About iTextSharp Pin
Diego F.11-Apr-07 6:11
Diego F.11-Apr-07 6:11 
GeneralRe: About iTextSharp Pin
Diego F.11-Apr-07 21:08
Diego F.11-Apr-07 21:08 
QuestionCopying text/contents from browser in Smart device simulator Pin
Neo_Shehpar11-Apr-07 5:36
Neo_Shehpar11-Apr-07 5:36 
QuestionParameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
plokkoville11-Apr-07 5:11
plokkoville11-Apr-07 5:11 
AnswerRe: Parameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
Luc Pattyn11-Apr-07 13:42
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn11-Apr-07 13:42 
AnswerRe: Parameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
plokkoville15-Apr-07 23:46
plokkoville15-Apr-07 23:46 
GeneralRe: Parameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
plokkoville11-May-07 4:16
plokkoville11-May-07 4:16 
Hi All,

The solution seems to work. The Using Statement caused the Dispose function of the Webbrowser to be called. This solution was already implemented, but the problem remained.

Because the old version of the software, where the Dispose was not called, was running before, old "resource claims" probably were still active.

A reboot of the system seems to have solved the problem by releasing those claimed resources. The system is running fine now for a month now, while before to the problem occured every 4 or 5 days at least.

Luc, thanx for the help!

GeneralRe: Parameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
Luc Pattyn11-May-07 7:14
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn11-May-07 7:14 
QuestionGIS programming Pin
cols291011-Apr-07 5:11
cols291011-Apr-07 5:11 
AnswerRe: GIS programming Pin
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 6:03
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 6:03 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
cols291011-Apr-07 20:40
cols291011-Apr-07 20:40 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 23:52
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 23:52 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
cols291012-Apr-07 0:11
cols291012-Apr-07 0:11 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
Ed.Poore12-Apr-07 0:53
Ed.Poore12-Apr-07 0:53 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
cols291012-Apr-07 1:04
cols291012-Apr-07 1:04 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
Ed.Poore12-Apr-07 1:31
Ed.Poore12-Apr-07 1:31 
QuestionVisual Studio 2003. CVSRepo Pin
123456uio11-Apr-07 4:47
123456uio11-Apr-07 4:47 
QuestionDatagrid sorting Pin
mehmetned11-Apr-07 4:21
mehmetned11-Apr-07 4:21 
AnswerRe: Datagrid sorting Pin
thomasa11-Apr-07 4:42
thomasa11-Apr-07 4:42 
Questionmanual updation in clickonce,Deployment Pin
pashitech11-Apr-07 4:10
pashitech11-Apr-07 4:10 
AnswerRe: manual updation in clickonce,Deployment Pin
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 23:54
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 23:54 
QuestionRegistring COM object Pin
Stevo Z11-Apr-07 3:41
Stevo Z11-Apr-07 3:41 
AnswerRe: Registring COM object Pin
Stevo Z11-Apr-07 4:22
Stevo Z11-Apr-07 4:22 
QuestionAdding WebDav Server to Windows Application Pin
Komil11-Apr-07 3:19
Komil11-Apr-07 3:19 

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