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QuestionInteger/Decimal control in Windows Froms Pin
Nooie25-Apr-07 13:59
Nooie25-Apr-07 13:59 
AnswerRe: Integer/Decimal control in Windows Froms Pin
Christian Graus25-Apr-07 14:21
protectorChristian Graus25-Apr-07 14:21 
QuestionCombinations or Permutations or something else?? Pin
allenmpcx25-Apr-07 12:18
allenmpcx25-Apr-07 12:18 
AnswerRe: Combinations or Permutations or something else?? Pin
Arun.Immanuel25-Apr-07 15:08
Arun.Immanuel25-Apr-07 15:08 
AnswerRe: Combinations or Permutations or something else?? [modified] Pin
Luc Pattyn25-Apr-07 15:52
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn25-Apr-07 15:52 
GeneralRe: Combinations or Permutations or something else?? Pin
Arun.Immanuel25-Apr-07 16:09
Arun.Immanuel25-Apr-07 16:09 
Questionsolution urgent please Pin
netJP12L25-Apr-07 12:11
netJP12L25-Apr-07 12:11 
AnswerRe: solution urgent please Pin
Colin Angus Mackay25-Apr-07 21:22
Colin Angus Mackay25-Apr-07 21:22 
You could set up a class in the project with the resource that gets the resources. The second project could use that class to get the resources it needs.

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GeneralRe: solution urgent please Pin
netJP12L26-Apr-07 8:48
netJP12L26-Apr-07 8:48 
QuestionHiding the UI Pin
AAKAra25-Apr-07 12:04
AAKAra25-Apr-07 12:04 
AnswerRe: Hiding the UI Pin
caix25-Apr-07 15:19
caix25-Apr-07 15:19 
GeneralRe: Hiding the UI Pin
AAKAra27-Apr-07 4:12
AAKAra27-Apr-07 4:12 
GeneralRe: Hiding the UI [modified] Pin
caix29-Apr-07 13:44
caix29-Apr-07 13:44 
Questionanother windows form questions Pin
MarkSchultz25-Apr-07 11:44
MarkSchultz25-Apr-07 11:44 
AnswerRe: another windows form questions Pin
Rocky#25-Apr-07 22:22
Rocky#25-Apr-07 22:22 
Questiondrag drop operations between 2 listboxes Pin
rzvme25-Apr-07 8:53
rzvme25-Apr-07 8:53 
AnswerRe: drag drop operations between 2 listboxes Pin
Paul Conrad25-Apr-07 9:48
professionalPaul Conrad25-Apr-07 9:48 
AnswerRe: drag drop operations between 2 listboxes Pin
Dan Neely25-Apr-07 10:27
Dan Neely25-Apr-07 10:27 
GeneralRe: drag drop operations between 2 listboxes Pin
Paul Conrad25-Apr-07 10:56
professionalPaul Conrad25-Apr-07 10:56 
Questionproblem with passing method to thread class. Pin
hdv21225-Apr-07 8:39
hdv21225-Apr-07 8:39 
AnswerRe: problem with passing method to thread class. Pin
Tarakeshwar Reddy25-Apr-07 8:53
professionalTarakeshwar Reddy25-Apr-07 8:53 
AnswerRe: problem with passing method to thread class. Pin
Jimmanuel25-Apr-07 9:11
Jimmanuel25-Apr-07 9:11 
QuestionGetting position of IBean of RichTextBox Pin
Adobe200725-Apr-07 7:09
Adobe200725-Apr-07 7:09 
AnswerRe: Getting position of IBean of RichTextBox Pin
Adobe200725-Apr-07 7:12
Adobe200725-Apr-07 7:12 
GeneralRe: Getting position of IBean of RichTextBox Pin
Dan Neely25-Apr-07 7:16
Dan Neely25-Apr-07 7:16 

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