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GeneralRe: Create a user on the aspnet_users tables on a web service Pin
Cheng Dehua20-Apr-07 20:00
Cheng Dehua20-Apr-07 20:00 
GeneralRe: Create a user on the aspnet_users tables on a web service Pin
coolestCoder22-Apr-07 19:04
coolestCoder22-Apr-07 19:04 
GeneralRe: Create a user on the aspnet_users tables on a web service Pin
Cheng Dehua1-May-07 15:20
Cheng Dehua1-May-07 15:20 
Question[Message Deleted] Pin
Nadia Monalisa20-Apr-07 16:43
Nadia Monalisa20-Apr-07 16:43 
AnswerRe: Logging Keyboard activities Pin
coolestCoder20-Apr-07 18:39
coolestCoder20-Apr-07 18:39 
AnswerRe: Logging Keyboard activities Pin
Arun.Immanuel20-Apr-07 18:51
Arun.Immanuel20-Apr-07 18:51 
GeneralRe: Logging Keyboard activities [modified] Pin
Nadia Monalisa21-Apr-07 2:52
Nadia Monalisa21-Apr-07 2:52 
Questioncopying row in datagridview Pin
phantanagu20-Apr-07 15:53
phantanagu20-Apr-07 15:53 
My code is here
private void copyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataObject obj = dataGridView1.GetClipboardContent();
str = obj.GetText(TextDataFormat.CommaSeparatedValue).Substring(1).Split(',');


private void pasteToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataGridViewRow dgvRow = dataGridView1.Rows[0];
for (int i = 0; i < str.GetLength(0); i++)
dgvRow.Cells[i].Value = str[i];
catch (Exception ex)


But it throws an exception "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound"
I am very confused. Kindly help me. Thanks

It seem to be a solution or an answer.

AnswerRe: copying row in datagridview Pin
Anil Ch23-Apr-07 11:07
Anil Ch23-Apr-07 11:07 
Questionget / set methods Pin
cbin20-Apr-07 14:23
cbin20-Apr-07 14:23 
AnswerRe: get / set methods Pin
Colin Angus Mackay20-Apr-07 14:40
Colin Angus Mackay20-Apr-07 14:40 
QuestionDatagrid Pin
Scalee20-Apr-07 13:32
Scalee20-Apr-07 13:32 
QuestionExtraction rule and Validation Rule, VSTS Pin
sreecahitu20-Apr-07 12:33
sreecahitu20-Apr-07 12:33 
QuestionString width in pixels Pin
AndrusM20-Apr-07 11:29
AndrusM20-Apr-07 11:29 
AnswerRe: String width in pixels Pin
Judah Gabriel Himango20-Apr-07 11:56
sponsorJudah Gabriel Himango20-Apr-07 11:56 
GeneralRe: String width in pixels Pin
AndrusM20-Apr-07 12:13
AndrusM20-Apr-07 12:13 
GeneralRe: String width in pixels Pin
Christian Graus20-Apr-07 16:56
protectorChristian Graus20-Apr-07 16:56 
GeneralRe: String width in pixels Pin
AndrusM21-Apr-07 4:53
AndrusM21-Apr-07 4:53 
GeneralRe: String width in pixels Pin
Christian Graus21-Apr-07 23:54
protectorChristian Graus21-Apr-07 23:54 
GeneralRe: String width in pixels Pin
AndrusM22-Apr-07 0:14
AndrusM22-Apr-07 0:14 
GeneralRe: String width in pixels Pin
AndrusM22-Apr-07 11:28
AndrusM22-Apr-07 11:28 
Questionc# dll referencing Pin
Ian Perera20-Apr-07 11:14
Ian Perera20-Apr-07 11:14 
AnswerRe: c# dll referencing Pin
Judah Gabriel Himango20-Apr-07 11:56
sponsorJudah Gabriel Himango20-Apr-07 11:56 
GeneralRe: c# dll referencing Pin
Ian Perera20-Apr-07 13:39
Ian Perera20-Apr-07 13:39 
AnswerRe: c# dll referencing Pin
sthotakura20-Apr-07 12:09
sthotakura20-Apr-07 12:09 

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