When the new webbrowser in .NETCF 2.0 is loading, a progress bar is displayed at the base of the control.
Does anyone know how to stop this from appearing?
I'm only using the control as a HTML viewer, so I really don't want to see the progress bar everytime I send new information to the page.
I have an ActiveX control which behaves well outside of the .NET environment. However when i used it via interop i can't seem to set the backcolor and forecolor properties.
Anyone any ideas?
AX controls don't always respond to .NET standards, such as having Fore and Back colors. This is probably settable only if the Ax control provides some means of of setting those explicitly outside the normal properties.
Yeah, its quite strange the ActiveX Control supports BackColor and ForeColor. When they come through COM Interop - the AxInterop file exposes them as .NET Color type. The standard interop files gives an interface with them as UINT.
Neither of which work! Very frustrating considering the control works fine ouside of .NET.
I'm sure there's a way to get this to work. What is the method/property that COM really exposes to set the back color? (e.g. not the one .NET is showing you)
I agree...
It looks like interop is not calling through to the old property on the control.
But i am at a loss... Managed to cast it back to the original interface that exposed the backcolor as uint. Bu that didn't help.
AJ123 wrote: Managed to cast it back to the original interface that exposed the backcolor as uint.
So setting the uint didn't work?
Hi all,
I launch a windows application from another windows application in .net.It is launched as a process by clicking a button.
When i click the button multiple times without gap atleast 2 times or more, i need to ignore the subsequent clicks till the application is loaded completely.
How do i do this?
One way to do this is create a private variable. Set this with the first click and then re-set it later. The code would be something like this:
private bool processing;
if (!processing)
processing = true;
processing = false;
Hope that helps.
Why not disable the button till you want to accept subsequent clicks.
Im trying to update the content in the database but it doesnt work i dont understand why.
I commented most of the code tell me if something is unclear
Get content code:
//if creating new file use textbox1 rather then the double clicked data cell
string fns = "";
if (open == false)
dataGridView1.CurrentCell = this.dataGridView1[0, e.RowIndex];
fns = dataGridView1.CurrentCell.Value.ToString();
//use filename box (file creation)
fns = textBox1.Text;
// get content where name == fns
SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(sqlcon);
a = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT [Content], [primkey], [Name] FROM Keeper WHERE [Name] ='" + fns + "'", sqlcon);
a.Fill(s, "Keeper");
foreach (DataRow dr in s.Tables[0].Rows)
dataGridView2.DataSource = s;
dataGridView2.DataMember = "Keeper";
//get content from datagrid insert into richtextbox
dataGridView2.CurrentCell = this.dataGridView2[0, 0];
richTextBox1.Text = dataGridView2.CurrentCell.Value.ToString();
catch (SqlException sqlexcp)
//close connection, reset bool, bring up editor
open = false;
Save content:
//get content from textbox insert into datagrid
dataGridView2.CurrentCell = this.dataGridView2[0, 0];
dataGridView2.CurrentCell.Value = richTextBox1.Text;
//update DB
SqlCommandBuilder mySqlCommandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(a);
a.Update(s, "Keeper");
try to use sql interogation
i am not sure but i think you update only one dataset not the dataBase
So how would i update the database?
I'm new in the field of software engineering and feel kinda like depressed over the rapid change and introduction of new technologies, trends etc in this field. I know that no other training methdologies can replace the learning from a good book. However to acquire knowledge from book you gotta have a good amount of time. Unfortunately due to uncertainity of my job timing I'm unable to attend any class regularly. So I though there are few sites which offers online video trainings. Can u guys quote me a good site where I can find good amount of videos trainings etc. Like learnvisualstudio.net what do you guys suggest. Offcourse I'm willing to spend some money.
Read articles on CP. You always learn something new!!
Our developers never release
code. Rather, it tends to escape, pillaging the countryside all around.
The Enlightenment Project (paraphrased comment)
Visit Me at GISDevCafe
Some employers will pay for you to attend classes to further hone skills needed to perform your job. If you do gain employment with one of these companies, ask if you could take some programming courses from a local university. They might be willing to help, and it might be free for you.
Good luck!
But guys what about these Video training sites? any suggestion on that or any good site you wanna share.
What is Diffgram? How it is used ?
A DiffGram is an XML format that is used to identify current and original versions of data elements. Since the DataSet uses XML format to store and transfer data, it also use DiffGrams to keep track of the original data and the current data. When a DataSet is written as a DiffGram, not only a DiffGram stores original and current data, it also stores row versions, error information, and their orders.
For more Info abt the DiffGram
Dear all,
Hi in my application i have one gif file i need to convert that gif file to .doc formate can any body can give guidance in this situation
thanks & regards,
.doc is used to store text documents, .gif is used to store image infomation. Are you saying you want to place a .gif image inside a new .doc? If so, search for "Tools for Microsoft Office"
Dear All,
PLease let me know how to display hierarchical data in Datagridview control of Windows forms. I want the Datagridview to display hierarchical data .