i have created windows application in .net 2005
then i have created setup Project for that application
i want create setup project with .net Frame work
when the user start installing the setup it should verify
wether the (needed frame work for that application ) is availeable in the system, if not it should install the framework first. then my application.
how to do this, is it possible ?
any ides or refrences ?
thank u
I always write a C++ app to do this, to install the framework, and run my MSI.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
thakes for replay
i didn't get u r idea fully
please can u give more explanation
how to do this in c++. i have only littel knowladege in c++
thank u
I write an application, in C++, which has buttons to install things, checks the registry to see what's already installed, and uses shellexecute to run the installers I need to run.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
Thank you sir for you replay.
i have got your idea.
i will try to implement as per your idea
Thank u
Hey hello dere,
well i m also working with .net in windows application. can u plz justify me what exactly u want with setup.
Do u want to make setup of ur project?
Hello Forum
Always be in touch to help about the topic ASP.NET
i have created setup project .
i want this to be installed in my freinds computer.
he has not got .net Framework any version.
as my setup installing starts if first need to chek wether the freamework is avilable if not at first the framework has to be installed
then my project files has to be installed.
this is my problem
any solution?
thank u
i have created setup project .
i want this to this installed in my friends computer.
he has not got any version in .net Framework .
as my setup installing starts,
if first need to chek wether the freamework is avilable in the system
if not at first the framework has to be installed
then my project files has to be installed.
this is my problem
any solution?
thank u
Certainly first .NET framework needs to be checked, if there is no .NET framework in any case you application will not work. May be you can alert the user from the installation package (I mean msi installation package). To install it and then proceed with application installation...
Jaiprakash M Bankolli
Dear Friend
Thanks For your replay
it is a good idea. this error message is shown by default.
my problem is when i double click on the exe, the message is thrown that .net
framework is not available" to run the setup itself it needs framework
my idea is we can include "fremework setup" with the setup Project while the user clicks on the exe at first the framework then my project need to be installed. is it possible? i am not fully aware of taking setup. this is my idea thats all.
Thank u.
If you are trying to put .NET framework then your set up will be of huge size.... I will certainly not advice this !!!
Jaiprakash M Bankolli
Hi joe, well first of i want tot clear out that, there's no need of any frame work at the side of the installation of ur application.
all what u need to do is use the "Add setup project" by right clickinh over the solution explorer of ur project.
First try this and if u need more assistance than mail to me at sulabh@sampatti.com
Hello Forum
Always be in touch to help about the topic ASP.NET
Dear Friend,
thanks for replay
i didn't your idea fully,
can you please explain more
i have created a setup project as a separate one . not in the project solution
then i have added the files ( Exe and Dll) in the setup project
then i build the solution, now i have got (project.msi) and (project.exe) files in the debug folder of the setup project
then i took the msi file and tried to install in my friends computer
i have message box ".net framework is not available do u want ot install"
when i click "yes " in the message box it goes to the Internet explorer. my friend doesn't have Internet connection.
what shell i do now?
steps please
thank u
hello... i have created a panel on which one can draw image...i want to copy the image drawn on the panel into a bitmap of fixed size... i want the boundaries cut off ie i want only the region where drawing has occured... plz help
have a look at Control.DrawToBitmap()
hello... tried the method but i was getting only the background color of the panel ie only white bitmap when the panel was of color white... the bitmap didn't have the square that i drew on the panel...
you must do all drawing in the Paint event handler; if you dont you will not see
your drawing when for some reason the control needs to be redrawn (e.g. when
your form gets restored from minimized/maximized, when an overlapping form gets removed,
when printing, etc).
When you change the things that need to be drawn, just call Invalidate() to fire
the paint event.
Initially XML file is like this
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<laser LaserName="Laser1" ModelName="Nufern v1.0" SerialNo="1" ManufacturerName="Nufern v1.0" Maximumpower="200w" >
<WaveType Name="CW Ramp" url="ramp.html" isavailable="true" />
<WaveType Name="CW Analog" url="analog.html" isavailable="true" />
<property id="228" name="BRM" currval="0" prgbar="true" selected="true" min="0" max="100" pwd="true" units="C"
gauge="false" thresholdval="10" />
<property id="200" name="Output power" currval="0" prgbar="true" selected="true" min="0" max="100" pwd="false" units="C"
gauge="true" thresholdval="10" />
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>namespace is EncryptDecrypt
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
xmldoc.Load(Application.StartupPath + @"\laserProp.xml");
XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmldoc.NameTable);
mgr.AddNamespace(string.Empty, "urn:MyNamespace");
XmlNodeList xmlnodelist;
XmlElement ele = xmldoc.DocumentElement;
xmlnodelist= ele.SelectNodes("//lasers//laser//properties//tabular//property",mgr);
Is working fine but, to validate xml with xsd i made changes to the xml as
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<lasers xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:MyNamespace" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:MyNamespace
<laser LaserName="Laser1" ModelName="Nufern v1.0" SerialNo="1" ManufacturerName="Nufern v1.0" Maximumpower="200w"
<properties xmlns="urn:MyNamespace">
<WaveType Name="CW Ramp" url="ramp.html" isavailable="true" />
<WaveType Name="CW Analog" url="analog.html" isavailable="true" />
<property id="228" name="BRM" currval="0" prgbar="true" selected="true" min="0" max="100" pwd="true"
units="C" gauge="false" thresholdval="10"/>
<property id="200" name="Output power" currval="0" prgbar="true" selected="true" min="0" max="100"
pwd="false" units="C" gauge="true" thresholdval="10"/>
Now the same xpath is not working
I also tried with urn:EncryptDecrypt but no result
please help me on this
Thanks in advance
-- modified at 7:06 Saturday 14th April, 2007
Initially XML file is like this
<laser lasername="Laser1" modelname="Nufern v1.0" serialno="1" manufacturername="Nufern v1.0" maximumpower="200w">
<wavetype name="CW Ramp" url="ramp.html" isavailable="true">
<wavetype name="CW Analog" url="analog.html" isavailable="true">
<property id="228" name="BRM" currval="0" prgbar="true" selected="true" min="0" max="100" pwd="true" units="C"
gauge="false" thresholdval="10">
<property id="200" name="Output power" currval="0" prgbar="true" selected="true" min="0" max="100" pwd="false" units="C"
="" gauge="true" thresholdval="10">
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>namespace is EncryptDecrypt
XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
xmldoc.Load(Application.StartupPath + @"\laserProp.xml");
XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmldoc.NameTable);
mgr.AddNamespace(string.Empty, "urn:MyNamespace");
XmlNodeList xmlnodelist;
XmlElement ele = xmldoc.DocumentElement;
xmlnodelist= ele.SelectNodes("//lasers//laser//properties//tabular//property",mgr);
Is working fine but, to validate xml with xsd i made changes to the xml as
<lasers xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:MyNamespace" xsi:schemalocation="urn:MyNamespace
<laser lasername="Laser1" modelname="Nufern v1.0" serialno="1" manufacturername="Nufern v1.0" maximumpower="200w"
<properties xmlns="urn:MyNamespace">
<wavetype name="CW Ramp" url="ramp.html" isavailable="true">
<wavetype name="CW Analog" url="analog.html" isavailable="true">
<property id="228" name="BRM" currval="0" prgbar="true" selected="true" min="0" max="100" pwd="true"
units="C" gauge="false" thresholdval="10">
<property id="200" name="Output power" currval="0" prgbar="true" selected="true" min="0" max="100"
pwd="false" units="C" gauge="true" thresholdval="10">
Now the same xpath is not working
I also tried with urn:EncryptDecrypt but no result
praveenkumar palla
I find it very difficult to believe that you're not the same person who posted the exact same question earlier today, and got the right answer given to them. If this is an incredible co-incidence, go down a page, and you'll see that another user asked the same question, and got the right answer as to what the problem is.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
I have a listview with items. I select, for instance 2 items for removal. I run my code to remove in database, wich work just correct.
Then i run my method for fill, in a class, to refill the listview from database.
In the case where i selected 2 items only 1 disappered from the listview, the other is still showing. If i select 1 item, that one is still showing after the fill.
I do not understand what happens. I rather new in C# but i have done the same in VB.NET and FoxPro 9.0 and i have no problems.
Here is the code. Anybody that can tip me about whats wrong ?
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
clsReadKatalog clsReadKatalog;
clsReadKatalog = new clsReadKatalog();
foreach (int idx in this.Katalog.SelectedIndices)
String xid = this.Katalog.Items[idx].SubItems[5].Text;
int tabortid = this.Katalog.Items[idx].Index;
clsReadKatalog.TaBortPost(xid); // DELETE FROM DATABASE
String urval = null;
urval = "SELECT * FROM pwd WHERE ownid="
+ "'" + this.GlobalAnvändare + "'"
+ " AND posttyp='1'";
OdbcDataReader Reader = clsReadKatalog.LäsKatalog(urval);
if (Reader.HasRows)
clsReadKatalog.FyllKatalog(Reader, this.Katalog); // REFILL FROM DATABASE
Here is the code for fill listview: This is the same method i run the first time, to fill the listview, before i make my selection for remove, and then it pick right from database.
public void FyllKatalog(OdbcDataReader Reader,ListView Lista)
int x=0;
while (Reader.Read())
x += 1;
With Kind Regards
Heino Nurmik
henur wrote: String xid = this.Katalog.Items[idx].SubItems[5].Text;
int tabortid = this.Katalog.Items[idx].Index;
clsReadKatalog.TaBortPost(xid); // DELETE FROM DATABASE
Wouldn't a proc that takes a collection of Ids to delete make more sense ? What is tabortid used for ?
henur wrote: Lista.Items.Clear();
int x=0;
while (Reader.Read())
x += 1;
If this pulls out data you thought you deleted, then you can't possibly have deleted it. Unless the reader was created before something was deleted, but that doesn't seem possible, either.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
Ok , "tabortid" is just a remaining after that i removed the items by the selected items.index.
But about the deletion, yes they are removed in the database. In debug-mode i do a hold, and then open the access-database and check the table....and they are gone.
And really, i have a similar problem in an other place. When i add a item, when i refill the listview the new one is not added to the view, but be sure! ...it is in the database.
So...i don't get it!
What you're describing is not possible. If you delete a row, and refresh from the DB, the row will be gone, unless you don't clear the control first ( and I see, you did ). So, something else is going on here.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
That's true...something else....
Well , i will go thru my code again and see if i can find anything that could cause my problem.
As you said earlier "...if the reader is created before.." in some way the problem "feels" like that. So i will check that possibility.