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GeneralRe: Printing - Changing a font within a line. Pin
MarkSchultz14-Apr-07 6:51
MarkSchultz14-Apr-07 6:51 
GeneralRe: Printing - Changing a font within a line. Pin
Dave Kreskowiak15-Apr-07 3:42
mveDave Kreskowiak15-Apr-07 3:42 
QuestionThread safe / Cloned XmlSerializer Pin
Tristan Rhodes14-Apr-07 3:25
Tristan Rhodes14-Apr-07 3:25 
AnswerRe: Thread safe / Cloned XmlSerializer Pin
Judah Gabriel Himango17-Apr-07 3:42
sponsorJudah Gabriel Himango17-Apr-07 3:42 
QuestionPlaying contineous sound file on word document1 Pin
sulabh202014-Apr-07 2:27
sulabh202014-Apr-07 2:27 
QuestionAdding Bullets using c# code Pin
sulabh202014-Apr-07 2:20
sulabh202014-Apr-07 2:20 
AnswerRe: Adding Bullets using c# code Pin
Sathesh Sakthivel14-Apr-07 4:46
Sathesh Sakthivel14-Apr-07 4:46 
Questionhow to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Nkuttynasi14-Apr-07 2:00
Nkuttynasi14-Apr-07 2:00 
i have created windows application in .net 2005
then i have created setup Project for that application

i want create setup project with .net Frame work

when the user start installing the setup it should verify
wether the (needed frame work for that application ) is availeable in the system, if not it should install the framework first. then my application.

how to do this, is it possible ?

any ides or refrences ?

thank u

AnswerRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Christian Graus14-Apr-07 2:14
protectorChristian Graus14-Apr-07 2:14 
GeneralRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Nkuttynasi14-Apr-07 3:02
Nkuttynasi14-Apr-07 3:02 
GeneralRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Christian Graus14-Apr-07 13:39
protectorChristian Graus14-Apr-07 13:39 
GeneralRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Nkuttynasi16-Apr-07 6:24
Nkuttynasi16-Apr-07 6:24 
AnswerRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
sulabh202014-Apr-07 2:34
sulabh202014-Apr-07 2:34 
GeneralRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Nkuttynasi14-Apr-07 2:55
Nkuttynasi14-Apr-07 2:55 
GeneralRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Nkuttynasi14-Apr-07 2:57
Nkuttynasi14-Apr-07 2:57 
GeneralRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Jaiprakash M Bankolli14-Apr-07 4:07
Jaiprakash M Bankolli14-Apr-07 4:07 
GeneralRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Nkuttynasi16-Apr-07 6:21
Nkuttynasi16-Apr-07 6:21 
GeneralRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Jaiprakash M Bankolli16-Apr-07 6:42
Jaiprakash M Bankolli16-Apr-07 6:42 
AnswerRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
sulabh202015-Apr-07 18:18
sulabh202015-Apr-07 18:18 
GeneralRe: how to Create setup with .net Framework Pin
Nkuttynasi16-Apr-07 6:12
Nkuttynasi16-Apr-07 6:12 
Questionpanel to image Pin
haseeb_saeed14-Apr-07 1:15
haseeb_saeed14-Apr-07 1:15 
AnswerRe: panel to image Pin
Luc Pattyn14-Apr-07 1:32
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn14-Apr-07 1:32 
GeneralRe: panel to image Pin
haseeb_saeed14-Apr-07 23:13
haseeb_saeed14-Apr-07 23:13 
GeneralRe: panel to image Pin
Luc Pattyn15-Apr-07 0:09
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn15-Apr-07 0:09 
Questionxpath not working [modified] Pin
praveenkumar palla14-Apr-07 1:01
praveenkumar palla14-Apr-07 1:01 

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