It's still visible, no need to repost. Remember that people in the US are asleep, and the service is free, so you need to just wait until someone answers you.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
Christian Graus wrote: Remember that people in the US are asleep, and the service is free
Good blog Colin. Captures the reasons eloquently.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
Thank you - however someone didn't like the link as they voted down my post. Oh, well...
I think the drive by's are leaking out of the lounge.
Deja View - the feeling that you've seen this post before.
Hi, Im trying to change the look/style of my datagridview control. Is there a way to change the color, border etc for specific cells. Id like every cell that doesnt contain any data to have the same color as my form without any border and cells containing data to have a white background and sunken into the form so that they appear as normal textboxes?
Maybe the answer for your problem is no.
Datagridview doesn't still support for formatting any discrete cells.
DefaultGridCellStyle property is designed to format a column or all columns of datagridview.
It seem to be a solution or an answer.
So im not able to change the border for a single cell but for a specific column? how do you do that? /thanks
Certainly you can change the color of each cell in row databound event !!! you can access these information and set the proper color
Jaiprakash M Bankolli
I have an DataGridView with total of 14 columns. Two of those columns are Images.
The application is supposed to run 24/7. The grid is constantly refreshed from background worker with new data.
New rows are added programatically into datatable which is datasource of binding source that is grid data source. Also, periodically (approx. every 30 min.) whole table is refreshed with query from SQL server.
After approximately more than 12 hrs of non stop working the grid slows down as I have more than 100.000 records displayed.
I have found that when its slows down, I just hide the image columns, the grid starts to act normaly, but then when I return those columns visible status to true, everything slows down again.
I have tried everything. Bounded images from datasource, images from cell formating event, virtual mode, really everything.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
DataGridView is a ... . I have suffered something similar. I tried to load a 33000 rows datatable and it were to slow loading.
My solution (and maybe yours) is create a new user control (datagridview with buttons to scroll up/down one by one and by one page) that envolves the datagrid but I have implemented my own datasource. When I set a dataset as a datasource, the control segments the datatable to load only the rows that I can see (10-15). Then, when I scroll down it loads the next group of rows.
It works good and is not very difficult. And the load and the scroll time have been reduced. Good luck!
Thanks for your answer,
I've allready tought about such solution and I like it. But the problem is not in the number of records. The problem is with image columns.
Yesterday I have tried my last desperate atempt to solve the problem and it works.
Here is what I have done:
When datatable refresh background worker executes (approx. every 4 seconds), then I execute the following code also (but not allways, let say every 60 min.):
int index = this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.Index;
int displayindex = this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.DisplayIndex;
bool visible = this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.Visible;
int width = this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.Width;
string name = this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.Name;
string hdr = this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.HeaderText;
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol = new DataGridViewImageColumn(); // 1. most important line
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.DisplayIndex = displayindex;
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.Visible = visible;
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.Width = width;
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.ContextMenuStrip = this.gridAllMenuStrip;
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.HeaderText = "";
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.Name = name;
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.ReadOnly = true;
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.True;
this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol.HeaderText = hdr;
this.gridAll.Columns.Insert(index, this.dispatchstatusImageAllCol); // 2. important line
This is probably the proof that there is a memory management problem with DataGridViewImageColumn.
Can u provide me with an example of a date routine that will return the begin and ending period for a week number. For example, if week 14 for 2007 was provided, the routine would return starting date 08/04/2007 and ending week 14/04/2007.
Input Provided - week number (1 - 53), and Year(cccc)
Output - week begin date and week end date
Revathi Raj
private void getDateRange(int weekNumber, int year, out DateTime dt1, out DateTime dt2)
DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
//get inside week number 'weekNumber'
dt = dt.AddDays(7 * (weekNumber - 1));
//get first day of the week
dt = dt.AddDays(-(int)dt.DayOfWeek);
dt1 = dt;
//get last day of the week
dt2 = dt.AddDays(6);
//call it like this
DateTime dt1;
DateTime dt2;
getDateRange(26, 2007, out dt1, out dt2);
I wouldn't do somebody elses homework, if he not even tried to do it himselfe!
Revathi Raj wrote per e-mail: hi...
if u know the answer reply otherwise no need plz dont put the answer answer like this..
Revathi Raj
1) I didn't responded to your question, I voted "1" for it!
2) Please don't spam my mail account, if you have something interesting to tell, everybody should benefit.
3) Again, I will not do your homework, at least not if you pay for it!
All the best,
What i tried is using of function given below.
but problem is this that it inserted the bullet symbol of round circle, but exacly what i need is "-" this in place of that round circle.
Hello Forum
Always be in touch to help about the topic ASP.NET
This is slightly tricky requirement, Let me try to crack it Ok. In the mean time if you get some solution then let me know.
Jaiprakash M Bankolli
What you have tried?
did it shows any error?
What i tried is using of function given below.
but problem is this that it inserted the bullet symbol of round circle, but exacly what i need is "-" this in place of that round circle.
Hello Forum
Always be in touch to help about the topic ASP.NET
i am using datetimepicker and set the custom property to HH:mm:ss and i am gettin too.
now my question is whenever i enter the hours, the cursor should point to minute and same as if i enter minute cursor should point to second. automatically
how can i do tht
help me pls
-- modified at 4:13 Friday 13th April, 2007
I want to insert data directly in datagirdview and i want validation on cell when i leave cell .
Try Like this
public class custDataGrid:DataGrid<br />
<br />
{<br />
<br />
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)<br />
<br />
{<br />
<br />
if(msg.WParam.ToInt32() == (int) Keys.Enter)<br />
<br />
{<br />
<br />
if( this.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber == 1 )<br />
<br />
{<br />
<br />
string userid = this[this.CurrentRowIndex,0].ToString();<br />
<br />
string passwd = this[this.CurrentRowIndex,1].ToString();<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
}<br />
<br />
SendKeys.Send("{Tab}");<br />
<br />
return true;<br />
<br />
}<br />
<br />
return base.ProcessCmdKey (ref msg, keyData);<br />
<br />
}<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
}<br />
<br />
i wont to know how to statubar
especially accordingly to my download how can i change my statubar or progressbar value
please help me if u have any articles...
bye bye