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AnswerRe: Forum program Pin
Sathesh Sakthivel11-Apr-07 7:05
Sathesh Sakthivel11-Apr-07 7:05 
GeneralRe: Forum program Pin
Danpeking11-Apr-07 8:49
Danpeking11-Apr-07 8:49 
QuestionAbout iTextSharp Pin
Diego F.11-Apr-07 5:48
Diego F.11-Apr-07 5:48 
AnswerRe: About iTextSharp Pin
Diego F.11-Apr-07 6:11
Diego F.11-Apr-07 6:11 
GeneralRe: About iTextSharp Pin
Diego F.11-Apr-07 21:08
Diego F.11-Apr-07 21:08 
QuestionCopying text/contents from browser in Smart device simulator Pin
Neo_Shehpar11-Apr-07 5:36
Neo_Shehpar11-Apr-07 5:36 
QuestionParameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
plokkoville11-Apr-07 5:11
plokkoville11-Apr-07 5:11 
AnswerRe: Parameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
Luc Pattyn11-Apr-07 13:42
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn11-Apr-07 13:42 

the WebBrowser documentation states:
The WebBrowser control is resource-intensive. Be sure to call the Dispose method when you are finished using the control to ensure that all resources are released in a timely fashion. You must call the Dispose method on the same thread that attached the events, which should always be the message or user-interface (UI) thread.

The WebBrowser class can only be used in threads set to single thread apartment (STA) mode. To use this class, ensure that your Main method is marked with the STAThreadAttribute attribute.

Your code uses the using statement, so Dispose is called.
The other requirements need to be verified.

The exception is an inner exception; ecode=87 means invalid parameter,
and HRESULT=-2147467259 corresponds to hex 80004005 which inside good old winerror.h
is the value for the symbols ERROR_REC_NON_EXISTENT as well as E_FAIL. so that
seems not to help us.

One guess is each new WebBrowser creates a new class name, and somehow these class
names suddenly are not valid any more. Suggestion: count and log each new WebBrowser
and try to recognize a pattern in the failures.

Another idea is something runs out, e.g. disk space for temporary internet files;
you might try to see if something like that occurs, and can be remedied without
launching IE, just to see if your app resumes normal operation.

Hope this helps.

Smile | :)

Luc Pattyn

[My Articles]

AnswerRe: Parameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
plokkoville15-Apr-07 23:46
plokkoville15-Apr-07 23:46 
GeneralRe: Parameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
plokkoville11-May-07 4:16
plokkoville11-May-07 4:16 
GeneralRe: Parameterless Webbrowser-constructor crashes with "The parameter is incorrect" Pin
Luc Pattyn11-May-07 7:14
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn11-May-07 7:14 
QuestionGIS programming Pin
cols291011-Apr-07 5:11
cols291011-Apr-07 5:11 
AnswerRe: GIS programming Pin
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 6:03
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 6:03 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
cols291011-Apr-07 20:40
cols291011-Apr-07 20:40 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 23:52
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 23:52 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
cols291012-Apr-07 0:11
cols291012-Apr-07 0:11 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
Ed.Poore12-Apr-07 0:53
Ed.Poore12-Apr-07 0:53 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
cols291012-Apr-07 1:04
cols291012-Apr-07 1:04 
GeneralRe: GIS programming Pin
Ed.Poore12-Apr-07 1:31
Ed.Poore12-Apr-07 1:31 
QuestionVisual Studio 2003. CVSRepo Pin
123456uio11-Apr-07 4:47
123456uio11-Apr-07 4:47 
QuestionDatagrid sorting Pin
mehmetned11-Apr-07 4:21
mehmetned11-Apr-07 4:21 
AnswerRe: Datagrid sorting Pin
thomasa11-Apr-07 4:42
thomasa11-Apr-07 4:42 
Questionmanual updation in clickonce,Deployment Pin
pashitech11-Apr-07 4:10
pashitech11-Apr-07 4:10 
AnswerRe: manual updation in clickonce,Deployment Pin
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 23:54
Ed.Poore11-Apr-07 23:54 
QuestionRegistring COM object Pin
Stevo Z11-Apr-07 3:41
Stevo Z11-Apr-07 3:41 

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