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Web Development

GeneralRe: This probably isn't what you wanted, but.... Pin
Bradml10-Apr-07 5:48
Bradml10-Apr-07 5:48 
QuestionHow to check webservers OK responce in case of Web service Pin
Amol Ravatale7-Apr-07 0:45
Amol Ravatale7-Apr-07 0:45 
AnswerRe: How to check webservers OK responce in case of Web service [modified] Pin
Dmitry Khudorozhkov7-Apr-07 8:30
Dmitry Khudorozhkov7-Apr-07 8:30 
GeneralRe: How to check webservers OK responce in case of Web service Pin
Amol Ravatale7-Apr-07 21:52
Amol Ravatale7-Apr-07 21:52 
QuestionHow to Code Cumulate Draw? Pin
Shaareable6-Apr-07 15:03
Shaareable6-Apr-07 15:03 
AnswerRe: How to Code Cumulate Draw? Pin
Shog96-Apr-07 15:24
sitebuilderShog96-Apr-07 15:24 
Question[Message Deleted] Pin
gubba6-Apr-07 14:24
gubba6-Apr-07 14:24 
AnswerRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Shog96-Apr-07 15:16
sitebuilderShog96-Apr-07 15:16 
gubba wrote:
I am developing a project for an online exam where i want to disable the test takers from going back to the previous page.

There are ways... but they're not guaranteed. Realistically speaking, it's up to the browser whether you can ever go "back". You can use redirect tricks or JS to encourage a browser to ditch its history... but if this is actually important then you'd better do it server-side: keep track of which pages they've completed, and ignore (silently (or noisily if you prefer)) any attempt to re-submit that section of the test.

Now, I'm assuming that you really only care about preventing users from going back to change their answers - if you'd rather they not even be able to view their previous questions/answers, then you should be able to use cache control hints to encourage the browser to discard previous pages - when completed sections are requested, just redirect to the first incomplete section (or, a screaming red "cheater" page, whichever). Of course, there's no guarantee that browsers will respect this, but then, there's nothing preventing users from copying or printing previous pages either...

It appears that everybody is under the impression that I approve of the documentation. You probably also blame Ken Burns for supporting slavery.
--Raymond Chen on MSDN

General[Message Deleted] Pin
gubba6-Apr-07 17:33
gubba6-Apr-07 17:33 
GeneralRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Mohammad Daba'an8-Apr-07 1:41
Mohammad Daba'an8-Apr-07 1:41 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
gubba8-Apr-07 19:49
gubba8-Apr-07 19:49 
GeneralRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Mohammad Daba'an8-Apr-07 20:00
Mohammad Daba'an8-Apr-07 20:00 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
gubba8-Apr-07 20:25
gubba8-Apr-07 20:25 
GeneralRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Shog99-Apr-07 6:56
sitebuilderShog99-Apr-07 6:56 
AnswerRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar13-Apr-07 7:06
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar13-Apr-07 7:06 
hifiger20046-Apr-07 13:08
hifiger20046-Apr-07 13:08 
Steve Echols7-Apr-07 19:49
Steve Echols7-Apr-07 19:49 
hifiger20047-Apr-07 22:50
hifiger20047-Apr-07 22:50 
hifiger20049-Apr-07 2:36
hifiger20049-Apr-07 2:36 
QuestionHelp with understanding Data Grid Pin
No-e6-Apr-07 10:38
No-e6-Apr-07 10:38 
AnswerRe: Help with understanding Data Grid Pin
No-e6-Apr-07 10:41
No-e6-Apr-07 10:41 
QuestionHelp in HTML tags entry in SQL server Pin
EEmaan6-Apr-07 2:02
EEmaan6-Apr-07 2:02 
AnswerRe: Help in HTML tags entry in SQL server Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Apr-07 5:37
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Apr-07 5:37 
Questionphp mailsend Pin
dhulipudi6-Apr-07 0:44
dhulipudi6-Apr-07 0:44 
AnswerRe: php mailsend Pin
Dmitry Khudorozhkov6-Apr-07 0:55
Dmitry Khudorozhkov6-Apr-07 0:55 

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