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Web Development

GeneralRe: Does Anyone... Pin
Bradml9-Apr-07 4:07
Bradml9-Apr-07 4:07 
GeneralRe: Does Anyone... Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar13-Apr-07 7:05
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar13-Apr-07 7:05 
AnswerThis probably isn't what you wanted, but.... Pin
badgrs10-Apr-07 5:38
badgrs10-Apr-07 5:38 
GeneralRe: This probably isn't what you wanted, but.... Pin
Bradml10-Apr-07 5:48
Bradml10-Apr-07 5:48 
QuestionHow to check webservers OK responce in case of Web service Pin
Amol Ravatale7-Apr-07 0:45
Amol Ravatale7-Apr-07 0:45 
AnswerRe: How to check webservers OK responce in case of Web service [modified] Pin
Dmitry Khudorozhkov7-Apr-07 8:30
Dmitry Khudorozhkov7-Apr-07 8:30 
GeneralRe: How to check webservers OK responce in case of Web service Pin
Amol Ravatale7-Apr-07 21:52
Amol Ravatale7-Apr-07 21:52 
QuestionHow to Code Cumulate Draw? Pin
Shaareable6-Apr-07 15:03
Shaareable6-Apr-07 15:03 

I have to architect per my boss decree a webapp running ASP.NET 2.0 with an SQL Server 2005 Standard database. That's fun so far. The purpose of the webapp is to let customers order online print. I work for a printing company. It's a print on demand thing. Nice app so far, I thought.

More to the point, the customers must be able to see a preflight PDF of his template before ordering. I thought no problem, I'll use iTextSharp to create the PDF.

Then, the boss continued. The customer must also be able to upload an excel file to create a variable data based template, like, the business cards for everybody in the company for example. I thought, sure, iTextSharp once again with a looper...

And then he gave me and my smug look the real kicker. The customer also needs to be able to *draw* or *sketch* a new template, using lines, curves, rectangles, ellipses, text, images. And in layers too. With transparency of course, and in a web front end!

Now, the kicker actually *is* kicking the crap out of me here Wink | ;)

How do get to write something like that, something in essence that closely matches what Cumulate Draw does?

I need insights since I'll have to write it from scratch. What base librairies, or technologies would you recommend for something like that?

Thank you!!!

Smile | :)

Antoine Dubuc
Transcontinental Direct Montreal

AnswerRe: How to Code Cumulate Draw? Pin
Shog96-Apr-07 15:24
sitebuilderShog96-Apr-07 15:24 
Question[Message Deleted] Pin
gubba6-Apr-07 14:24
gubba6-Apr-07 14:24 
AnswerRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Shog96-Apr-07 15:16
sitebuilderShog96-Apr-07 15:16 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
gubba6-Apr-07 17:33
gubba6-Apr-07 17:33 
GeneralRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Mohammad Daba'an8-Apr-07 1:41
Mohammad Daba'an8-Apr-07 1:41 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
gubba8-Apr-07 19:49
gubba8-Apr-07 19:49 
GeneralRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Mohammad Daba'an8-Apr-07 20:00
Mohammad Daba'an8-Apr-07 20:00 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
gubba8-Apr-07 20:25
gubba8-Apr-07 20:25 
GeneralRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Shog99-Apr-07 6:56
sitebuilderShog99-Apr-07 6:56 
AnswerRe: Disable back button in a web page Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar13-Apr-07 7:06
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar13-Apr-07 7:06 
hifiger20046-Apr-07 13:08
hifiger20046-Apr-07 13:08 
Steve Echols7-Apr-07 19:49
Steve Echols7-Apr-07 19:49 
hifiger20047-Apr-07 22:50
hifiger20047-Apr-07 22:50 
hifiger20049-Apr-07 2:36
hifiger20049-Apr-07 2:36 
QuestionHelp with understanding Data Grid Pin
No-e6-Apr-07 10:38
No-e6-Apr-07 10:38 
AnswerRe: Help with understanding Data Grid Pin
No-e6-Apr-07 10:41
No-e6-Apr-07 10:41 
QuestionHelp in HTML tags entry in SQL server Pin
EEmaan6-Apr-07 2:02
EEmaan6-Apr-07 2:02 

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