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Questionusing directives for a new file / class Pin
peterchen4-Apr-07 23:37
peterchen4-Apr-07 23:37 
AnswerRe: using directives for a new file / class Pin
Christian Graus5-Apr-07 0:07
protectorChristian Graus5-Apr-07 0:07 
AnswerRe: using directives for a new file / class Pin
DavidNohejl5-Apr-07 0:15
DavidNohejl5-Apr-07 0:15 
GeneralRe: using directives for a new file / class Pin
peterchen5-Apr-07 8:15
peterchen5-Apr-07 8:15 
Questionlienentre deux logiciels Pin
nayoula4-Apr-07 23:28
nayoula4-Apr-07 23:28 
AnswerRe: lienentre deux logiciels Pin
Christian Graus4-Apr-07 23:40
protectorChristian Graus4-Apr-07 23:40 
QuestionRow select on DataGridView Pin
waddie14-Apr-07 23:07
waddie14-Apr-07 23:07 
AnswerRe: Row select on DataGridView Pin
joon vh.4-Apr-07 23:20
joon vh.4-Apr-07 23:20 
What event are you using?

I used the doubleClick event somewhere in an old app, and it just refers to the SelectedItem in the datagrid. Then if you doubleclick the header, it just opens the record that was selected last.

Visual Studio can't evaluate this, can you?
public object moo<br />
        {<br />
__get { return moo; }<br />
__set { moo = value; }<br />

QuestionRe: Row select on DataGridView Pin
waddie14-Apr-07 23:31
waddie14-Apr-07 23:31 
AnswerRe: Row select on DataGridView Pin
joon vh.4-Apr-07 23:50
joon vh.4-Apr-07 23:50 
GeneralRe: Row select on DataGridView Pin
waddie15-Apr-07 0:00
waddie15-Apr-07 0:00 
QuestionMinimize all open programs Pin
anderslundsgard4-Apr-07 22:42
anderslundsgard4-Apr-07 22:42 
AnswerRe: Minimize all open programs Pin
originSH5-Apr-07 0:47
originSH5-Apr-07 0:47 
GeneralRe: Minimize all open programs Pin
anderslundsgard5-Apr-07 0:50
anderslundsgard5-Apr-07 0:50 
GeneralRe: Minimize all open programs Pin
originSH5-Apr-07 2:15
originSH5-Apr-07 2:15 
GeneralRe: Minimize all open programs Pin
anderslundsgard5-Apr-07 2:28
anderslundsgard5-Apr-07 2:28 
GeneralRe: Minimize all open programs Pin
originSH5-Apr-07 4:14
originSH5-Apr-07 4:14 
Questionhow to listen a connection from a specific IP address? Pin
F.E.L.I.X.4-Apr-07 22:16
F.E.L.I.X.4-Apr-07 22:16 
QuestionSome vb to c# Pin
akkram4-Apr-07 21:30
akkram4-Apr-07 21:30 
AnswerRe: Some vb to c# Pin
akkram4-Apr-07 22:18
akkram4-Apr-07 22:18 
AnswerRe: Some vb to c# Pin
Dave Doknjas5-Apr-07 12:50
Dave Doknjas5-Apr-07 12:50 
Questionhow to overcome this exception --in ClickonceDeployment INVALIDDEPLOYMENTEXEPTION, --"Application in not installed" Pin
pashitech4-Apr-07 21:21
pashitech4-Apr-07 21:21 
Questionhow to enable & disable USB ports from .NET applications? Pin
abyclassic4-Apr-07 21:20
abyclassic4-Apr-07 21:20 
AnswerRe: how to enable & disable USB ports from .NET applications? Pin
Niiiissssshhhhhuuuuu4-Apr-07 22:34
Niiiissssshhhhhuuuuu4-Apr-07 22:34 
GeneralRe: how to enable & disable USB ports from .NET applications? Pin
abyclassic8-Apr-07 19:40
abyclassic8-Apr-07 19:40 

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