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GeneralRe: how to run another exe by Pin
Muammar©4-Apr-07 0:12
Muammar©4-Apr-07 0:12 
GeneralRe: how to run another exe by Pin
Martin#4-Apr-07 0:19
Martin#4-Apr-07 0:19 
QuestionGetting a base control from event arg. Pin
Diego F.3-Apr-07 23:14
Diego F.3-Apr-07 23:14 
AnswerRe: Getting a base control from event arg. Pin
joon vh.3-Apr-07 23:24
joon vh.3-Apr-07 23:24 
GeneralRe: Getting a base control from event arg. Pin
Diego F.3-Apr-07 23:57
Diego F.3-Apr-07 23:57 
GeneralRe: Getting a base control from event arg. Pin
joon vh.4-Apr-07 0:04
joon vh.4-Apr-07 0:04 
GeneralRe: Getting a base control from event arg. Pin
Diego F.4-Apr-07 1:02
Diego F.4-Apr-07 1:02 
GeneralRe: Getting a base control from event arg. Pin
Diego F.4-Apr-07 1:05
Diego F.4-Apr-07 1:05 
I get the code from here and I'm dealing with the onDragDrop event.

My idea is to add to the LargeImageList in the second ListView the image from the drag item in the first ListView. I tried that:

int indice = ((ListViewItem)data.DragItems[i]).Index;
ListView lv = data.ListView; base.LargeImageList.Images.Add(lv.LargeImageList.Images[indice]);

But it doesn't work.


Diego F.

GeneralRe: Getting a base control from event arg. Pin
Diego F.4-Apr-07 1:34
Diego F.4-Apr-07 1:34 
QuestionMy Application takes 5 hours to run Pin
rkherath3-Apr-07 22:40
rkherath3-Apr-07 22:40 
AnswerRe: My Application takes 5 hours to run Pin
Colin Angus Mackay3-Apr-07 22:46
Colin Angus Mackay3-Apr-07 22:46 
GeneralRe: My Application takes 5 hours to run Pin
rkherath3-Apr-07 22:55
rkherath3-Apr-07 22:55 
GeneralRe: My Application takes 5 hours to run Pin
V.3-Apr-07 23:37
professionalV.3-Apr-07 23:37 
GeneralRe: My Application takes 5 hours to run Pin
rkherath3-Apr-07 23:58
rkherath3-Apr-07 23:58 
GeneralRe: My Application takes 5 hours to run Pin
Christian Graus4-Apr-07 0:04
protectorChristian Graus4-Apr-07 0:04 
GeneralRe: My Application takes 5 hours to run Pin
V.4-Apr-07 0:09
professionalV.4-Apr-07 0:09 
AnswerRe: My Application takes 5 hours to run Pin
joon vh.3-Apr-07 22:48
joon vh.3-Apr-07 22:48 
GeneralRe: My Application takes 5 hours to run Pin
rkherath3-Apr-07 22:59
rkherath3-Apr-07 22:59 
QuestionSQL Server 2005, Usage % all databases using performance counters!! Pin
Adeel Chaudhry3-Apr-07 21:26
Adeel Chaudhry3-Apr-07 21:26 
Generaladd to above... Pin
Adeel Chaudhry3-Apr-07 21:27
Adeel Chaudhry3-Apr-07 21:27 
QuestionQuery [modified] Pin
Nekshan3-Apr-07 21:09
Nekshan3-Apr-07 21:09 
AnswerRe: Query Pin
Christian Graus3-Apr-07 21:53
protectorChristian Graus3-Apr-07 21:53 
GeneralRe: Query Pin
joon vh.3-Apr-07 22:33
joon vh.3-Apr-07 22:33 
Questiongrid control Pin
Enter the Dragon3-Apr-07 20:34
Enter the Dragon3-Apr-07 20:34 
AnswerRe: grid control Pin
Christian Graus3-Apr-07 20:46
protectorChristian Graus3-Apr-07 20:46 

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