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AnswerRe: Handle key in all of application Pin
Muammar©3-Apr-07 21:57
Muammar©3-Apr-07 21:57 
QuestionPictureBox contents Printing Pin
ullaskumar v3-Apr-07 20:17
ullaskumar v3-Apr-07 20:17 
AnswerRe: PictureBox contents Printing Pin
Christian Graus3-Apr-07 20:33
protectorChristian Graus3-Apr-07 20:33 
GeneralRe: PictureBox contents Printing Pin
ullaskumar v3-Apr-07 22:33
ullaskumar v3-Apr-07 22:33 
GeneralRe: PictureBox contents Printing Pin
Christian Graus4-Apr-07 1:53
protectorChristian Graus4-Apr-07 1:53 
GeneralRe: PictureBox contents Printing [modified] Pin
ullaskumar v4-Apr-07 2:26
ullaskumar v4-Apr-07 2:26 
GeneralRe: PictureBox contents Printing Pin
Luc Pattyn4-Apr-07 11:45
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn4-Apr-07 11:45 
QuestionInterop question [modified] Pin
buerklma3-Apr-07 20:15
buerklma3-Apr-07 20:15 
Hallo NG,

I have a VB6 ActiveX DLL which is calling a Method of my C# Application. One Parameter of this method is defined as Object.
void Foo (ref Object obj)
In special cases the parameter obj contains an two dimensional array of integers. I need to change the values in this array before I return the control to the VB6 DLL.
The problem is that I can change the values in the array in the C# part, but when the control comes back to the VB6 Dll the array contains just values of zero.
I think it is a marshalling issue, but I don`t know how to solve it.
Maybe somebody has an idea.

Here is the Interop Assambly part:
.custom instance void [mscorlib]System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeAttribute::.ctor(int16) = ( 01 00 D0 10 00 00 )
.method public hidebysig newslot abstract virtual
instance void gNotify([in] class srvUIConst.UIInterfaceClass marshal( interface ) oNotify,
[in] int32 lMSG,
[in][out] int32& lParam,
[in][out][opt] object& marshal( struct) vParam) runtime managed

The parameter I was writing about is the last parameter (vParam).

Thanks in advance.

Regards Martin

-- modified at 3:43 Thursday 5th April, 2007
QuestionAssociating an icon wtih a paricular file Pin
Rohit Dev3-Apr-07 19:42
Rohit Dev3-Apr-07 19:42 
AnswerRe: Associating an icon wtih a paricular file Pin
Stefan Troschuetz3-Apr-07 21:15
Stefan Troschuetz3-Apr-07 21:15 
QuestionProblem getting text from ListView in another app Pin
Farhan Ali3-Apr-07 19:25
Farhan Ali3-Apr-07 19:25 
AnswerRe: Problem getting text from ListView in another app Pin
Christian Graus3-Apr-07 19:36
protectorChristian Graus3-Apr-07 19:36 
GeneralRe: Problem getting text from ListView in another app Pin
Farhan Ali3-Apr-07 21:00
Farhan Ali3-Apr-07 21:00 
QuestionHow to Open Control Panel,Entire Network,Printer and Fax in Different process Pin
Sanjib Raj3-Apr-07 19:21
Sanjib Raj3-Apr-07 19:21 
QuestionHow to display application icon when the instances are grouped in the taskbar Pin
Shaurya_Rastogi3-Apr-07 18:55
Shaurya_Rastogi3-Apr-07 18:55 
QuestionHow to programming C# with PCI video record device Pin
vuong van thuan3-Apr-07 17:02
vuong van thuan3-Apr-07 17:02 
AnswerRe: How to programming C# with PCI video record device Pin
Christian Graus3-Apr-07 17:33
protectorChristian Graus3-Apr-07 17:33 
GeneralRe: How to programming C# with PCI video record device Pin
vuong van thuan3-Apr-07 23:21
vuong van thuan3-Apr-07 23:21 
GeneralRe: How to programming C# with PCI video record device Pin
Christian Graus4-Apr-07 1:52
protectorChristian Graus4-Apr-07 1:52 
GeneralRe: How to programming C# with PCI video record device Pin
vuong van thuan4-Apr-07 17:09
vuong van thuan4-Apr-07 17:09 
QuestionUnit Testing of an Interface? Pin
sreecahitu3-Apr-07 15:44
sreecahitu3-Apr-07 15:44 
QuestionRe: Unit Testing of an Interface? Pin
Vikram A Punathambekar3-Apr-07 18:11
Vikram A Punathambekar3-Apr-07 18:11 
AnswerRe: Unit Testing of an Interface? Pin
KevinMac3-Apr-07 18:38
KevinMac3-Apr-07 18:38 
AnswerRe: Unit Testing of an Interface? Pin
KevinMac3-Apr-07 18:19
KevinMac3-Apr-07 18:19 
QuestionSQL DataSet Pin
thecodedemon3-Apr-07 14:17
thecodedemon3-Apr-07 14:17 

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