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AnswerRe: how to run exe file in ram (on the fly) ? Pin
Christian Graus2-Apr-07 15:47
protectorChristian Graus2-Apr-07 15:47 
AnswerRe: how to run exe file in ram (on the fly) ? Pin
Muammar©2-Apr-07 20:05
Muammar©2-Apr-07 20:05 
QuestionHow to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
goldli2-Apr-07 15:00
goldli2-Apr-07 15:00 
AnswerRe: How to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
Christian Graus2-Apr-07 15:48
protectorChristian Graus2-Apr-07 15:48 
GeneralRe: How to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
goldli2-Apr-07 18:19
goldli2-Apr-07 18:19 
GeneralRe: How to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
Christian Graus2-Apr-07 22:49
protectorChristian Graus2-Apr-07 22:49 
GeneralRe: How to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
goldli2-Apr-07 23:19
goldli2-Apr-07 23:19 
AnswerRe: How to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
Muammar©2-Apr-07 20:08
Muammar©2-Apr-07 20:08 
Good question, I've been having the same question.. for java, it's easily Identified by it's ugly purple controls "if not using UIs" but .NetConfused | :confused:

Smile: A curve that can set a lot of things straight!
(\ /)

GeneralRe: How to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
goldli2-Apr-07 20:29
goldli2-Apr-07 20:29 
AnswerRe: How to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
D1113-Apr-07 1:53
D1113-Apr-07 1:53 
AnswerRe: How to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
Douglas Troy3-Apr-07 7:53
Douglas Troy3-Apr-07 7:53 
GeneralRe: How to know a EXE file was written by .net language or not? Pin
goldli3-Apr-07 14:11
goldli3-Apr-07 14:11 
QuestionLive rich text box editing Pin
Esmo20002-Apr-07 13:53
Esmo20002-Apr-07 13:53 
AnswerRe: Live rich text box editing Pin
joon vh.2-Apr-07 23:28
joon vh.2-Apr-07 23:28 
QuestionCan i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
engsrini2-Apr-07 12:40
engsrini2-Apr-07 12:40 
AnswerRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
Christian Graus2-Apr-07 12:58
protectorChristian Graus2-Apr-07 12:58 
GeneralRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
engsrini2-Apr-07 13:16
engsrini2-Apr-07 13:16 
GeneralRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
Christian Graus2-Apr-07 13:21
protectorChristian Graus2-Apr-07 13:21 
GeneralRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
engsrini2-Apr-07 13:30
engsrini2-Apr-07 13:30 
GeneralRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
Christian Graus2-Apr-07 13:40
protectorChristian Graus2-Apr-07 13:40 
QuestionRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
JacquesDP2-Apr-07 21:11
JacquesDP2-Apr-07 21:11 
AnswerRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
Christian Graus2-Apr-07 21:59
protectorChristian Graus2-Apr-07 21:59 
GeneralRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
JacquesDP2-Apr-07 22:03
JacquesDP2-Apr-07 22:03 
GeneralRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
Scott Dorman2-Apr-07 14:44
professionalScott Dorman2-Apr-07 14:44 
QuestionRe: Can i use GC.Collect() ? Pin
Martin#2-Apr-07 21:24
Martin#2-Apr-07 21:24 

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