how use session variables give me a ex
bad english sooooooooorye
thnx u
Ahmed El-Badry
You create a session variable by adding a value to the collection:
Session["answer"] = 42;
As session variables are of type object, you have to cast them to the correct type when you read them:
int answer = (int)Session["answer"];
You can remove a variable from the collection:
You can also remove all variables:
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
Thank you very much to help me
Ahmed El-Badry
I have added a CSS class to Selected Node Style Property of a TreeViewControl
But it's not working.I have given the appropriate path in the page.But the background of the selected node does not change.the CSS is just simple
While developing project in asp.net 2.0 using c#.
I used Collapsible panel extender, ajax control. But the problem is that ,When Panel is expanded rest of the page scrolls down .
I don't want this to happen, rest of the page should remain as it is.
Please suggest some solution.
hui gfgh kgdgrt njjn hjgkn
Encapsulate your control in a DIV so that your problem would be resolved
Hi I developed a web application using 1280x1024 resolution. But the end user uses a different resolution which makes the page go into horizontal and vertical scrolls. Is there anyway I can make my webapp to resize based on user screen resolution?
Raj D
I have some text in a textbox that is reading directly from a database. My application is supposed to allow user to update this text, so it directly affects in the database content.
Now in my text there are some special characters like : , ' href < >. The code works fine as long as the text data in the text box does not contain these characters. As soon as it encounters data with these characters it does not update the database, any suggestions to tackle this. I already tried, <pages validaterequest="false"> in web.config with no success
Raj D
dasumohan wrote: As soon as it encounters data with these characters it does not update the database
It would be helpful if you described exactly what is happening, not just what is not happening.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
Thanks for the response
I have text box reading text content from database. When I change the text in the textbox and do update, it does not update in the database. I traced the problem to special characters like : and ' in the text field. When the text in the text field does not contain these special characters, it works fine. How to get around these special characters?
Raj D
You don't have to get around any characters, you just have to treat them properly.
What do you do to update the database? What method are you using? Do you create an SQL query yourself? Do you use a parameterised query or do you concatenate the values into the query?
I see no reason why a colon would be any problematic, but an apostrophe is a common problem if you concatenate strings into the query and don't encode the data properly first.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
Hi, i am getting an intermittent error when I start a debug session for a C# ASP.net web application which uses master/content pages:
"Unable to cast object of type 'ASP.client_master' to type 'Master'. "
Is there a remedy for this?
I'm using VS 2005.
I have implemented nested gridviews with custom paging using Objectdatasource.
I want to allow the user to change the pagesize after initial display.
For that I have a text box to collect the "Records Per Page" and a Button called "Change" below the parent gridview.
If I give value in the "Records Per Page" textbox and and click on "Change" button, the same pagesize should be set for parent gridview and also for all the inner gridviews.
I have implemented the same in my code. But only the parent gridview's pagesize is changing.Though I am setting the modified pagesize for child gridview , it is not reflecting in my output. Always it displays records according to the initial pagesize I have set in the html part. Can Anybody come across this issue?
Can Anybody tell me how to proceed on this?
After entering username and password if user will directly prss Enter key without pressing tab or instead of clcking on "LogIn button"
further processing should start.
This is working fine in Internet Explorer but not in Mozilla Firefox.
Please suggest some solution.
Code snippet is as follows:
In Aspx.cs =>
txtPassword.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return clickButton(event,'" + btnLogin.ClientID + "')");
In Aspx
function clickButton(e, buttonid)
var bt = document.getElementById(buttonid);
if (typeof bt == 'object')
if (e.keyCode ==13)
return false;
if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet Explorer")>(-1))
if(event.keyCode == 13)
return false;
hui gfgh kgdgrt njjn hjgkn
Hello friends..i am using a repeater inside datalist. This is classifieds page displaying different categories like jobs, filmmakers, housing, etc ..Each of these categories have 1 or more subcategories..
I use repeater inside datalist. Each datalist is filled by category name and based on that repeater is filled.
the funcionality is working but the design is disturbed. Repeater may contain more or less items. if repeater contains less items than the neighbor then that much blank space is displayed.in Internet explorer.
In IE, it browser places each main item in a row.
In Firefox the design is disturbed totally.
how to remove this blnk space..
Please tell me..if u have suggestions...waiting
U can use table in repeater and that is with 100% width.
After that for every rows and colummn use % wise width.
Sun Rays
Thank you sir...thank u very much..it is working.. i was using tables inside datalist.which create so much problems..
thanks once again..bye
Hi i am getting values in datagrid column like "23.899999" like,
But after the digit, i need only two values.....(23.99) like,
what i want to do......,
Plz solve my probs,
if u are getting this value from database then use table's filed datatype as numeric(18,2)
Sun Rays
No i am not getting values from database,
I am getting values from runtime.......,
Try this..
Dim i As String
i = "2.7677676"
Dim d As Decimal
d = CDec(CType(i, Decimal).ToString("0.00"))
it will return u d = 2.77
Sun Rays
ya thanks its woring nice.....,
Hi guys,
My web applications contains header,footer etc.which are going to be static. Only the body content of the page has to be loaded.Each time when i click the menu on the header entire page is loaded.I want my application to load only the page content while the header and footer remains static.
If there is any suggestions or coding for this please reply
Are u using master page in youe asp.net application ?
and for that u can use update panel of an Ajax. that will useful when u dont want to load whole page.
put contenplace holder in Update Panel.
Sun Rays