F1 can be handled from document.onHelp
Hi Everybody
I want solution for my problem.
I have two Frames in a html page. In first Frame i place a javascript menu(File-New,Open .. like this ) Menus and submenus. In the Second Frame is the Empty Page. I click the Menu then the submenus are hidden that is it goes inside the first frame . The submenus are not visible . Any Option is there for it
Check for parameters wich u r passing in javascript...
Smart Boy
Hi all,
I'm developing a web application where the application opens in a full screen mode. The users need a Show Desktop icon on it, clicking which the user's desktop comes up, just like the Windows Show Desktop icon.
Is this possible? If yes then please help me, its really important for my client!!,
thanks in advance,
I don't think this is possible without something like java or activex
- bryce on "Problems with Code Project"
*sigh* Maunder's been coding again...
Hello all,
I am new to this domain and I need your help badly.
I have created a personal page in FrontPage.
I want to upload this page on Net so that all can see it. How do I do this ?
I heard from some of my friends that some sites like 'geocities' or something allow free uploading.
Is it true ?
Can anyone please tell me how I upload and if there is some site which gives free space for creating web pages.
You should purchase a domain name and a web server space then upload it there. If you need help with choosing on please email me.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
ArchaBhandare wrote: I heard from some of my friends that some sites like 'geocities' or something allow free uploading.
Hi all,
I have create a dynamic table in javascript by following
function moreWorkClicked()
var tbl = document.createElement("table");
var tblBody = document.createElement("tbody");
var body1 = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
var mainTable = document.getElementById("moreWorkTd");
var counter = parseInt(document.forms[0].clickCounter.value);
counter = counter + 1;
tblId = "tblEmployer" + counter;
tbl.setAttribute("id", tblId);
tbl.setAttribute("width", "100%");
tbl.setAttribute("border", "1");
tbl.setAttribute("align", "left");
labelArray = new Array("Employer Name", "Job Title", "Start Date", "End Date", "Salary Per Month(Approx.)");
nameArray = new Array("employerName_txt", "jobTitle_txt", "startDate_txt", "endDate_txt", "salary_txt");
for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++)
textboxName = nameArray[j] + counter;
var row = document.createElement("tr");
var cell = document.createElement("td");
cell.setAttribute("class", "formDataAlign");
var cellText = document.createTextNode(labelArray[j]);
cell = document.createElement("td");
cell.setAttribute("class", "formDataAlign");
cellText = document.createElement("input");
cellText.name = textboxName;
//This is the code for trying to put table at needed place but not working.
var mainRow = document.createElement("tr");
var mainCell = document.createElement("td");
cellText = document.createTextNode(tbl);
mainTable.style.display = "";
By using above code my table is created but now I want to put it at some fixed place in my html page such as
HTML code:
<table width = "350" border = "1">
<th colspan="4" align="left">
<strong>Work Experience Details</strong>
<table id="moreWorkTd" width="100%" border="0" style="display:none">
//Here I want that created table.
<input type="hidden" name="clickCounter" value="0" />
Can you tell me that how I can put it on decided place??
Thank you in Advance.
Hiral Shah
If you think that my question is good enough and can be helpful for other then don't forget to vote.
If I undestand you correctly, you're trying to add an element at a specific point in the DOM?
First, call dovument.createElement to actually create it, specify the attributes you would like, then get a reference to the table's intended parent using document.getElementById, then call parent.appendChild(element)
"Now I guess I'll sit back and watch people misinterpret what I just said......"
Christian Graus At The Soapbox
Hi all,
A quick thanks to everyone who pointed me to PHP - Its going good !!
However i do have a small problem
The bellow code is never getting into the scond if when i know that $userId and $passord are correct. and also the SQL returns the correct values in the db. I have done a print $rec['userid']; print $rec['password']; but they appear to be blank
any Ideas ???
if($rec=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE UserName='$userid' AND Password = '$password'")))
Thanks Lots
I will need to see more of the script to help you.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
Can you describe it more???
Hiral Shah
If you think that my answer is good enough and can be helpful for other then don't forget to vote.
Hi all
Thanks for the response. sorry for the lack of detail in my last post !!
Bellow is the PHP I use to check login.
Any help would be fab
Wrong Login. ";
You wrote:
"if($rec=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plus_signup WHERE userid='$userid' AND password = '$password'")))
If you are fetching record with got values of userName and Password then why you again compare them??
Hiral Shah
If you think that my answer is good enough and can be helpful for other then don't forget to vote.
One More thing that I want to know that how you are storing password in the database??
I mean simply store it or by using "password('$password')"??
Hiral Shah
If you think that my question is good enough and can be helpful for other then don't forget to vote.
Thanks for the responce !!!
I did the bellow code because i wasnt sure what it would return if nothing was found !!!
However on testing $rec['userid'] and $rec['password'] do appear to be blank but the below code works correctly. so i am confused as to how it is bringing the result of the SQL back correctly but $rec seems to be empty
if($rec=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plus_signup WHERE userid='$userid' AND password = '$password'")))
else {
Wrong Login. Use your correct Userid and Password and Try ";}
My userid and password are currently just varchars in my database, I mannually entered them.
I am note sure if my explanation is clear. Please tell me if it isnt !
Thanks LOTS !! !!
One big problem you have is that you are not assigning the return values to an array (although I don't know why you are checking them a second time).
$rec = mysql_fetch_array($rec); Put that into your code and it should work, but why are you doing that?
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
Try this,
$user_name = $_REQUEST['user_id']; // Get the value of user id
$pwd = $_REQUEST['password']; // Get the password
database connection // To connect database if already done than its ok.
$query_check_user = "select * from user where UserName = '$user_name' and Password = '$pwd'";
$result_check_user = mysql_query($query_check_user) or die("Error in Checking validity of the user::Error -> ".mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($result_check_user) == 1)
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_check_user, MYSQL_ASSOC))
$userName = $row['user_name'];
$pass = $row['password'];
From that you will get the data from database.
Hiral Shah
If you think that my answer is good enough and can be helpful for other then don't forget to vote.
Thanks Lots for that !!! I will give it a go as soon as i get home
Thanks again
Although your question has been addressed I would like to point out that storing passwords in plain text in a data base is never a good idea.
Passwords should always be encrypted before being stored in a data base. Even the POST method sends the data to the server in plain text so the password should always be encrypted on the client before transmission.
I recommend storing password hash values rather than plain text passwords or even reversible encryptions of the passwords. This limits your liability because you never knew the actual password.
If the person forgets their password you can supply them with a randomly generated password, optionally with a short expiration interval, that is only valid for a single use and must be reset on first access.
You can find javascript versions of MD5 (128 bit) and SHA1 (160 bit) algorithms that can be used to encode passwords on the client prior to transmission on this site.
paj's home[^]
I recommend you do not transmit or store passwords in plain text.
my website have two stages, Test and Production and third is my local. What is the best way to keep my files in sync on all the three stages.
let me know...
Ajit Singh
What is the best method (if any) to set the picture of an tag using some text string representing an SVG image? That is, I don't want to change the 'src' attribute to point to another file, but to set the actual data somehow... I saw something like which does not seem to work. Maybe I'm supposed to parse/load the file using some Javascript function?
Thanks in advance! /Erik
Erik Hammar wrote: Maybe I'm supposed to parse/load the file using some Javascript function?
Maybe as a "Developer" you are supposed to find and "Read" Documentation[^]
Having a clear understanding of fundamental concepts is key to being a capable developer.
led mike