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Web Development

QuestionSaving the uploaded file directly in Database Pin
Ram Shankar14-Mar-07 17:22
Ram Shankar14-Mar-07 17:22 
AnswerRe: Saving the uploaded file directly in Database Pin
hiral_shah14-Mar-07 19:27
hiral_shah14-Mar-07 19:27 
AnswerRe: Saving the uploaded file directly in Database Pin
Bradml14-Mar-07 19:54
Bradml14-Mar-07 19:54 
AnswerRe: Saving the uploaded file directly in Database Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar22-Mar-07 6:25
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar22-Mar-07 6:25 
QuestionExternally referencing a page to appear in a frameset Pin
Glen Harvy14-Mar-07 12:58
Glen Harvy14-Mar-07 12:58 
AnswerRe: Externally referencing a page to appear in a frameset Pin
MatrixCoder14-Mar-07 15:43
MatrixCoder14-Mar-07 15:43 
AnswerRe: Externally referencing a page to appear in a frameset Pin
Bradml14-Mar-07 19:52
Bradml14-Mar-07 19:52 
GeneralRe: Externally referencing a page to appear in a frameset Pin
Glen Harvy14-Mar-07 20:15
Glen Harvy14-Mar-07 20:15 
Thanks for your response.

I was aware that Frames are "not good" but I frankly don't know how to have my site not fully reload every time someone goes to another page. If you have a moment, check out[^] to see what I mean.

I was going to do my site using layers for each sub-page but was concerned that I would then end up with just a one page web site that could take some time to download, let alone place all my eggs in one basket.

I tried a master page in aspx but even the masterpage reloads each time.

I am no expert on web design so any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

As far as my original question goes - I need to be able to specify a url for use on other web sites that will link to one page on my site but I want that page to appear as part of the frameset - specifically inside the mainFrame. I don't think that is possible in plain html but I was think along the lines of linking to page that would then run a script which in turn does what I want.

Any ideas or pointers to sites on the net that may be able to help me would be gratefully appreciated.


Glen Harvy

GeneralRe: Externally referencing a page to appear in a frameset Pin
Bradml14-Mar-07 20:27
Bradml14-Mar-07 20:27 
Questionmenu bar in popup window Pin
venkatasivaramaprasad14-Mar-07 1:18
venkatasivaramaprasad14-Mar-07 1:18 
AnswerRe: menu bar in popup window Pin
Bradml14-Mar-07 2:03
Bradml14-Mar-07 2:03 
AnswerRe: menu bar in popup window Pin
Shog914-Mar-07 6:37
sitebuilderShog914-Mar-07 6:37 
QuestionMultiple Pages Pin
Illegal Operation13-Mar-07 23:15
Illegal Operation13-Mar-07 23:15 
AnswerRe: Multiple Pages Pin
badgrs14-Mar-07 1:06
badgrs14-Mar-07 1:06 
QuestionSystem is Ambiguous? Pin
ShiznitMo13-Mar-07 20:54
ShiznitMo13-Mar-07 20:54 
AnswerRe: System is Ambiguous? Pin
Bradml14-Mar-07 0:07
Bradml14-Mar-07 0:07 
AnswerRe: System is Ambiguous? Pin
badgrs14-Mar-07 1:04
badgrs14-Mar-07 1:04 
Questionadding treeview on Panel control Pin
EEmaan13-Mar-07 20:19
EEmaan13-Mar-07 20:19 
AnswerRe: adding treeview on Panel control Pin
badgrs14-Mar-07 1:01
badgrs14-Mar-07 1:01 
QuestionA flexible charting library for .net. Small problem Pin
azzacse13-Mar-07 15:32
azzacse13-Mar-07 15:32 
AnswerRe: A flexible charting library for .net. Small problem Pin
badgrs14-Mar-07 0:58
badgrs14-Mar-07 0:58 
QuestionPHP add date (easy one hopefully!) Pin
harveyhanson13-Mar-07 5:49
harveyhanson13-Mar-07 5:49 
AnswerRe: PHP add date (easy one hopefully!) Pin
Bradml13-Mar-07 10:27
Bradml13-Mar-07 10:27 
GeneralRe: PHP add date (easy one hopefully!) Pin
harveyhanson14-Mar-07 2:29
harveyhanson14-Mar-07 2:29 
GeneralRe: PHP add date (easy one hopefully!) Pin
l a u r e n14-Mar-07 16:21
l a u r e n14-Mar-07 16:21 

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