You can use a variable in the Session object to store what the user choose in the popup.
So, in the main page you check what the user chose (an example, a AJAX timer that checks the value of the variable in Session object) and open the appropriate popup.
Or else, you can simulate a pop-up window by using DIV(s) and AJAX.
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Dear all,
I have a web page from which I want to ping to a specific IP,could any one help me in how to do that using C#
I am developing a small application with some attributes:
- 1 Master Page
- 3 Content Pages
- 2 User Controls
I am calling the user controls in my Master page in order to gain consistency.
One of the usercontrol is Login (with Password and UserName text boxes and Login button)
The second usercontrol is Navigation (containing Navigation buttons)
One of the Content Page contains data to create a New user (few text boxes-with requiredfield validation, and Submit button)
The Problem is that the Master and Page content are strongly coupled.
when I Press some Login button in the Login UserControl (contained inside the Master page), Validation on the Content page is automatically fired and vice a versa.
What I am interested in is that Login User control should be completely independent and so as my content page. The request in the content page should ONLY fire validations in the content page and NOT on my login Textboxes or vice a versa.
Any suggestions !
Set the ValidationGroup property on the inputs and submit buttons.
Thank you, that solves it...
Another question with the validation groups.
I am unable to validate the controls within the update panel.
any Ideas..
Thank you again
Is there a way to create a table on the server and create a simple command like the HtmlGenericControl has a InnerHtml property. Idea here to allow an Callback to return a string that has the contents of that could be used to update the table without a full Postback.
JavaScript example:
function UpdateTable(result, context)
document.getElementById('localList').innerHtml = result;
return false;
Currently it looks like I would have to iterate through the table, table rows, and finally the table cells recreating all my tags one at a time. This can be messy and easy to forget to check for some value that could be set by a programmer.
Leo T. Smith
I found this answer helped to solve my problem with image caching. I thought i will share with the group..Thanks to Benjamin..
Previous problem:
I am uploading an image and replacing existing image. I have upload button that I am uploading the image with. How can I write code such that the uploaded image displays immediately.
If I use different file name for the image the file displays by setting up imageurl. However if I want to use the same file name as this image has to be displayed in other web application that runs on asp, the image does not load until I do a manual refresh of the page. It does not load even if I do a response.redirect to the same page. I believe it may be cache problem, if it is how to rectify it?
Raj D
You can configure this in IIS MMC by navigating to the folder containing the
images and adjusting the HTTP Headers to either "expire immediately" or
"never expire".
Benjamin Strackany
Raj D
I am wondering if it is possible to include a usercontrol in an XSLT file.
So that when the file get's transformed the usercontrol is included on the page?
Hello Everyone,
I want to generate the encrypted key of the userId in asp.net2.0 c#
but i am not able to do so.
So please help me to generate encrypted key of userId.
rahul saini
There are plenty of examples of encryption techniques here, have you searched yet?
only two letters away from being an asset
Yes i have searched and i have got the examples,
but actually i have never done this before so i was unable to understand
actually i hav to send an confermation mail so i need it
i will send this encrypted key with the link for confermation....
Please help ...
send me link from where i can got more explained example
rahul saini
Perhaps you could identify what parts you don't understand and what you have tried so far. If you want to learn, then ask. If you want it done, then buy it.
only two letters away from being an asset
I want to learn, So please help me.
rahul saini
How could i print a web form in ASP.NET on Dotmetrix printer
IE6 takes its default print size A4 and it leaves the page,
what i want is the printer will stop after printing the form and the next job of printing will be print on same page.
I don't quite understand what the problem is? It being a dotmatrix printer has nothing to do with it (least no anything you can change). IE6 (or any browser) is pretty rubbish at formating web pages for print. You want to look at creating a CSS print style sheet.
Hi friends,
I have a web form with a ListView bound to a DataView. I need to fire the OnSelectedIndexChanged event to capture the index in the ListView in order to retrieve the data from the DataView.
The problem I have is that this event does not fires when I click on a different item in the LV. It only fires when I change its content by filtering the DV etc...
What is happening here?...Is this event not suppose to fires when a user change their selection in the LV?
Would you please tell me how can we use listview in web forms?
Sorry but I am not finding list view control for web froms in Microsoft controls.
Naveed Kamboh
My mistake....I mean ListBox control
I apologize for that.
why dont u use a combo box, for the same.
Kunal Piyush
how to change the color of selected child node treeview in asp.net
Piyush Vardhan Singh
TAS NewDelhi
hi i am developing a web basec app in c# using visual web dev
i have a listbox, that fills up dynamically on selection of a value of a drop down list.
now.. the items that are displayed in the listbox have multiple selection property..
Now on the click of the SUBMIT button.. i want all these selected items to be stored in a database.. obviously... i want an upper limit for the same.
now the items that are saved in the table were retrieved from another table..(using drop down box)...
wat i want to ask is.. that how would i save the listbox items into the the table.. query????
secondly.. wen these items would be saved.. how would i retrieve their corresponding details from the other table.
thirdly.. any help in javascript to fix the upper limit.. need at client side..
Kunal Piyush
Well, you should read these listbox item by item and load the selected items in a array, then send this array element by element to the table in the database using sql statements.
i tried a lot, but no luck
i initialized a string type array with size 6.
string[] items = new string;
now how should i connect it with the listbox items.
Kunal Piyush