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AnswerRe: window opening Pin
Carmine_XX7-Mar-07 9:32
Carmine_XX7-Mar-07 9:32 
QuestionPing in C# Pin
Marwa Bahaa7-Mar-07 5:34
Marwa Bahaa7-Mar-07 5:34 
AnswerRe: Ping in C# Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar7-Mar-07 6:13
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar7-Mar-07 6:13 
QuestionMaster and Page Requests ! Pin
Jagga_Jatt7-Mar-07 4:04
Jagga_Jatt7-Mar-07 4:04 
AnswerRe: Master and Page Requests ! Pin
badgrs7-Mar-07 4:50
badgrs7-Mar-07 4:50 
GeneralRe: Master and Page Requests ! Pin
Jagga_Jatt8-Mar-07 16:57
Jagga_Jatt8-Mar-07 16:57 
Questionasp:Table and InnerHtml Pin
Leo Smith7-Mar-07 3:30
Leo Smith7-Mar-07 3:30 
QuestionImage Caching problem Pin
dasumohan7-Mar-07 3:21
dasumohan7-Mar-07 3:21 

I found this answer helped to solve my problem with image caching. I thought i will share with the group..Thanks to Benjamin..

Previous problem:

I am uploading an image and replacing existing image. I have upload button that I am uploading the image with. How can I write code such that the uploaded image displays immediately.

If I use different file name for the image the file displays by setting up imageurl. However if I want to use the same file name as this image has to be displayed in other web application that runs on asp, the image does not load until I do a manual refresh of the page. It does not load even if I do a response.redirect to the same page. I believe it may be cache problem, if it is how to rectify it?

Raj D

You can configure this in IIS MMC by navigating to the folder containing the
images and adjusting the HTTP Headers to either "expire immediately" or
"never expire".

Benjamin Strackany

Raj D

QuestionInclude USercotnrol in XSLT File Pin
GaryWoodfine 7-Mar-07 2:58
professionalGaryWoodfine 7-Mar-07 2:58 
Questiongenerate encrypted key Pin
monuSaini7-Mar-07 2:27
monuSaini7-Mar-07 2:27 
AnswerRe: generate encrypted key Pin
Not Active7-Mar-07 3:39
mentorNot Active7-Mar-07 3:39 
GeneralRe: generate encrypted key Pin
monuSaini7-Mar-07 3:45
monuSaini7-Mar-07 3:45 
GeneralRe: generate encrypted key Pin
Not Active7-Mar-07 4:22
mentorNot Active7-Mar-07 4:22 
GeneralRe: generate encrypted key Pin
monuSaini7-Mar-07 20:56
monuSaini7-Mar-07 20:56 
AnswerRe: generate encrypted key Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar7-Mar-07 6:14
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar7-Mar-07 6:14 
QuestionHow to Print webform on Dotmetrix printer Pin
Member 22041097-Mar-07 2:00
Member 22041097-Mar-07 2:00 
AnswerRe: How to Print webform on Dotmetrix printer Pin
badgrs7-Mar-07 4:48
badgrs7-Mar-07 4:48 
QuestionListView and SelectedIndexChanged event Pin
allende7-Mar-07 1:38
allende7-Mar-07 1:38 
AnswerRe: ListView and SelectedIndexChanged event/List View Pin
Naveed Kamboh7-Mar-07 1:47
Naveed Kamboh7-Mar-07 1:47 
GeneralRe: ListView and SelectedIndexChanged event/List View Pin
allende7-Mar-07 1:56
allende7-Mar-07 1:56 
GeneralRe: ListView and SelectedIndexChanged event/List View Pin
Kunal P16-Mar-07 23:53
Kunal P16-Mar-07 23:53 
Questionhow to change the color of selected child node treeview in Pin
Piyush Vardhan Singh7-Mar-07 1:20
Piyush Vardhan Singh7-Mar-07 1:20 
Questionmultiple selection listbox Pin
Kunal P7-Mar-07 1:18
Kunal P7-Mar-07 1:18 
AnswerRe: multiple selection listbox Pin
haggenx7-Mar-07 7:09
haggenx7-Mar-07 7:09 
QuestionRe: multiple selection listbox Pin
Kunal P16-Mar-07 23:50
Kunal P16-Mar-07 23:50 

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