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QuestionGrid View - Insert Row - ASP.NET 2.0 Pin
Rajaraman Soundararajan5-Mar-07 18:32
Rajaraman Soundararajan5-Mar-07 18:32 
Questionhow to put a form in a form < need help!! Pin
neodeaths5-Mar-07 18:32
neodeaths5-Mar-07 18:32 
AnswerRe: how to put a form in a form < need help!! Pin
badgrs5-Mar-07 23:03
badgrs5-Mar-07 23:03 
GeneralRe: how to put a form in a form < need help!! Pin
neodeaths6-Mar-07 15:07
neodeaths6-Mar-07 15:07 
AnswerRe: how to put a form in a form < need help!! Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-07 9:30
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-07 9:30 
GeneralRe: how to put a form in a form < need help!! Pin
neodeaths6-Mar-07 15:02
neodeaths6-Mar-07 15:02 
GeneralRe: how to put a form in a form < need help!! Pin
neodeaths8-Mar-07 14:22
neodeaths8-Mar-07 14:22 
QuestionImage upload problem Pin
dasumohan5-Mar-07 17:50
dasumohan5-Mar-07 17:50 
I am uploading an image and replacing existing image. I have upload button that I am uploading the image with. How can I write code such that the uploaded image displays immediately.

If I use different file name for the image the file displays by setting up imageurl. However if I want to use the same file name as this image has to be displayed in other web application that runs on asp, the image does not load until I do a manual refresh of the page. It does not load even if I do a response.redirect to the same page. I believe it may be cache problem, if it is how to rectify it?

Raj D

AnswerRe: Image upload problem Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-07 9:31
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-07 9:31 
GeneralRe: Image upload problem Pin
dasumohan6-Mar-07 9:46
dasumohan6-Mar-07 9:46 
QuestionDBO access to ASPNET_ tables Pin
dasumohan5-Mar-07 17:41
dasumohan5-Mar-07 17:41 
Questionserial communication Pin
wnaiza5-Mar-07 17:36
wnaiza5-Mar-07 17:36 
AnswerRe: serial communication Pin
badgrs5-Mar-07 23:21
badgrs5-Mar-07 23:21 
GeneralRe: serial communication Pin
wnaiza6-Mar-07 15:50
wnaiza6-Mar-07 15:50 
QuestionError in remoting urgent help Pin
nikhil12345-Mar-07 17:24
nikhil12345-Mar-07 17:24 
Questioncall up current page using response.redirect or server.transfer Pin
dasumohan5-Mar-07 17:20
dasumohan5-Mar-07 17:20 
AnswerRe: call up current page using response.redirect or server.transfer Pin
Spunky Coder5-Mar-07 21:37
Spunky Coder5-Mar-07 21:37 
Question"Not all code paths return a value" - Error Message Pin
harni.a5-Mar-07 14:15
harni.a5-Mar-07 14:15 
AnswerRe: "Not all code paths return a value" - Error Message Pin
rmedo5-Mar-07 15:46
rmedo5-Mar-07 15:46 
AnswerRe: "Not all code paths return a value" - Error Message Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-07 9:33
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Mar-07 9:33 
GeneralRe: "Not all code paths return a value" - Error Message Pin
harni.a7-Mar-07 17:15
harni.a7-Mar-07 17:15 
QuestionMy web service doesn't seem to update when I compile it Pin
goldoche5-Mar-07 10:31
goldoche5-Mar-07 10:31 
AnswerRe: My web service doesn't seem to update when I compile it Pin
minhpc_bk5-Mar-07 13:48
minhpc_bk5-Mar-07 13:48 
GeneralRe: My web service doesn't seem to update when I compile it Pin
goldoche6-Mar-07 2:23
goldoche6-Mar-07 2:23 
QuestionConverting an URL to a link Pin
nikneem20055-Mar-07 8:38
nikneem20055-Mar-07 8:38 

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