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Web Development

AnswerRe: Ensuring Database Security Pin
Bradml1-Mar-07 0:06
Bradml1-Mar-07 0:06 
GeneralRe: Ensuring Database Security Pin
Meysam Mahfouzi1-Mar-07 9:28
Meysam Mahfouzi1-Mar-07 9:28 
GeneralRe: Ensuring Database Security Pin
Bradml3-Mar-07 15:54
Bradml3-Mar-07 15:54 
QuestionRegular Expression Pin
248912828-Feb-07 2:12
248912828-Feb-07 2:12 
AnswerRe: Regular Expression for validating password strength Pin
andyharman28-Feb-07 6:16
professionalandyharman28-Feb-07 6:16 
QuestionWebconfig Ajax Pin
AnhTin27-Feb-07 21:12
AnhTin27-Feb-07 21:12 
AnswerRe: Webconfig Ajax Pin
badgrs27-Feb-07 22:43
badgrs27-Feb-07 22:43 
QuestionAJAX web app - ScriptResource-Handler failes to load js resources Pin
civilwar27-Feb-07 20:40
civilwar27-Feb-07 20:40 

I'm currently AJAX-enabling an existing project and came across the folliwing issue.

On the developer machine the whole app (localhost/appname) runs just fine, but is not reachable from remote machines (ipaddress/appname - using windows auth) - meaning the app starts, but failes to load the external ajax scripts (via ScriptResource.axd) which then results the known "Sys undefined" error message.
Same behaviour when I deploy my app to the test or production server.

I've tried to publish the web site and deploy the precompiled code but this didn't help anything. My Web.config is correct, the Script-Handlers are configured correct, etc. I really double-checked everything twice...

Any tips or hints?
QuestionHow should we design the programe if we like to add up more detail ? Pin
sdev27-Feb-07 19:41
sdev27-Feb-07 19:41 
AnswerRe: How should we design the programe if we like to add up more detail ? Pin
Paddy Boyd27-Feb-07 23:54
Paddy Boyd27-Feb-07 23:54 
GeneralRe: How should we design the programe if we like to add up more detail ? Pin
sdev28-Feb-07 6:32
sdev28-Feb-07 6:32 
GeneralRe: How should we design the programe if we like to add up more detail ? Pin
sdev28-Feb-07 6:37
sdev28-Feb-07 6:37 
QuestionCookies Pin
Sachin Pimpale27-Feb-07 19:36
Sachin Pimpale27-Feb-07 19:36 
AnswerRe: Cookies Pin
Michael Sync27-Feb-07 20:11
Michael Sync27-Feb-07 20:11 
AnswerRe: Cookies Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar28-Feb-07 12:34
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar28-Feb-07 12:34 
QuestionRemove Event onMouseOver on ImageHtml [modified] Pin
AnhTin27-Feb-07 16:07
AnhTin27-Feb-07 16:07 
AnswerRe: Remove Event onMouseOver on ImageHtml Pin
Michael Sync27-Feb-07 19:38
Michael Sync27-Feb-07 19:38 
AnswerRe: Remove Event onMouseOver on ImageHtml Pin
Bradml27-Feb-07 22:29
Bradml27-Feb-07 22:29 
QuestionASP and SQL Server 2005 NOT ASP.NET Pin
Kiss Lover27-Feb-07 7:30
Kiss Lover27-Feb-07 7:30 
AnswerRe: ASP and SQL Server 2005 NOT ASP.NET Pin
andyharman27-Feb-07 8:16
professionalandyharman27-Feb-07 8:16 
QuestionASP Export to Excel Pin
admoore7727-Feb-07 4:16
admoore7727-Feb-07 4:16 
AnswerRe: ASP Export to Excel Pin
andyharman27-Feb-07 5:46
professionalandyharman27-Feb-07 5:46 
QuestionRe: ASP Export to Excel Pin
admoore7727-Feb-07 6:32
admoore7727-Feb-07 6:32 
AnswerRe: ASP Export to Excel Pin
andyharman27-Feb-07 8:15
professionalandyharman27-Feb-07 8:15 
QuestionI want to Execuate EXE file on client machine through vbscript or javascript. Pin
divyesh143226-Feb-07 23:31
divyesh143226-Feb-07 23:31 

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