Hmm, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that your web.config is a bit messed up. Perhaps making sure it is valid would be a start.
I'm currently AJAX-enabling an existing project and came across the folliwing issue.
On the developer machine the whole app (localhost/appname) runs just fine, but is not reachable from remote machines (ipaddress/appname - using windows auth) - meaning the app starts, but failes to load the external ajax scripts (via ScriptResource.axd) which then results the known "Sys undefined" error message.
Same behaviour when I deploy my app to the test or production server.
I've tried to publish the web site and deploy the precompiled code but this didn't help anything. My Web.config is correct, the Script-Handlers are configured correct, etc. I really double-checked everything twice...
Any tips or hints?
According to the front end field right now it's too short.It shows just Name and Addres (example) if we like to add up more details of the front end.How should we design the programe? We need some help on this point. Thank you in advances.
This is a very vague question - in what way do you need help?
I would like to design database and coding program example the right now the screen customer have field Name and Address (textbox for entry) but right now user request field Phone. I would like to add up field by user (user have back end screen (screen for setting) him can create field "Phone" by i don't modify program).Thank you in advances.
I would like to know how design and coding.
I have idea expand to this question. you can see http://www.zoho.com/crm press online demo press setup example header "Lead Einstellungen" press Felderliste. Right now you can add field by press "New custom field" .I would like to design and code program like that.Thank you in advances.
hi all
i want to check is COOKIES are Allowed or Not ?
and also if cookies are NOT ALLOWED in Browser it is possible using SCRIPT can i set cookies for my site ?
plz help me
Bugs can neither be created nor be removed from software by a developer. They can only be converted from one form to another. The total number of bugs in the software always remain constant.
<script type="text/javascript">
var cookieEnabled=(navigator.cookieEnabled)? true : false
if (typeof navigator.cookieEnabled=="undefined" && !cookieEnabled){
cookieEnabled=(document.cookie.indexOf("testcookie")!=-1)? true : false
Ref: Determining JavaScript cookie support in client's browser
Thanks and Regards,
Michael Sync ( Blog: http://michaelsync.net)
If you want to thank me for my help, please vote my message by clicking one of numbers beside "Rate this message". Why vote? Plz Read it here. Thank you.
Hi all
My image (image is html) have Event onmouseover. I want Remove Event onmouseover by javacripts. how will i do it. ?????
-- modified at 22:14 Tuesday 27th February, 2007
I'm not very sure that I got you..
maybe. you can try like that..
<img src="Images/sliderbuttonoff.png" id="zoom0" onmouseout="javascript:this.src='Images/sliderbuttonoff.png';" onmouseover="javascript:this.src='Images/northover.png';" class="buttonBarButton0" alt="demo" />
Thanks and Regards,
Michael Sync ( Blog: http://michaelsync.net)
If you want to thank me for my help, please vote my message by clicking one of numbers beside "Rate this message". Why vote? Plz Read it here. Thank you.
Looks like it was removed for you.
- Christian Graus on "Best books for VBscript"
A big thick one, so you can whack yourself on the head with it.
How do I connect to a SQL SERVER 2005 DSN Using ASP? I have not done this in awhile (mainly Administration) and Having problems.
I am trying to export some data to an excel spreadsheet by passing variables to it. I keep getting a blank page. My code looks like this:
On the first page where I pull the data from the database I have this link:
target="_blank" href="DocAttach_Summary_Excel.asp?HMO=<%=request.form("HMO")%>">Export to Excel
My export to excel page looks like this:
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
<% set objconn=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
connpath="DBQ=" & server.mappath("/fpdb/ClaimMart_Access.mdb")
objconn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; " & connpath
THMO = request.querystring("HMO")
set objrs=objconn.execute("SELECT * FROM Tbl_DocAttached_Summary WHERE (HMO = THMO)")
' Loop through each Field, printing out the Field Names
For i = 0 to objrs.fields.count - 1
<% next %>
' Loop through rows, displaying each field
while not objrs.eof
<% For i = 0 to objrs.fields.count - 1
<% Next %>
%><% = objrs(i).name %> | <% = objrs(i) %> |
THMO looks like it is a variable. Try:
THMO = request.querystring("HMO")
set objrs=objconn.execute("SELECT * FROM Tbl_DocAttached_Summary WHERE (HMO = '" & THMO & "')") When you get that to work then I would advise you search for "SQL Injection Attack" then change this to a command parameter.
Hope that helps.
That wotked great! thank you! Now I am having trouble getting the select statement to work if the user doesnt select a value on the previous page. The value defaults to a % and I don't know what to change it to so the query selects all the records???
set objrs=objconn.execute("SELECT * FROM Tbl_DocAttached_Summary WHERE (HMO LIKE '" & THMO & "')") The "%" sign is a wildcard character that matches everything.
the shell command should run particular executable but it is not working. is there any another way for executing exe file on client machine through vbscript or javascript.
This could suffice
document.write('Please start Word up'); Overwise I don't think user's will be happy to have you running executables on their machines.
- Captain See Sharp on "Religion"
any half intelligent person can come to the conclusion that pink unicorns do not exist.
By design, your web browser is not permitted to access your hard drive with the exception of cookies.
If you want to access a hard drive from a web browser then you can create and use an Active X Control. But these Active X Controls will need permission from client to run.
But don't be too surprised if your clients refuse to use your web site as Active X Controls are highly suspect and dangerous in the wrong hands. Ask yourself a simple question "Why would I allow an unknown executable script to run from an unknown source which could destroy my computer with a single mouse click"?
modified 1-Aug-19 21:02pm.
I have a datagrid that is ment to insert data. But when I run the form only the header appears. I would like some advise from you all and solve this problem I'm using visual studio 2003. My code looks like this:
private void Fill()
DataTable table = new DataTable();
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from dbo.DashBoard", con);
private void Bind()
DataTable table = new DataTable();
dgis.DataSource = table;
private void InsertEmpty()
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Rows.InsertAt(table.NewRow(), 0);
private void bttnew_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// inserting
dgis.EditItemIndex = 0;
// modify text
EditCommandColumn ecc = (EditCommandColumn) dgis.Columns[5];
ecc.UpdateText = "Insert";
EditCommandColumn ecc1 =(EditCommandColumn) dgis.Columns[4];
ecc.UpdateText = "Insert";
// fill table, insert empty row, bind to datagrid
private void dgis_ItemCommand(object source,System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
// stop editing
dgis.EditItemIndex = -1;
switch (e.CommandName)
case "Insert":
case "Update":
case "Cancel":
EditCommandColumn ecc =(EditCommandColumn) dgis.Columns[0];
ecc.UpdateText = "Update";
EditCommandColumn ecc1 =(EditCommandColumn) dgis.Columns[0];
ecc.UpdateText = "Update";
case "Edit":
// begin editing
dgis.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
// fill and bind
nclauder wrote: private void Fill()
DataTable table = new DataTable();
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from dbo.DashBoard", con);
private void Bind()
DataTable table = new DataTable();
dgis.DataSource = table;
private void InsertEmpty()
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Rows.InsertAt(table.NewRow(), 0);
You create a new datatable everytime you do anything which means that when you bind you have nothing in it. You should create it in the originating method and pass it to the three functions as a ByRef variable or create a module level variable.
"I think you'll be okay here, they have a thin candy shell. 'Surprised you didn't know that." - Tommy Boy "Fill it up again! Fill it up again! Once it hits your lips, it's so good!" - Frank the Tank (Old School)
The problem still not solved. The row cannot be inserted yet another problem is when I run the form one row from the database converts itself into two rows in the datagrid. what would be the problem? My code now looks like this:
DataTable table = new DataTable();
private DataTable Fill()
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from dbo.DashBoard", con);
return table;
private void Bind()
dgis.DataSource = Fill();
private void InsertEmpty()
private void bttnew_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// inserting
dgis.EditItemIndex = 0;
// modify text
EditCommandColumn ecc =(EditCommandColumn) dgis.Columns[6];
ecc.UpdateText = "Insert";
// fill table, insert empty row, bind to datagrid
private void dgis_ItemCommand(object source,System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
// stop editing
dgis.EditItemIndex = -1;
switch (e.CommandName)
case "Insert":
case "Update":
case "Cancel":
EditCommandColumn ecc = (EditCommandColumn) dgis.Columns[6];
ecc.UpdateText = "Insert";
case "Edit":
// begin editing
dgis.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
// fill and bind
nclauder wrote: private void Bind()
dgis.DataSource = Fill();
private void InsertEmpty()
private void bttnew_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// inserting
dgis.EditItemIndex = 0;
// modify text
EditCommandColumn ecc =(EditCommandColumn) dgis.Columns[6];
ecc.UpdateText = "Insert";
// fill table, insert empty row, bind to datagrid
You are setting the .DataSource = Fill(); but then in the Fill() you are setting the .DataSource and .DataBind . You are also inserting the row after the initial bind so you are sort of repeating steps unnecessarily.
Try this.
DataTable table = new DataTable();
private DataTable Fill(){
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * from dbo.DashBoard", con);
return table;
private void Bind(){
dgis.DataSource = Fill();
private void InsertEmpty(){
private void bttnew_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){
dgis.EditItemIndex = 0;
EditCommandColumn ecc =(EditCommandColumn) dgis.Columns[6];
ecc.UpdateText = "Insert";
} Why are you inserting an empty row when you begin editing? You should be able to just read in that row on the datagrid and add it to the datatable after the editing is finished. Check out http://www.datagridgirl.com[^].
"I think you'll be okay here, they have a thin candy shell. 'Surprised you didn't know that." - Tommy Boy "Fill it up again! Fill it up again! Once it hits your lips, it's so good!" - Frank the Tank (Old School)