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GeneralRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
Anybloodyid25-Feb-07 11:22
Anybloodyid25-Feb-07 11:22 
AnswerRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
TwoFaced25-Feb-07 10:06
TwoFaced25-Feb-07 10:06 
GeneralRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
Anybloodyid25-Feb-07 11:27
Anybloodyid25-Feb-07 11:27 
QuestionRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
Anybloodyid25-Feb-07 22:51
Anybloodyid25-Feb-07 22:51 
AnswerRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
TwoFaced26-Feb-07 8:43
TwoFaced26-Feb-07 8:43 
GeneralRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
Anybloodyid26-Feb-07 12:06
Anybloodyid26-Feb-07 12:06 
GeneralRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
TwoFaced26-Feb-07 13:23
TwoFaced26-Feb-07 13:23 
GeneralRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
Anybloodyid26-Feb-07 22:02
Anybloodyid26-Feb-07 22:02 
No Surprises, it just doesn't work for me.( It's Probabaly me Frown | :( )
Below is how I have it layed out, I've removed Italic, Underline and Strikethrough. to keep it concise.

Private Sub rtbText_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rtbText.SelectionChanged

       'Has font changed since last position?
        If m_LastFont Is Nothing OrElse Not m_LastFont.Equals(rtbText.SelectionFont) Then
            'Yes.  Update GUI to reflect it
            'Set last font to new font
            m_LastFont = rtbText.SelectionFont

            'If Bold button doesn't reflect current state change it
            If tlbBold.Checked <> m_LastFont.Bold Then
                tlbBold.Checked = m_LastFont.Bold
                Bold = m_LastFont.Bold
            End If
        End If
        'Set last font to new font
        m_LastFont = rtbText.SelectionFont
    End Sub

Clever Knows the Answers,
Wise knows where to find them.
GeneralRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
TwoFaced27-Feb-07 9:02
TwoFaced27-Feb-07 9:02 
GeneralRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
Anybloodyid27-Feb-07 21:49
Anybloodyid27-Feb-07 21:49 
GeneralRe: That Dammned Caret! Pin
TwoFaced28-Feb-07 8:46
TwoFaced28-Feb-07 8:46 
GeneralRe: That Dammned Caret! [modified] Pin
Anybloodyid28-Feb-07 11:31
Anybloodyid28-Feb-07 11:31 
QuestionVB.NET Printing Alignment??? Pin
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 9:10
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 9:10 
AnswerRe: VB.NET Printing Alignment??? Pin
Snews25-Feb-07 19:42
Snews25-Feb-07 19:42 
QuestionVB.NET 2005 Printing Help please Pin
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 7:37
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 7:37 
AnswerRe: VB.NET 2005 Printing Help please Pin
TwoFaced25-Feb-07 8:02
TwoFaced25-Feb-07 8:02 
GeneralRe: VB.NET 2005 Printing Help please Pin
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 8:21
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 8:21 
GeneralRe: VB.NET 2005 Printing Help please Pin
TwoFaced25-Feb-07 8:28
TwoFaced25-Feb-07 8:28 
GeneralRe: VB.NET 2005 Printing Help please [modified] Pin
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 8:34
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 8:34 
GeneralRe: VB.NET 2005 Printing Help please Pin
TwoFaced25-Feb-07 8:55
TwoFaced25-Feb-07 8:55 
GeneralRe: VB.NET 2005 Printing Help please Pin
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 9:09
harveyhanson25-Feb-07 9:09 
QuestionVS 2005 bindingsource using a complex filter Pin
steve_rm25-Feb-07 7:31
steve_rm25-Feb-07 7:31 
Questionkeeping a class in scope Pin
cstrader23225-Feb-07 7:14
cstrader23225-Feb-07 7:14 
AnswerRe: keeping a class in scope Pin
Christian Graus25-Feb-07 8:47
protectorChristian Graus25-Feb-07 8:47 
GeneralRe: keeping a class in scope Pin
cstrader23225-Feb-07 8:54
cstrader23225-Feb-07 8:54 

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