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GeneralRe: proprietary web Browser Pin
Crash_beta24-Feb-07 16:31
Crash_beta24-Feb-07 16:31 
GeneralRe: proprietary web Browser Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 17:05
mveDave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 17:05 
GeneralRe: proprietary web Browser Pin
Crash_beta25-Feb-07 12:21
Crash_beta25-Feb-07 12:21 
QuestionSplashScreen Pin
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 12:45
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 12:45 
AnswerRe: SplashScreen Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 13:34
mveDave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 13:34 
GeneralRe: SplashScreen Pin
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 15:36
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 15:36 
GeneralRe: SplashScreen Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 16:57
mveDave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 16:57 
GeneralRe: SplashScreen Pin
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 17:23
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 17:23 
Dave Kreskowiak wrote:
No, we haven't. All we've seen is the code inside the SplashScreen, not the code that created an instance of it and .Showed it.

Well according to the tutorial on Dream-in-code i don't need to create a instance of it.
It works well as is, BUT does not stay on screen long enoght.

So you are saying that i need to do something like the following :-

dim frmsplash as splashscreen

and this code would be in the handles me.load for form1 ?
GeneralRe: SplashScreen Pin
Dave Kreskowiak25-Feb-07 5:42
mveDave Kreskowiak25-Feb-07 5:42 
AnswerRe: SplashScreen Pin
Christian Graus24-Feb-07 16:24
protectorChristian Graus24-Feb-07 16:24 
GeneralRe: SplashScreen Pin
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 17:14
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 17:14 
GeneralRe: SplashScreen Pin
Christian Graus25-Feb-07 8:57
protectorChristian Graus25-Feb-07 8:57 
AnswerRe: SplashScreen Pin
TwoFaced24-Feb-07 17:46
TwoFaced24-Feb-07 17:46 
GeneralRe: SplashScreen Pin
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 18:33
WestSideRailways24-Feb-07 18:33 
Questionupdate doesnt save into table using Pin
7prince24-Feb-07 9:53
7prince24-Feb-07 9:53 
AnswerRe: update doesnt save into table using Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 11:42
mveDave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 11:42 
Questiontree view Pin
manni_n24-Feb-07 7:28
manni_n24-Feb-07 7:28 
AnswerRe: tree view Pin
MatrixCoder24-Feb-07 9:12
MatrixCoder24-Feb-07 9:12 
QuestionOleDB error Pin
7prince24-Feb-07 6:31
7prince24-Feb-07 6:31 
AnswerRe: OleDB error Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 12:12
mveDave Kreskowiak24-Feb-07 12:12 
Questioninsert text data into database (SQL 2005) Pin
lyzaa24-Feb-07 5:22
lyzaa24-Feb-07 5:22 
AnswerRe: insert text data into database (SQL 2005) Pin
TriGiggleMich24-Feb-07 7:48
TriGiggleMich24-Feb-07 7:48 
GeneralRe: insert text data into database (SQL 2005) Pin
lyzaa25-Feb-07 16:37
lyzaa25-Feb-07 16:37 
QuestionRegEx to replace a string [modified] Pin
T John24-Feb-07 3:40
T John24-Feb-07 3:40 
AnswerRe: RegEx to replace a string Pin
The Tigerman24-Feb-07 13:17
The Tigerman24-Feb-07 13:17 

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