What ok? (
its not my solution. I want validate and still i am confuze how do I validate it?
Plz give me right solution
and thanks a lots 4 ur help
Hi Pathan,
Just read below. Hope this helps.
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="CPHID" runat="Server">
<script language="javascript" src="join.js" type="text/javascript">
/*In Code Behind File, add the following code in Page_Load (if you are using an ASP button control)
Make sure that you have added script tag on top of your page.
the script tag should be added within '<asp:Content></asp:Content>' as you are using Master Pages
Button1.Attributes.Add("OnClick","return CallMethod();");
//above statement will call javascript function written in the join.js
HI Harini.
Thanks 4 ur reply.
I have done it but its not working.
Hi ,
How to show only my posted Questions in this Forum under Asp.Net Category
becoz i am posted so many Questions,but i couldn't see the answers for my posted Questions due to many questions.
Also it will help reviewing answers after some days
Thank you
1. Click "Search Comments" beside the set option button.
2. type into Author Textbox "siddisagar"
3. choose "post only" into dropdownlist Search For.
4. click search.
Hi Anthony thank you very much..
Keep Reply to my Queries
Here is another way to do.
You see "profile image" beside your user name. Click this image. then it will take you to your profile page.
Please find a link "Messages Posted" in your profile page.
Then, click that link. you will see all of your question in that pages.
Thanks and Regards,
Michael Sync ( Blog: http://michaelsync.net)
If you want to thank me for my help, please vote my message by clicking one of numbers beside "Rate this message". Thank you.
How to create aspx pages with top part of the page constant accross multiple pages. Is there anything like frames in asp.net or any other way of implementing this. I have some drop down lists and a button control, on top of multiple pages. Selection of the drop down list values and button click event should trigger a resulting page in the bottom part. Appreciate all the help
Raj D
Raj D
You can use IFrame or Frame.
- Go to Design View of Webpage.
- Change to HTML View.
then, you can manually type "IFrame" or "Frame" in your page.
Hope it helps.
Thanks and Regards,
Michael Sync ( Blog: http://michaelsync.net)
If you want to thank me for my help, please vote my message. Thank you.
How about we make things simple - Masterpages.
As was pointed out ASP.NET simply renders to HTML and usually includes plenty of HTML tags on a page.
When I try to install a starter kit, for example DotNetNuke or Commerce Starter kit from a .vsi file, I get the following error:
A problem occured while running the installer. Please contact the content auther for problems with the content.
Error message:
String cannot have zero length.
Please can someone tell me why this is the case? Have I deleted certain folders? I have never had this error before and I have installed other starter kits on my PC, but I deleted them manually a while ago. If there is problems with the installer, how can I/where can I re-install it?
I am using VS2005.
ma se
Probably a dumb question but hopefully someone can help me.
I just installed MS Enterprise Library to use Data Access Application Block. I can't seem to find the .dll file under "Add Reference" dialog box to make reference in my project.
I found the .dll under "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Enterprise Library January 2006\bin" folder but I am not sure if this is what I need to reference!
Should it not appear in the "Add Reference" dialog box?
Thanks in advance.
In the "Add Reference" dialog box there is a tab called "Browse", use that to navigate to the folder you mentioned. Usually this is the way you reference 'addons'.
Taurian110 wrote: Should it not appear in the "Add Reference" dialog box?
It does, but it is displayed as something odd. (But, it makes sense after a while)
Microsoft Patterns and Practices.... (I think)
Taurian110 wrote: I found the .dll under "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Enterprise Library January 2006\bin" folder but I am not sure if this is what I need to reference!
If you go browsing for it then that's the one.
The dll from assembly folder shows in "Add Reference" dialog. So, If you wanna see those dlls then you should add them into Assembly Folder. but made sure these dlls have strong key..
Thanks and Regards,
Michael Sync ( Blog: http://michaelsync.net)
If you want to thank me for my help, please vote my message. Thank you.
hello all,
i'm trying to change an sql command string by assigning a strSelected variable and injecting it into a WHERE clause, but it keeps coming up null:
<br />
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page <br />
{<br />
public string strSelected;<br />
<br />
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)<br />
{<br />
if (!Page.IsPostBack) <br />
strSelected = "*";<br />
<br />
String sConStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +<br />
"Data Source=" + Server.MapPath ("ExcelData.xls") + ";" +<br />
"Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";<br />
OleDbConnection objConn = new OleDbConnection (sConStr);<br />
objConn.Open ();<br />
<br />
OleDbCommand objCmdSelect = new OleDbCommand ("SELECT " + strSelected + " FROM myRange1", objConn);<br />
OleDbCommand objCmdSelectFirstname = new OleDbCommand ("SELECT Firstname FROM myRange1", objConn);<br />
OleDbCommand objCmdSelectLastname = new OleDbCommand ("SELECT Lastname FROM myRange1", objConn);<br />
OleDbDataAdapter objAdapter1 = new OleDbDataAdapter ();<br />
objAdapter1.SelectCommand = objCmdSelect;<br />
DataSet objDataset1 = new DataSet ();<br />
objAdapter1.Fill (objDataset1, "XLData");<br />
GridView1.DataSource = objDataset1.Tables[0].DefaultView;<br />
GridView1.DataBind ();<br />
<br />
objConn.Close ();<br />
}<br />
<br />
protected void lbQuery_SelectedIndexChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) {<br />
switch (lbQuery.SelectedValue) {<br />
case "firstName":<br />
lblSelected.Text = "First name query selected.";<br />
strSelected = "Firstname";<br />
break;<br />
case "lastName":<br />
lblSelected.Text = "Last name query selected.";<br />
strSelected = "Lastname";<br />
break;<br />
case "entireRange":<br />
lblSelected.Text = "Entire range query selected.";<br />
strSelected = "*";<br />
break;<br />
default:<br />
lblSelected.Text = "Select query type above.";<br />
break;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
but whenenver i click on any of the items in the lbQuery listbox it seems like it reiterates to strSelected being null due to the declaration of the variable at the top. any pointers as to how to go about this?
thanks in advance,
It doesnt look like you're ever doing anything with it after you set it to the column name. The button click event takes place after the Page_Load event so if you want to run that query again you need to place it inside it's own method and call it from both places respectively.
Dear CPians,
I am using the Page.IsPostBack property. When this evaluates to true, hence I am within a post back, I want, in some cases to cancel the post back. I need to prevent it of happening in case some condition evaluates to true.
if (Page.IsPostBack)
if (something == true)
Is there a way to prevent it of happening?
Thanking you in advance
What exactly do you mean cancel the postback? You could use Response.Redirect() or Response.End() but I don't think thats exactly what your after. Please explain more.
Actually a redirect would do it.
I may be misunderstanding what you're trying to accomplish, but it sounds to me as if you should be doing your evaluation on the client-side and preventing the form submission rather then trying to evaluate it on the server after the postback has already taken place.
More information on what kind of conditions you're evaluating would prove helpful, if you're still interested in gathering opinions.
If there is an event causing the post back it is best to deal with this in that event, not the Page_Load. Then if something isnt the way you want it just exit that sub.
I have some concerns about the stability of the SiteMapPath control for ASP.NET 2.0. First the programmatically modify SiteMap Nodes in Memeory described at ms-help://MS.MSDN.vAug06.en/dv_aspnetcon/html/76f0cf95-d0fd-44c9-8a07-93173beb6e22.htm changes the nodes, however, it seems to be called each time you navigate forward or backwards. So each page node is overwritten with the same info. It seems the static method call for assigning this is the issue. Second after reopen the web browser the Crumb trail displays the incorrect path. I typically have to restart the web server in order to clean it out of state. Third SiteMapPath crashes if it detects more then one node pointing to the same url. Does any one know of how to fix any of these problems? It seems that Microsoft has not bothered to test this control before releasing it. (Suprise Suprise!) I think I will need to make a new SiteMapPath object that works. This control is too problematic to be taken seriously.