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Visual Basic

QuestionVB.NET CODE Pin
Segigo19-Feb-07 1:31
Segigo19-Feb-07 1:31 
AnswerRe: VB.NET CODE Pin
Mark0619-Feb-07 1:57
Mark0619-Feb-07 1:57 
AnswerRe: VB.NET CODE Pin
sathesh pandian20-Feb-07 19:18
sathesh pandian20-Feb-07 19:18 
Questionhow to insert logged in user name automatically to dbtable Pin
rasheed.rahman18-Feb-07 23:53
rasheed.rahman18-Feb-07 23:53 
AnswerRe: how to insert logged in user name automatically to dbtable Pin
Colin Angus Mackay19-Feb-07 0:25
Colin Angus Mackay19-Feb-07 0:25 
AnswerRe: how to insert logged in user name automatically to dbtable Pin
Duncan Edwards Jones19-Feb-07 1:01
professionalDuncan Edwards Jones19-Feb-07 1:01 
GeneralRe: how to insert logged in user name automatically to dbtable Pin
rasheed.rahman19-Feb-07 4:08
rasheed.rahman19-Feb-07 4:08 
QuestionInterface Pin
Navneet Hegde18-Feb-07 23:38
Navneet Hegde18-Feb-07 23:38 
I am working with all classes for coding Components and controls, but frankly speaking never used Interface in my any of the Projects ,as it never really strike across my coding, But I really want to know why exactly its required in my class. How to get it.D'Oh! | :doh:

Develop2Program & Program2Develop

AnswerRe: Interface Pin
Christian Graus18-Feb-07 23:59
protectorChristian Graus18-Feb-07 23:59 
GeneralRe: Interface Pin
Navneet Hegde19-Feb-07 1:01
Navneet Hegde19-Feb-07 1:01 
GeneralRe: Interface Pin
Mark0619-Feb-07 1:45
Mark0619-Feb-07 1:45 
GeneralRe: Interface Pin
Navneet Hegde19-Feb-07 21:51
Navneet Hegde19-Feb-07 21:51 
QuestionAutosizing Combo Dropdown width (vs2005) Pin
Mark0618-Feb-07 23:23
Mark0618-Feb-07 23:23 
AnswerRe: Autosizing Combo Dropdown width (vs2005) Pin
Krish - KP18-Feb-07 23:36
Krish - KP18-Feb-07 23:36 
GeneralRe: Autosizing Combo Dropdown width (vs2005) Pin
Mark0618-Feb-07 23:56
Mark0618-Feb-07 23:56 
GeneralRe: Autosizing Combo Dropdown width (vs2005) Pin
Marcus J. Smith19-Feb-07 3:23
professionalMarcus J. Smith19-Feb-07 3:23 
QuestionWrite inot word document using the textbox created by com add-in Pin
t6.test118-Feb-07 22:47
t6.test118-Feb-07 22:47 
Questioninsertion of binary data 2 database Pin
lopashree18-Feb-07 21:58
lopashree18-Feb-07 21:58 
AnswerRe: insertion of binary data 2 database Pin
Colin Angus Mackay18-Feb-07 22:26
Colin Angus Mackay18-Feb-07 22:26 
AnswerRe: insertion of binary data 2 database Pin
Colin Angus Mackay18-Feb-07 23:17
Colin Angus Mackay18-Feb-07 23:17 
QuestionError while opening a form Pin
Maira K18-Feb-07 21:56
Maira K18-Feb-07 21:56 
AnswerRe: Error while opening a form Pin
GoodID19-Feb-07 21:23
GoodID19-Feb-07 21:23 
GeneralRe: Error while opening a form Pin
Maira K20-Feb-07 19:38
Maira K20-Feb-07 19:38 
QuestionError while opening a form Pin
Maira K18-Feb-07 21:54
Maira K18-Feb-07 21:54 
AnswerRe: Error while opening a form Pin
A*****18-Feb-07 22:23
A*****18-Feb-07 22:23 

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