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AnswerRe: How can I prevent postback in link button Pin
K.P.Kannan15-Feb-07 22:58
K.P.Kannan15-Feb-07 22:58 
GeneralRe: How can I prevent postback in link button Pin
Sylvester george16-Feb-07 0:11
Sylvester george16-Feb-07 0:11 
QuestionDifference between form authentication and windows authentication Pin
chohanpk15-Feb-07 18:47
chohanpk15-Feb-07 18:47 
AnswerRe: Difference between form authentication and windows authentication Pin
Sylvester george15-Feb-07 19:07
Sylvester george15-Feb-07 19:07 
QuestionASP.Net AJAX ModalPupup problem Pin
theprofound15-Feb-07 18:35
theprofound15-Feb-07 18:35 
AnswerRe: ASP.Net AJAX ModalPupup problem Pin
Michael Sync15-Feb-07 20:39
Michael Sync15-Feb-07 20:39 
GeneralRe: ASP.Net AJAX ModalPupup problem Pin
badgrs15-Feb-07 23:01
badgrs15-Feb-07 23:01 
GeneralRe: ASP.Net AJAX ModalPupup problem Pin
theprofound16-Feb-07 0:54
theprofound16-Feb-07 0:54 
ya i m talkin abt AJAX Modal Popup...well popup is displayed but still the main page isnt grayed means user can still interact with the main page on which popup is displayed.
Questionexeption accessing webservices Pin
nikhil123415-Feb-07 18:30
nikhil123415-Feb-07 18:30 
QuestionIntegration Pin
John.L.Ponratnam15-Feb-07 18:26
John.L.Ponratnam15-Feb-07 18:26 
AnswerRe: Integration Pin
N a v a n e e t h15-Feb-07 18:33
N a v a n e e t h15-Feb-07 18:33 
GeneralRe: Integration Pin
John.L.Ponratnam15-Feb-07 18:52
John.L.Ponratnam15-Feb-07 18:52 
GeneralRe: Integration Pin
Michael Sync15-Feb-07 20:03
Michael Sync15-Feb-07 20:03 
GeneralRe: Integration Pin
John.L.Ponratnam15-Feb-07 20:32
John.L.Ponratnam15-Feb-07 20:32 
GeneralRe: Integration Pin
N a v a n e e t h15-Feb-07 20:21
N a v a n e e t h15-Feb-07 20:21 
AnswerRe: Integration Pin
Michael Sync15-Feb-07 19:58
Michael Sync15-Feb-07 19:58 
QuestionDate: Pin
SwaSubhaVijju15-Feb-07 16:46
SwaSubhaVijju15-Feb-07 16:46 
AnswerRe: Date: Pin
Christian Graus15-Feb-07 18:09
protectorChristian Graus15-Feb-07 18:09 
GeneralRe: Date: Pin
SwaSubhaVijju15-Feb-07 18:26
SwaSubhaVijju15-Feb-07 18:26 
Questionhow to execute a URL which has to be authenticated Pin
tilak.gummadi15-Feb-07 15:53
tilak.gummadi15-Feb-07 15:53 
QuestionIIS integrated windows authentication doesn't accept my userid and password Pin
red60mans15-Feb-07 13:46
red60mans15-Feb-07 13:46 
AnswerRe: IIS integrated windows authentication doesn't accept my userid and password Pin
kubben16-Feb-07 6:08
kubben16-Feb-07 6:08 
Questionupdate on button click along with validation Pin
srishree15-Feb-07 8:05
srishree15-Feb-07 8:05 
QuestionChaning Culture from UserControl Pin
Taurian11015-Feb-07 7:54
Taurian11015-Feb-07 7:54 
AnswerRe: Chaning Culture from UserControl Pin
Renuka Verma3-Oct-09 7:40
Renuka Verma3-Oct-09 7:40 

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