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AnswerRe: PLEASE HELP! - How do I change IE settings from my application? Pin
Sandeep Akhare8-Feb-07 20:36
Sandeep Akhare8-Feb-07 20:36 
AnswerRe: PLEASE HELP! - How do I change IE settings from my application? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon8-Feb-07 22:42
mvePete O'Hanlon8-Feb-07 22:42 
GeneralRe: PLEASE HELP! - How do I change IE settings from my application? Pin
peshkunta9-Feb-07 3:29
peshkunta9-Feb-07 3:29 
GeneralRe: PLEASE HELP! - How do I change IE settings from my application? Pin
Andy *M*30-Apr-07 0:10
Andy *M*30-Apr-07 0:10 
QuestionMy porgram doesn't work in other computer Pin
kjhuut8-Feb-07 19:11
kjhuut8-Feb-07 19:11 
AnswerRe: My porgram doesn't work in other computer Pin
mav.northwind8-Feb-07 19:16
mav.northwind8-Feb-07 19:16 
AnswerRe: My porgram doesn't work in other computer Pin
peshkunta8-Feb-07 19:58
peshkunta8-Feb-07 19:58 
AnswerRe: My porgram doesn't work in other computer Pin
phantanagu8-Feb-07 22:48
phantanagu8-Feb-07 22:48 
yesterday, when I test a part of my program on my boss's computer, I have a problem similar to you. Thus, we must do two things
- Install dotnet framework 2.0, include reference of Crsytal Report as needed
- Determine whether authentication of database is right.
QuestionLink button disappears when click on it. Pin
babutkchn8-Feb-07 18:04
babutkchn8-Feb-07 18:04 
AnswerRe: Link button disappears when click on it. Pin
gauthee8-Feb-07 19:29
gauthee8-Feb-07 19:29 
QuestionOpen Excel File Stored in Access Database Pin
Shaurya_Rastogi8-Feb-07 17:18
Shaurya_Rastogi8-Feb-07 17:18 
Questionsprogress Pin
picasso28-Feb-07 17:12
picasso28-Feb-07 17:12 
AnswerRe: sprogress Pin
peshkunta8-Feb-07 20:04
peshkunta8-Feb-07 20:04 
GeneralRe: sprogress Pin
picasso29-Feb-07 16:04
picasso29-Feb-07 16:04 
Questionthe left/right key will affect the ComboBox field, cause ComboBox value changed , how could I solve this Pin
cchmark8-Feb-07 15:53
cchmark8-Feb-07 15:53 
AnswerRe: the left/right key will affect the ComboBox field, cause ComboBox value changed , how could I solve this Pin
Christian Graus8-Feb-07 16:41
protectorChristian Graus8-Feb-07 16:41 
GeneralRe: the left/right key will affect the ComboBox field, cause ComboBox value changed , how could I solve this Pin
cchmark8-Feb-07 18:14
cchmark8-Feb-07 18:14 
QuestionMulticast Delegate Pin
TheCatsPajamas8-Feb-07 15:48
TheCatsPajamas8-Feb-07 15:48 
AnswerRe: Multicast Delegate Pin
Luc Pattyn8-Feb-07 15:54
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn8-Feb-07 15:54 
GeneralRe: Multicast Delegate Pin
TheCatsPajamas8-Feb-07 17:59
TheCatsPajamas8-Feb-07 17:59 
GeneralRe: Multicast Delegate Pin
TheCatsPajamas8-Feb-07 18:05
TheCatsPajamas8-Feb-07 18:05 
GeneralRe: Multicast Delegate Pin
Luc Pattyn8-Feb-07 23:38
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn8-Feb-07 23:38 
QuestionTif Image Create Pin
smarttom998-Feb-07 15:19
smarttom998-Feb-07 15:19 
AnswerRe: Tif Image Create Pin
Luc Pattyn8-Feb-07 15:46
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn8-Feb-07 15:46 
QuestionHow to work with TAPI to get caller id Pin
samar naguib8-Feb-07 13:41
samar naguib8-Feb-07 13:41 

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