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Web Development

GeneralRe: XHTML and css Pin
User 98857-Feb-07 22:57
User 98857-Feb-07 22:57 
GeneralRe: XHTML and css Pin
Bradml7-Feb-07 23:00
Bradml7-Feb-07 23:00 
GeneralRe: XHTML and css Pin
User 98857-Feb-07 23:08
User 98857-Feb-07 23:08 
GeneralRe: XHTML and css Pin
Bradml7-Feb-07 23:12
Bradml7-Feb-07 23:12 
AnswerRe: XHTML and css Pin
Bradml7-Feb-07 22:32
Bradml7-Feb-07 22:32 
AnswerRe: XHTML and css Pin
szukuro8-Feb-07 1:29
szukuro8-Feb-07 1:29 
GeneralRe: XHTML and css Pin
User 98858-Feb-07 2:04
User 98858-Feb-07 2:04 
QuestionHelp in asp .net and mysql Pin
Rock Star.7-Feb-07 19:14
Rock Star.7-Feb-07 19:14 
I want to how to connect a mySQL with the asp .net application. I have tried the following procedure.

Download the ODBC .Net data provider and install it on server. file is located in the following folder
on server C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\Odbc.Net\.

Install (MDAC) 2.6 and later MDAC 2.8 is

install MySQL ODBC Driver-MyODBC 3.51.

But i am getting error as a unable to initialize the provider

So any one has solution for it please reply its urgent.

Confused | :confused: Confused | :confused: Confused | :confused:


AnswerRe: Help in asp .net and mysql Pin
badgrs8-Feb-07 0:53
badgrs8-Feb-07 0:53 
QuestionHelp in using media player control in C# web application Pin
EEmaan7-Feb-07 18:37
EEmaan7-Feb-07 18:37 
AnswerRe: Help in using media player control in C# web application Pin
Christian Graus8-Feb-07 0:36
protectorChristian Graus8-Feb-07 0:36 
GeneralRe: Help in using media player control in C# web application Pin
EEmaan8-Feb-07 0:41
EEmaan8-Feb-07 0:41 
GeneralRe: Help in using media player control in C# web application Pin
badgrs8-Feb-07 0:50
badgrs8-Feb-07 0:50 
GeneralRe: Help in using media player control in C# web application Pin
EEmaan8-Feb-07 0:56
EEmaan8-Feb-07 0:56 
GeneralRe: Help in using media player control in C# web application Pin
Christian Graus8-Feb-07 1:04
protectorChristian Graus8-Feb-07 1:04 
JokeRe: Help in using media player control in C# web application Pin
User 98858-Feb-07 21:31
User 98858-Feb-07 21:31 
GeneralRe: Help in using media player control in C# web application Pin
Christian Graus8-Feb-07 22:38
protectorChristian Graus8-Feb-07 22:38 
QuestionHelp in implementing cascaded style sheet in C# web applcation Pin
EEmaan7-Feb-07 18:32
EEmaan7-Feb-07 18:32 
AnswerRe: Help in implementing cascaded style sheet in C# web applcation Pin
Christian Graus8-Feb-07 0:37
protectorChristian Graus8-Feb-07 0:37 
GeneralRe: Help in implementing cascaded style sheet in C# web applcation Pin
EEmaan8-Feb-07 0:39
EEmaan8-Feb-07 0:39 
QuestionValidating an XML against a given XSD Pin
vsavarma7-Feb-07 17:38
vsavarma7-Feb-07 17:38 
AnswerRe: Validating an XML against a given XSD Pin
vsavarma7-Feb-07 17:39
vsavarma7-Feb-07 17:39 
QuestionIframe Development Pin
macca247-Feb-07 4:40
macca247-Feb-07 4:40 
AnswerRe: Iframe Development Pin
led mike7-Feb-07 4:50
led mike7-Feb-07 4:50 
QuestionApache Server - throttle downloads Pin
#realJSOP7-Feb-07 2:05
professional#realJSOP7-Feb-07 2:05 

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