i had to find a specific sheet (and extract data from that sheet) from given excel file which contains other sheets as well..in c#.NET.
is it possible to do that in .NET
pls help.
There's never a Wronge Time To Do The Right Thing !!
Hi dears,
I used this code to send email , but reciever recieves mail in spams box , How can I fix this problem ?
the code is :
<br />
string body = "my message";<br />
System.Web.Mail.MailMessage mail = new System.Web.Mail.MailMessage();<br />
mail.To = "you@yahoo.com;<br />
mail.From = "me@myserver.com";<br />
mail.Subject = "my subject";<br />
mail.Body = "my message body";<br />
mail.BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html;<br />
System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "localhost";<br />
System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.Send(mail); <br />
Get off their spam list. Nothing you do can change if something is marked as spam, if it could, my inbox would be full of ads for viagra and Russian brides.
Christian Graus - C++ MVP
'Why don't we jump on a fad that hasn't already been widely discredited ?' - Dilbert
You Are Right, but What should I do when someone register to my website and I want to send him personal registring data? In this case, all emails send to spam...! how to fix it?
Tell people to mark your email as not spam. That's about all you can do, if you're marked as spam, get them to fix it on their end. You can't fix it ( unless perhaps you change ISP ). Also, if you're sending lots of emails in one go, using cc, you're both telling the world who is on your list, and you're bound to be marked as spam.
Christian Graus - C++ MVP
'Why don't we jump on a fad that hasn't already been widely discredited ?' - Dilbert
but many websites can send email to their new members after registering , and they have not to notify their members to mark them as not spam . How they do that ?
A spam filter works by examining everything in the mail, like the sender, the subject, the content, the attachments, et.c. Typically each component get a rating for how suspicious it looks, and if the total rating is above a certain level the mail is concidered as spam.
Examine what you send in the mail and concider what might look like spam.
Year happy = new Year(2007);
I send only member`s username and password or e verification link.
Should I register my website somewere to prove thst my mail is not spam ? or something like this ???
You can't register anywhere. You need to make sure of several things
1 - Do what Guffa said
2 - make sure your ISP isn't registered because of widespread spamming
3 - don't send out emails with lots of recipients ( I guess you're not doing that in this case )
There's nothing you can do to stop your mail being marked as spam, except making sure it's not coming from a source that's marked as spam, and that it doesn't look like spam.
Christian Graus - C++ MVP
'Why don't we jump on a fad that hasn't already been widely discredited ?' - Dilbert
thx for your advise...
Hi all,
I am developing webapplication though which user can change content on webpages page.
For this purpose I decide to use html's tag.(because I want page look in html format)
I just planned to display page content in tag,after content updation I want to write complete html page with matter in tag.
changed content
My problem is
1)how to access this div1 in codebehind.
2)if I make as server control by adding runat="server" then I am not getting changed content
why this is so,
Please help me to find solution.
you can access all html tag with the help of document object.
Parwej Back...............DON of Developer.......
Parwej Ahamad
Can you make some code as an example which will copy tag (html) content in to textbox(serve side).
This is only true if your document is XHTML. If you mark your HTML controls with runat="server", you'll be able to access them in your code behind.
Christian Graus - C++ MVP
'Why don't we jump on a fad that hasn't already been widely discredited ?' - Dilbert
Try this code.......
document.getElementById('servercontrolid').value= document.getElementById('htmlcontrol').value
Parwej Back...............DON of Developer.......
Parwej Ahamad
Hi all..
I'm facing a problem with a popup form displaying a crystal report in it. It works fine in IE but fails to work in Mozilla firefox.. What is the actual problem? Can anybody help me in this matter..
Thanx in advance..
try to download IETab Add-on for Mozilla. IETab integrate IE inside mozilla then you can browse same as in IE browser
hi i am using asp.net ajax .I have already istalled ASPAJAXExtSetup and using
ajax based website in asp.net2.0 but while debugging there are certain permissions requirePermission="false"
shows error also when i am using update panel it gives sys error please give me solution thanks
Hi All,
I am new to Code Project.I am stuck with one problem.
I want to open Microsoft office Outlook's My account through my web Application.
How can i do that?
You really can't.
Christian Graus - C++ MVP
'Why don't we jump on a fad that hasn't already been widely discredited ?' - Dilbert
Not actually Outlook, but in the past, I've used outlook web access embedded in a frame / iFrame...
Works nicely
"Now I guess I'll sit back and watch people misinterpret what I just said......"
Christian Graus At The Soapbox
I am using vs2003,in that frame menu was disabled so how do i insert a frame in
asp.net page
You can go to the menu,Project --> Add Existing Item -->FrameSet.
Else you can use
<br />
<<fieldset><br />
<<legend><br />
!--Heading for your Panel/Frame<br />
</legend>><br />
<Table><br />
<tr><br />
<td>...</td><br />
</tr><br />
</Table><br />
<</fieldset>><br />
Try this and tell me if you have any problem.(please ignore << , >> and use < , >.I included to avoid confusion)
Am using
try<br />
{<br />
Response.Redirect("Page2.aspx");<br />
}<br />
Catch(System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ThreadEx)<br />
{<br />
My problem is am getting "Thread is being aborted" exception at Response.Redirect("Page2.aspx").
(Obviously,not redirecting to the required page)
Why it's coming and how to resolve it?
Please help me!
When u call Response.Redirect method, Round trip process fire,
so in these u should be store u'r thread variable in session or cookies.
or u can try Server.Transfer.
Parwej Back...............DON of Developer.......
Parwej Ahamad