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Questionrepaint Pin
samreengr822-Jan-07 10:17
samreengr822-Jan-07 10:17 
AnswerRe: repaint Pin
mdzieg22-Jan-07 10:30
mdzieg22-Jan-07 10:30 
QuestionWhirlpool in .NET Pin
JungoMungo22-Jan-07 10:07
JungoMungo22-Jan-07 10:07 
AnswerRe: Whirlpool in .NET Pin
Dave Kreskowiak22-Jan-07 10:13
mveDave Kreskowiak22-Jan-07 10:13 
Questionmultithreading Pin
vbar22-Jan-07 9:38
vbar22-Jan-07 9:38 
AnswerRe: multithreading Pin
Judah Gabriel Himango22-Jan-07 12:10
sponsorJudah Gabriel Himango22-Jan-07 12:10 
GeneralRe: multithreading Pin
Luc Pattyn22-Jan-07 14:38
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn22-Jan-07 14:38 
GeneralRe: multithreading Pin
vbar23-Jan-07 5:29
vbar23-Jan-07 5:29 
you are right. i tested it with only one synced queue and it has the same behaviour. i also tested an arraylist

lock (Messages) {
messageReceived.Set(); //one and only place where it gets signaled


//dirty fix
if (this.Messages.Count <= 0)
continue; //is called few times until count is really >0

string curLine = "";
lock (this.Messages) {
curLine = (string)(this.Messages[0]);
if(this.Messages.Count <= 0)

/*curline action*/
instead of the queue with same results. the event is only signaled after something is added to the list, but if the waitone releases, often, not always, count is still 0.
am i stupid or what?!
GeneralRe: multithreading Pin
Luc Pattyn23-Jan-07 6:07
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn23-Jan-07 6:07 
GeneralRe: multithreading [modified] Pin
vbar23-Jan-07 8:03
vbar23-Jan-07 8:03 
QuestionConfiguration files Pin
peshawarcoder22-Jan-07 9:36
peshawarcoder22-Jan-07 9:36 
AnswerRe: Configuration files Pin
Rick van Woudenberg22-Jan-07 9:45
Rick van Woudenberg22-Jan-07 9:45 
AnswerRe: Configuration files Pin
Dave Kreskowiak22-Jan-07 10:09
mveDave Kreskowiak22-Jan-07 10:09 
GeneralRe: Configuration files Pin
peshawarcoder23-Jan-07 4:27
peshawarcoder23-Jan-07 4:27 
GeneralRe: Configuration files Pin
Dave Kreskowiak23-Jan-07 12:32
mveDave Kreskowiak23-Jan-07 12:32 
QuestionSoapExtensionAttribute at the client proxy side Pin
Walter Dias22-Jan-07 8:55
professionalWalter Dias22-Jan-07 8:55 
Questionhide a file Pin
nima_dir22-Jan-07 7:24
nima_dir22-Jan-07 7:24 
AnswerRe: hide a file Pin
aamironline24-Jan-07 15:33
aamironline24-Jan-07 15:33 
QuestionDecimal roundoff problem Pin
Rick van Woudenberg22-Jan-07 7:15
Rick van Woudenberg22-Jan-07 7:15 
AnswerRe: Decimal roundoff problem Pin
Stefan Troschuetz22-Jan-07 7:24
Stefan Troschuetz22-Jan-07 7:24 
AnswerRe: Decimal roundoff problem Pin
PIEBALDconsult22-Jan-07 7:29
mvePIEBALDconsult22-Jan-07 7:29 
AnswerRe: Decimal roundoff problem (solved) Pin
Rick van Woudenberg22-Jan-07 8:22
Rick van Woudenberg22-Jan-07 8:22 
GeneralRe: Decimal roundoff problem (solved) Pin
Guffa22-Jan-07 9:51
Guffa22-Jan-07 9:51 
GeneralRe: Decimal roundoff problem (solved) Pin
Dave Kreskowiak22-Jan-07 10:46
mveDave Kreskowiak22-Jan-07 10:46 
GeneralRe: Decimal roundoff problem (solved) Pin
Rick van Woudenberg22-Jan-07 21:34
Rick van Woudenberg22-Jan-07 21:34 

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