Are you supplying an index or trying create one of your own ?
Blog Have I http:\\www.frankkerrigan.com
I am not creating index of my own.
the scenario is this.
i have a web form.
i have a datagrid with 5 template columns.
i am providing option for sorting.
now i want to get the index of the column that i have selected for sorting.
Ah... OK
You have to create a command the datagrid, then use
To select the column value of the row that is selected.
Blog Have I http:\\www.frankkerrigan.com
Hi friends,
How to read PST file (Outlook files) from asp.net. I need to get all the from address in PST file. Please guide me. No idea for me reg. this.
Thanks in Advance,
Have a look for a API that reads pst fires
Blog Have I http:\\www.frankkerrigan.com
Hi friends
I want to execute the procedure which is as shown below
CREATE procedure xyz(@refno as varchar(25),@Type as varchar(15))
as set nocount on
Create Table #tbl_xyz
'some fileds
Set @Tempcode=0
Declare xyz_cursor Cursor for
Set @sql1 = 'Select a,b c and d like ''' + @labrefno + ''' order by e ' + @Type
exec sp_executesql @sql1
Open xyz_cursor
Fetch next from xyz_cursor into some values
While @@Fetch_status=0
Close xyz_cursor
Deallocate xyz_cursor
select * from #tbl_xyz
In the execution of above procedure , it won't allow me to set any value under the cursor declaration and even if execute under the cusor and i want to perform this procedure by passing the '@refno' and '@Type' dynamically as a parameter .
Is there any solution regarding this , then please guide me.
Please don't post the same questions to multiple forums, its justs encourges other developers to ignore you.
Blog Have I http:\\www.frankkerrigan.com
Hi dears,
I defined several properties as Profile in my web.config like Profile.Id,Profile,Name etc.
Now when I publish and upload my web site an error occures when a Profile sets.the error is : "a property can not be set by anonymouse users!"
attention that i have no problem when run website in local machine.
how can I fix that ?
Check the patch versions between you local machine and the server. I've seen some funny stuff with out of synce patching.
Blog Have I http:\\www.frankkerrigan.com
Try the following code written in VB.NET
<br />
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection("server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=true;database=Portal")<br />
Dim myCommand As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from Portal_Events", myConnection)<br />
Dim ds As New DataSet<br />
<br />
myCommand.Fill(ds, "Portal_Events")<br />
ds.Tables("Portal_Events").Columns.Add(New DataColumn("New Column1"))<br />
ds.Tables("Portal_Events").Columns.Add(New DataColumn("New Column2"))<br />
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds<br />
DataGrid1 object must be created before using this code. Create it by drag n drop from Toolbar in Visual Studio Development Environment.
Change the connection string and sql command according to your needs.
i have a main WebUserControl that is the main view of my website,the problem is that i have other Many WebUserControl that i wnt to add in my main WebUserControl how can i add this in my One Main WebUserControl?bcz i dont wnt to make the main WebUserControl again and again and call the SubWebUserControl accrodingly to my main control.
Tell me the Proper way of Calling or Emedding the SubWebUserControl in my Main WebUserControl..
send me some codesnippet if possible?
waiting ?
i want to diplay the name of text file in a directory as a hyperlink and when i click the hyperlink the the file should be read in a page. how could i do this.
HI all! I've 5 different projects inside a solution. My problem is I've to fina a way to have a dll stored only in one project and use this dll in other projects. But visual studio does not seem to find the path. I tried every possible way like "/Project1/Folder1" , "../Project1/Folder1" , "./Project1/Folder1". Otherwise a lot of space is wasted by keeping the copy of the same dll. Anyone have any other idea?
Thanks in advance
Don't Quit
Create a solution and add the projects in one at a time. Then create refercnces to the projects you wish to access from other projects. VS will automatically build it in the correct order.
Its only hard the first time.
Blog Have I http:\\www.frankkerrigan.com
Hi! in my asp.net application i want to calculate time interval for a folder i.g. [
TimeOut - TimeIn]. for this this purpose i store its TimeIn in a varaible, & after completing tasks on that folder i aslo store TimeOut in a variable when a user clicked on the exit button. my proble is that suppose that user closes browser using cross button of the browser instead of clicking exit button. in this case how can i calculate TimeOut?
I have 3 TextBoxes which hold Addresses.
Only if all the three textBoxes are blank i need to display a Message saying, Address cant be left blank.
Even if any one of the textBox is filled i should not display the message.
I have to do this in the client side and then on the click of a button i need to validate the address(i call a function in the code behind page in C# to check the format)
Please help me. How do i go abt?
I not so sure about how to accomplish this task with required field validator but you can use javascript code for this purpose. Custom validator can serve the purpose.
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
hi all,
please can anyone tell me what is arraylist conept in .net and how it is differ from Array?
If you look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything,
If you look at what you have in life, you have everything... "
You can get it here[^] .
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
Hi everyone,
I'm currently working on an ASP.NET project where I'm required to insert some data into a db. This part is fine, but I'm having trouble when the page loads again after an insert. It seems the page needs to be loaded twice for the inserted data to appear (presumably because the data is inserting on the first page load).
Is there anyway I can get the page to refresh after the insertion so that the data appears? I know in php you can do header("Location: ...") to do this, but is there an equivalent or better approach for asp.net? I'd like to maintain state if I can. I can't seem to find anything in MSDN of use.
Any help or pointers would be great,
How are you displaying the data in the page, if you are using datagrid then you just need to rebind the datagrid after you insert the record in the database.
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
I'm using a formview, but the data I'm concerned with is not bound as it consists of multiple records from a different table than the one I'm using for the rest of the data.
I have a function to select this data and format it nicely (it's a list of user posted messages). I'm trying to get it to appear right away after an insert.
I got a doubt regarding Comparsion of user data on the webform with database records. i developed a webform where the user needs to submit data regarding request for software license. In this form there is field regarding request for license transfer. If the user selects 'yes' should search for olddatabase records with data entered on the form. If the data entered is old system data (with comaprsion of database records), i should prompt user to select for the new data.if the user enters new system data, i should prompt user to enter the old data. i am able to retrieve the data records with SQL queries. after reading that data with data reader how to compare the data records and user data.
Thank you,
Once the data is there with you, it is as simple as to compare a string value provided if I am understanding your problem correctly.
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
Hello guys,
I was wondering if someone could tell me how to assign an alt attribute to a or element. It doesn’t show up under these two elements. I have a text box but before that is a span which is used in place of a label and it says type in your e-mail. Now I want the alt (alternative text) attribute to be active on this span element. How do I do that. Please help.