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GeneralRe: Disable Scroll In a Container Pin
praveen pandey18-Nov-06 22:00
praveen pandey18-Nov-06 22:00 
QuestionMATLAB Pin
suma1238217-Nov-06 11:50
suma1238217-Nov-06 11:50 
AnswerRe: MATLAB Pin
led mike17-Nov-06 12:07
led mike17-Nov-06 12:07 
AnswerRe: MATLAB Pin
spin vector17-Nov-06 12:22
spin vector17-Nov-06 12:22 
GeneralRe: MATLAB Pin
suma1238217-Nov-06 23:40
suma1238217-Nov-06 23:40 
QuestionACH or NACHA classes Pin
digsy_17-Nov-06 8:42
digsy_17-Nov-06 8:42 
AnswerRe: ACH or NACHA classes Pin
Cinchoo10-Feb-17 8:40
Cinchoo10-Feb-17 8:40 
Questiondataset, datarelation, datagrid & listbox Pin
vbar17-Nov-06 8:13
vbar17-Nov-06 8:13 

i already read many articles about it but i dont get it:

i have a datagrid with two datatables. the 2. table has a foreign key colum (to the primary key colum of table 1). so i created and added the datarelation to the dataset.

what i want is that a datagrid shows the 1. table while the listbox shows the elements of the 2. table, where foreignkey = primary key of the selected datarow in the datagrid.

but the listbox only keeps showing all elements of table 2; when only showing data from one table the components keep in sync

so what else is needed for this task, or should i better fill the listbox manually?

thanks for ur answers
QuestionDifference between Index and Count - TreeNodes Pin
h@s@n17-Nov-06 8:05
h@s@n17-Nov-06 8:05 
AnswerRe: Difference between Index and Count - TreeNodes Pin
beatles169218-Nov-06 9:11
beatles169218-Nov-06 9:11 
QuestionNew Message window loses focus when launched via Simple MAPI Pin
cobra200517-Nov-06 7:35
cobra200517-Nov-06 7:35 
QuestionNames of Tables for ListBox Pin
Blekk17-Nov-06 7:27
Blekk17-Nov-06 7:27 
AnswerRe: Names of Tables for ListBox Pin
Robert Rohde17-Nov-06 12:20
Robert Rohde17-Nov-06 12:20 
AnswerRe: Names of Tables for ListBox Pin
Noman Nadeem17-Nov-06 21:52
Noman Nadeem17-Nov-06 21:52 
QuestionMinimize / Restore a WinForm programmatically Pin
spin vector17-Nov-06 6:46
spin vector17-Nov-06 6:46 
AnswerRe: Minimize / Restore a WinForm programmatically Pin
mav.northwind17-Nov-06 6:49
mav.northwind17-Nov-06 6:49 
GeneralRe: Minimize / Restore a WinForm programmatically Pin
spin vector17-Nov-06 7:12
spin vector17-Nov-06 7:12 
QuestionRead Win Clipboard inside a thread Pin
MaxRelaxman17-Nov-06 5:48
MaxRelaxman17-Nov-06 5:48 
AnswerRe: Read Win Clipboard inside a thread Pin
mav.northwind17-Nov-06 6:47
mav.northwind17-Nov-06 6:47 
GeneralRe: Read Win Clipboard inside a thread Pin
MaxRelaxman17-Nov-06 9:23
MaxRelaxman17-Nov-06 9:23 
Questiondynamic data structures Pin
Todd Smith17-Nov-06 4:47
Todd Smith17-Nov-06 4:47 
AnswerRe: dynamic data structures Pin
ednrgc17-Nov-06 4:49
ednrgc17-Nov-06 4:49 
GeneralRe: dynamic data structures Pin
led mike17-Nov-06 5:02
led mike17-Nov-06 5:02 
AnswerRe: dynamic data structures Pin
J4amieC17-Nov-06 5:28
J4amieC17-Nov-06 5:28 
GeneralRe: dynamic data structures Pin
ednrgc17-Nov-06 7:06
ednrgc17-Nov-06 7:06 

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