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AnswerRe: NumericUpDown Pin
J4amieC13-Nov-06 3:30
J4amieC13-Nov-06 3:30 
Questionformating crystal report Pin
hadad13-Nov-06 2:27
hadad13-Nov-06 2:27 
AnswerRe: formating crystal report Pin
darkelv13-Nov-06 4:03
darkelv13-Nov-06 4:03 
GeneralRe: formating crystal report Pin
hadad13-Nov-06 5:30
hadad13-Nov-06 5:30 
GeneralRe: formating crystal report Pin
darkelv13-Nov-06 15:01
darkelv13-Nov-06 15:01 
NewsDEVCON 2006 Pin
HandyGuy13-Nov-06 2:18
HandyGuy13-Nov-06 2:18 
QuestionGeographical Location from IP ? Pin
Niiiissssshhhhhuuuuu13-Nov-06 2:00
Niiiissssshhhhhuuuuu13-Nov-06 2:00 
AnswerRe: Geographical Location from IP ? Pin
CWIZO13-Nov-06 2:03
CWIZO13-Nov-06 2:03 
What exactly would you like to know? Country? City? Address?
You can get the country, and the city where the ISP is. But there is no way to get the address or geographical coordinates.

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GeneralRe: Geographical Location from IP ? Pin
Eduard Keilholz13-Nov-06 2:10
Eduard Keilholz13-Nov-06 2:10 
GeneralRe: Geographical Location from IP ? Pin
CWIZO13-Nov-06 2:18
CWIZO13-Nov-06 2:18 
GeneralRe: Geographical Location from IP ? Pin
Niiiissssshhhhhuuuuu13-Nov-06 2:21
Niiiissssshhhhhuuuuu13-Nov-06 2:21 
GeneralRe: Geographical Location from IP ? Pin
User 665813-Nov-06 3:37
User 665813-Nov-06 3:37 
GeneralRe: Geographical Location from IP ? Pin
Eduard Keilholz13-Nov-06 21:37
Eduard Keilholz13-Nov-06 21:37 
GeneralRe: Geographical Location from IP ? Pin
quiteSmart13-Nov-06 2:20
quiteSmart13-Nov-06 2:20 
GeneralRe: Geographical Location from IP ? Pin
CWIZO13-Nov-06 2:28
CWIZO13-Nov-06 2:28 
GeneralRe: Geographical Location from IP ? Pin
Niiiissssshhhhhuuuuu13-Nov-06 3:43
Niiiissssshhhhhuuuuu13-Nov-06 3:43 
QuestionRetrieving data from SqlDataReader to a string array Pin
Sonu.T13-Nov-06 1:52
Sonu.T13-Nov-06 1:52 
AnswerRe: Retrieving data from SqlDataReader to a string array Pin
Colin Angus Mackay13-Nov-06 4:18
Colin Angus Mackay13-Nov-06 4:18 
QuestionHow do Create (do) a Setup form A windows Application in C# Pin
Iridania13-Nov-06 1:47
Iridania13-Nov-06 1:47 
AnswerRe: How do Create (do) a Setup form A windows Application in C# Pin
Eduard Keilholz13-Nov-06 2:07
Eduard Keilholz13-Nov-06 2:07 
GeneralRe: How do Create (do) a Setup form A windows Application in C# Pin
Iridania16-Nov-06 7:39
Iridania16-Nov-06 7:39 
QuestionTo make a size of button changeable by mouse Pin
wasek200113-Nov-06 1:36
wasek200113-Nov-06 1:36 
AnswerRe: To make a size of button changeable by mouse Pin
quiteSmart13-Nov-06 2:10
quiteSmart13-Nov-06 2:10 
JokeRe: To make a size of button changeable by mouse Pin
wasek200113-Nov-06 3:18
wasek200113-Nov-06 3:18 
AnswerRe: To make a size of button changeable by mouse Pin
wasek200113-Nov-06 22:32
wasek200113-Nov-06 22:32 

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