Your welcome.
I want to create a simple custom control inherited from textbox. This control can update the textbox value in a timely manner let say every 30 seconds. The value is is obtained from a variable in the form where this control is dropped. example:
A variable XYZ exist in the form. The control when dropped in the form is also named XYZ. At runtime the control XYZ should determin it name and subsequently take the value of variable XYZ and set the textbox.text property equal to it.
Hi All
Please Help Me
I have use VB 6.0
I want to attached scanner from user interface and save image.
please help me
You need to buy a control that offers you a TWAIN interface.
Hi All
I have written a program in vb.net 2005 for generating dynamic reports from SQLserver 2000 , the report generates successfuly but when it goes for printing with a network printer that I specify it programaticaly I get this error :
Erorr in file E:/DOCUMEN~1/admin/LOCAL~1/Temp/temp_4fc557_33455ed_{asd33dh3_dsd}.rpt
:unable to connect : incorrect logon parametrs
The code that I using for printing is :
m AsNew A4Bill
m.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "\\Arash\Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"
m.PrintToPrinter(1, False, 0, 1)
Catch ex As Exception
message.Text = ex.Message
Thanks for your Help
Arash Rajaei
Hey there was a default field for printing the reports in crystal report viewer. Then why are u trying for generating ur own print method.
i have 100 fields in single form but it is not possible to display all fields in a single form so i make 5 forms to display fields " i want to save all the data with a single button " to save the data correctly what should be the correct way 1. using session variable 2. cookies 3. using temporary tables or somthing else....
All three are valid options. But if you use 3, you will still need session to store some sort of identification so that you know what records belong to what user.
What method will you use will depend on the amount of data you need to store. Because cookies have limited storage capability (don't know the exact value, google for it).
I would choose sessions in almost any case dough...
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Q:What does the derived class in C# tell to it's parent?
A:All your base are belong to us!
hi all,
i am in a situation to Handle maps in VB.NET Application. i have to Display Customer Details from my Data Base by clicking a place in Map(US and India).
I need Help in doing this.
expecting the replies..
thanks in Advance
Its possible to do ya.
Try to do it.
I have a class that uses string builder which produces a email body that is sent out by the system. My problem is that when i receive the email, random "! " characters are inserted into the text. If anyone out there has seen this problem before, let me know.
For additional information, i place a bunch of vbCRLF after every line and still end up with these random "!" and spaces.
Im also aware of projects migrating from IIS 5 to IIS 6 creates this problem. How can i fix it now
Could someone please help me figure out how to read in code from a text file that will inturn read another text file to find regular expression from a text file.
I have created a text box that I would like to display history in. For instance with Start/Run how it shows like the past 15 entries on the dropdown. Can anybody help?
where are you struggling?
is a mult-lined textbox?
To add a new line to the text box:
textbox1.text &= "new line" & controlchars.crlf
if i'm not even close, then please explain
Get the last n values from the registry at load, into an array.
Read the keypress event for the arrow keys, and show the next/prev values from the array.
He was a snowflake, like other "unique" snowflakes, falling down, getting stepped on, and pushed aside to disappear.
The array contains many elements, some of them have the same value, now I need to count how many bins (value of the same elements) and number of elements of each bins. It's like plotting a histogram for a group of data.
is there a easy way to do it?
Thank you.
Dim ia() As Int16 = {0, 3, 6, 2, 3, 5, 6, 5, 34, 2, 2, 3, 45, 6, 78, 89, 78, 6, 45, 43}
Dim iaBin(,) As Int16 = Nothing, bFound As Boolean
ReDim iaBin(1, 0)
For i As Int16 = 0 To ia.GetUpperBound(0)
bFound = False
For j As Int16 = 0 To iaBin.GetUpperBound(1)
If iaBin(0, j) = ia(i) Then
iaBin(1, j) += 1
bFound = True
Exit For
End If
If Not bFound Then
ReDim Preserve iaBin(1, iaBin.GetUpperBound(1) + 1)
iaBin(0, iaBin.GetUpperBound(1)) = ia(i)
iaBin(1, iaBin.GetUpperBound(1)) = 1
End If
For i As Int16 = 0 To iaBin.GetUpperBound(1)
MsgBox(iaBin(0, i) & "::" & iaBin(1, i))
Hey Guys,
Can anyone provide me with a simple function or method:
How to read Pixel of a image when a mouse is clicked in a specific location
Check out Image.GetPixel and Control.MousePosition
I need to know how to replace an * with an empty space. When I try to format the cost I get the following error: Conversion from string " *65090" to type 'Single' is not valid.
Here is some sample code to give you an idea of what I am doing:
FormatCost = Format(CSng(row("dealernetpricedollars")), "c").ToString()
Replace(row("suggestedretailprice"), "*", "").ToString()
FormatMSRP = Format(CSng(row("suggestedretailprice")), "c").ToString()
I have some replace code but I am still getting the same error.
Any info would help. Thanks!
Your getting the error because the "replace" is a function. It will return the result. It doesn't change the actual expression.
Dim sSuggestedretailprice as string = replace(row("suggestedretailprice"),"*","")
FormatMSRP = Format(CSng(sSuggestedretailprice), "c").ToString()
I'm working on a small VB.NET 2003 utility for my employer whereby I need to read in the contents of a text file, put it into a datagrid, and sum the totals for two of the columns.
I've had a quick look around, and all I keep on finding is reference to the 'split' command.
The problem is that there are no definitive splits in the text file.
The source text file is really messy, but it does have a structure that I hope I can work with. I have worked out that the lines I need to import all begin with a single character, "K". The columns (on these lines beginning with "K") that I need to import and work with, for example, start on character number 8, which references a product code, and is (for example) 8 characters in length. The next 'column' of information starts on character number 20, and is a numeric value covering 10 chars. Immediately after this 'column' (no spaces in between!) is another numeric value - again 10 characters in length.
What I want to do is put this data into a datagrid, and sum the numeric columns.
Any help would be appreciated.
Perhaps you could use something like this?
Not very elegant...
<br />
Dim fs1 As New FileStream("C:\keysdig2.dbf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)<br />
Dim sr1 As New BinaryReader(fs1)<br />
Dim strMyNum As String<br />
Dim dt As DataTable<br />
Dim dr As DataRow<br />
Do While sr1.PeekChar <> -1<br />
dr = dt.NewRow<br />
If sr1.PeekChar = "K" Then<br />
'Read 8 chars to get to the first number of interest<br />
For i As Integer = 0 To 7<br />
sr1.ReadChar()<br />
Next<br />
'First Number (10 Chars)<br />
For j As Integer = 0 To 9<br />
strMyNum += sr1.ReadChar.ToString<br />
Next<br />
dr.Item(0) = strMyNum 'Place in first Col of Datarow<br />
strMyNum = ""<br />
'Second Number (8 Chars)<br />
For k As Integer = 0 To 7<br />
strMyNum += sr1.ReadChar.ToString<br />
Next<br />
dr.Item(1) = strMyNum 'Place in Second Col of Datarow<br />
strMyNum = ""<br />
<br />
dt.Rows.Add(dr)<br />
End If<br />
Loop<br />