You cannot achieve this with the .NET framework alone; you'll need to P/Invoke some Win32 API calls to get the device context of another window and begin drawing on that. Thus, I recommend you ask this question in the Visual C++ forum; those guys have a better knowledge of what you'll need to do.
just a quickie, is there an actual difference between Model View Controller, and Model View Presenter?
Or are they just the same thing?
They're not quite the same thing. MVP is a fresh take on the old MVC. Perhaps this article[^] will explain better than I can.
Thanks for the link Judah, I shall have a read.
I think the main difference is that in MVP there is a greater seperation of view and model. The view and model are exclusive; they have no knowledge of each other in MVP, whereas that is not the case in MVC.
This dont seem to work, any ideas? (Im sure you have lots of ideas, but remember Im a newbie)
label1.Text += ".";
string k = label1.Text;
int r;
r = label1.Text.IndexOf(k);
if (r > 0)
so, r is never above 0 despite that the string contains a "."
Newbie untill I die!
IndexOf returns a 0 based index. "." is not in position 1, it is in position 0. If nothing is found -1 is returned. Your code should be
if( r != -1 )
hi, and thanks for your fast answer. Im trying to program a calculator and you should not be able to hit "." multiple times in a row. So if I take this code:
string k = label1.Text;
int r;
r = label1.Text.IndexOf(k);
if (r != -1)
label1.Text += ".";
And paste in under, for example, the button 9, I still get the msgbox! That should not happend, shouild it? Because now, there are no "." in the string...or Im missing someting here?
Newbie untill I die!
hristo1977 wrote: string k = label1.Text;
int r;
r = label1.Text.IndexOf(k);
Wait, you take the contents of your textbox (k) and test (IndexOf(k)), if it exists? This will always return the index 0.
What you probably want is IndexOf(".")
modified 12-Sep-18 21:01pm.
hristo1977 wrote: Im trying to program a calculator and you should not be able to hit "."
Here's a simple way to determine if the period character exists multiple times in a string:
string text = label1.Text;
int periodCount = 0;
foreach(char character in text)
if(character == '.')
if(periodCount > 1)
Thanks a lot, Himango!
Newbie untill I die!
Does anyone know how to insert a line break character within the <summary> or <remarks> section of an xml comment / description associated with a method / property / class so that the printout in intellisense or HTML documentation includes this line break?
It is just slightly extended XHTML with some additional tags such as "summary", "remarks", "see", "param" etc. Putting paragraphs between <p> & </p> or putting <br/> for simple linebreaks should work.
funny, I've tried both but neither create a line break in the intellisense helptab. I couldn't recall the codes but you've reminded me and I believe they do work with, e.g., NDoc.
I have a form with a tabcontrol(with 2 tabpages) and I add a new TabControl at runtime using
this->Controls->Add(gcnew TabControl());
Its been created at top left corner of windows and not visible fully..how to control its location/size etc? how to access it?
Thanx in advance
I think you need to be in the C++ message boards. Anyway, you could do something like:
TabControl* tabCtrl = new TabControl();
this->Controls->Add( tabCtrl );
Now use tabCtrl to get its position etc.
oops.. wrong section..
I cant do the way u describe...as I have to create some tabcontrols dynamically at runtime but not at design time
I still do not see why you cannot do that. perhaps a little more code from what you are attempting to do will be useful.
You could do something like.
void MyPage::CreateTabControl() {
TabControl * tab = new TabControl();
Controls->Add( tab );
SizeAndPositionTab( tab ); //Put you size and position code in here
Now call CreateTabControl() dynamically from wherever in your code.
Thanx for ur reply.
But this is applicable to one tab bcos I am going to specify its location.
But at runtime I want to call this function(for eg: 20 times) then I cant see 20 tabcontrols as each one overwrites one another.Hope u understand my problem
I'm ,beginer is an exageration, i'm like 0 in custom controls development, so i was wondering if you could help me out if u know any articles or web sites where i can get any help or inspiration. i need to create a vertical checkbok and a connector...a simple line that connects 2 controls. Please help me out
You are way such a beginner.
Go and google these simple words: Writing Custom Controls
You'll find plenty of inspiration.
Is there a program or web page out there that will lists ALL Win32 APIs and their components/functions for such files as gdi32.dll or user32.dll? I need to find software and/or webpage that will give me these functions and what each one does. I'm trying to hook a program to an active window for editing.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook www.troschuetz.de