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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Help with MFC Timers Pin
Ranjan Shrestha11-Sep-06 1:38
Ranjan Shrestha11-Sep-06 1:38 
GeneralRe: Help with MFC Timers Pin
Kurt _B11-Sep-06 3:31
Kurt _B11-Sep-06 3:31 
GeneralRe: Help with MFC Timers Pin
waxie11-Sep-06 15:25
waxie11-Sep-06 15:25 
GeneralRe: Help with MFC Timers Pin
waxie11-Sep-06 15:26
waxie11-Sep-06 15:26 
Question[Message Deleted] Pin
bloodwinner11-Sep-06 1:20
bloodwinner11-Sep-06 1:20 
AnswerRe: How should I make a cast? Pin
Ranjan Shrestha11-Sep-06 1:25
Ranjan Shrestha11-Sep-06 1:25 
AnswerRe: How should I make a cast? Pin
Code_Zombie11-Sep-06 1:27
Code_Zombie11-Sep-06 1:27 
AnswerRe: How should I make a cast? Pin
Code_Zombie11-Sep-06 1:29
Code_Zombie11-Sep-06 1:29 
(HICON)LoadImage(NULL, "menu_two.ico", IMAGE_ICON, 32, 32, LR_LOADFROMFILE);

AnswerRe: How should I make a cast? Pin
toxcct11-Sep-06 2:20
toxcct11-Sep-06 2:20 
AnswerRe: [Message Deleted] Pin
Hamid_RT11-Sep-06 5:41
Hamid_RT11-Sep-06 5:41 
GeneralRe: [Message Deleted] Pin
bloodwinner11-Sep-06 5:47
bloodwinner11-Sep-06 5:47 
GeneralRe: [Message Deleted] Pin
Hamid_RT11-Sep-06 6:27
Hamid_RT11-Sep-06 6:27 
QuestionInput validation Pin
Sculp11-Sep-06 1:11
Sculp11-Sep-06 1:11 
AnswerRe: Input validation Pin
Sarath C11-Sep-06 1:22
Sarath C11-Sep-06 1:22 
AnswerRe: Input validation Pin
toxcct11-Sep-06 2:22
toxcct11-Sep-06 2:22 
AnswerRe: Input validation Pin
David Crow11-Sep-06 3:11
David Crow11-Sep-06 3:11 
AnswerRe: Input validation Pin
Zac Howland11-Sep-06 3:57
Zac Howland11-Sep-06 3:57 
QuestionLoading/Saving Dialogs Pin
Larry A Mills Senior11-Sep-06 0:51
Larry A Mills Senior11-Sep-06 0:51 
AnswerRe: Loading/Saving Dialogs Pin
Ranjan Shrestha11-Sep-06 1:42
Ranjan Shrestha11-Sep-06 1:42 
GeneralRe: Loading/Saving Dialogs Pin
Hamid_RT11-Sep-06 2:04
Hamid_RT11-Sep-06 2:04 
AnswerRe: Loading/Saving Dialogs Pin
Hamid_RT11-Sep-06 1:55
Hamid_RT11-Sep-06 1:55 
AnswerRe: Loading/Saving Dialogs Pin
Zac Howland11-Sep-06 5:09
Zac Howland11-Sep-06 5:09 
Questionattaching a process in VC++6.0 IDE Pin
koumodaki11-Sep-06 0:44
koumodaki11-Sep-06 0:44 
AnswerRe: attaching a process in VC++6.0 IDE Pin
see me11-Sep-06 0:52
see me11-Sep-06 0:52 
GeneralRe: attaching a process in VC++6.0 IDE Pin
devvvy20-Nov-06 5:21
devvvy20-Nov-06 5:21 

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