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QuestionDataGridView Custom Column Control Events Pin
Itanium23-Aug-06 2:50
Itanium23-Aug-06 2:50 
AnswerRe: DataGridView Custom Column Control Events Pin
Nader Elshehabi23-Aug-06 3:08
Nader Elshehabi23-Aug-06 3:08 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Custom Column Control Events Pin
Itanium23-Aug-06 6:01
Itanium23-Aug-06 6:01 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Custom Column Control Events Pin
Nader Elshehabi23-Aug-06 9:13
Nader Elshehabi23-Aug-06 9:13 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Custom Column Control Events Pin
Itanium23-Aug-06 20:48
Itanium23-Aug-06 20:48 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Custom Column Control Events Pin
Nader Elshehabi24-Aug-06 1:41
Nader Elshehabi24-Aug-06 1:41 
GeneralRe: DataGridView Custom Column Control Events Pin
Itanium24-Aug-06 3:52
Itanium24-Aug-06 3:52 
AnswerRe: DataGridView Custom Column Control Events Pin
Nader Elshehabi5-Sep-06 9:18
Nader Elshehabi5-Sep-06 9:18 

I'm sorry my reply came very late, but your email notification arrived to my just now!!

You can't acess ctl this way because you've declared it as a local variable in a method. Declare it as a public member in your class, and access it like MyCustomColumn.ctl.Click for the click event as an example.

I don't know if my reply would help you or it came too late, but forgive me.

RegardsRose | [Rose]

Question"hiding" items in a combox Pin
gus_br23-Aug-06 2:50
gus_br23-Aug-06 2:50 
AnswerRe: "hiding" items in a combox Pin
rah_sin23-Aug-06 2:57
professionalrah_sin23-Aug-06 2:57 
GeneralRe: "hiding" items in a combox Pin
gus_br23-Aug-06 3:06
gus_br23-Aug-06 3:06 
GeneralRe: "hiding" items in a combox Pin
gus_br23-Aug-06 3:24
gus_br23-Aug-06 3:24 
GeneralRe: "hiding" items in a combox Pin
rah_sin23-Aug-06 3:28
professionalrah_sin23-Aug-06 3:28 
AnswerRe: "hiding" items in a combox Pin
~~~Johnny~~~23-Aug-06 11:14
~~~Johnny~~~23-Aug-06 11:14 
GeneralRe: "hiding" items in a combox Pin
gus_br24-Aug-06 1:10
gus_br24-Aug-06 1:10 
Questionbackup Pin
TAREQ F ABUZUHRI23-Aug-06 2:43
TAREQ F ABUZUHRI23-Aug-06 2:43 
AnswerRe: backup Pin
Not Active23-Aug-06 3:17
mentorNot Active23-Aug-06 3:17 
AnswerRe: backup Pin
kkadir23-Aug-06 3:22
kkadir23-Aug-06 3:22 
Questiondatagrid Pin
btota23-Aug-06 2:40
btota23-Aug-06 2:40 
AnswerRe: datagrid Pin
Not Active23-Aug-06 2:45
mentorNot Active23-Aug-06 2:45 
QuestionReduce the width of datagrid colum ?? Pin
sikandarhayat23-Aug-06 2:28
sikandarhayat23-Aug-06 2:28 
AnswerRe: Reduce the width of datagrid colum ?? Pin
rah_sin23-Aug-06 2:44
professionalrah_sin23-Aug-06 2:44 
QuestionI have a class Pin
diddy3423-Aug-06 1:55
diddy3423-Aug-06 1:55 
AnswerRe: I have a class Pin
Christian Graus23-Aug-06 2:07
protectorChristian Graus23-Aug-06 2:07 
AnswerRe: I have a class Pin
rah_sin23-Aug-06 2:10
professionalrah_sin23-Aug-06 2:10 

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