If you have a dataset, you can use an OleDbConnection to connect to an Access database, and you can insert data using an INSERT statement. There's heaps of info online ( including CP articles ) on using VB.NET to connect to Access.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
Christian Graus wrote: Connecting to Access via code is probably one of the three best documented tasks on the web. All you need to do is call INSERT to insert your data.
Hi Christian.
Ok, not to sure what you meant by the comment, basically what I want to do is take a few sheets in an excel spreadsheet, and export them into access, using an web interface and ado.net.
Reason for this terrible job, I cant explain... It's what the client wants
How to handle unexpected error (50003) in Vb6.0? I have a project in my machine when i compile the project the above error occured.The same project compiled without error in another machine? i have registered the SSTAB component.But in the form SSTAB couldn't visible.How to solve this problem?
-How to filling a listbox from other page at a web application pages(ASP.NET 2.0)?
Best Regards
Hussein Madani Ghomi
You can pass an array between pages .....
<marquee>"A good programmer is someone who looks both ways before crossing a one-way street." -- Doug Linder
Anant Y. Kulkarni
Stop screaming!
You can't use ASP.NET to do that. You have to use client script, e.g. Javascript.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Try adding a module... and then do that trough module.
Hi all ,
I need some help. Please , someone help me.
I want to connect UniSQL Database within VB.NET.
I use .NET Framework 2( VS 2005 ).
Thankz in advance,
1)In we add a VB.NET file & a ASP.NET page in same application?if so how
will be its compilation?And how can we see the output.
2)What is the difference between a group box and a panel in VB.NET?
3)How can we create our own assemblies in a .NET application
let the noble thought come from every side-Rig Veda
1) What do you mean by a "VB.NET file"?
2) A group box has a frame.
3) Do you mean a library? Create a Class Library project.
b { font-weight: normal; }
1 - a ASP.NET page IS a VB.NET or C# file. But you can add code files as well, either in dlls, or ( in .NET 2.0 ) to a special folder where they will be compiled as needed.
2 - A panel has a background
3 - By creating a dll project.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
I have designed an application to send SMS via GSM Modem in vb6.0 using MSCOMM control. Used At commands to send the SMS.
The modem replies me with "OK" message for the common settings At commands ( AT + CMGF = 0 ), but getting the reply as "Error" for the At command (At + CMGS ) which is used to send the SMS.
Please help me out to solve this problem.
I used the following code in my application.
MSComm1.CommPort = 3 (GSM modem is connected on the Port 3)
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
MSComm1.Settings = "115200, n, 8, 1"
' Send an 'AT' command to the phone ----> chr(13) -> carriage return
MSComm1.Output = "AT" & Chr$(13)
'strData$ = MSComm1.Output
' The phone will respond with an 'OK'
timedPause 8
' Set up the phone for a text message
MSComm1.Output = "AT+CMGF=0" & Chr$(13)
buffer$ = MSComm1.Input
MsgBox buffer$
'Loop Until InStr(buffer$, "OK")
buffer$ = ""
' The phone will respond with an 'OK'
timedPause 8
' Chr(34) --> Double Quotation
MSComm1.Output = "AT+CMGS= " & Chr(34) & txtDestinationNumber.Text & Chr(34) & Chr$(13) & Chr(10)
MSComm1.Output = txtDataToTransmit.Text & Chr$(26)
buffer$ = MSComm1.Input
MsgBox buffer$
'Loop Until InStr(buffer$, ">")
If buffer$ <> ">" Then
MsgBox "Sending Failed"
MSComm1.PortOpen = False
Exit Sub
End If
buffer$ = ""
MsgBox "SMS Sent"
MSComm1.PortOpen = False
Thanks in advance.
With Love,
Hope this code solves your problem.
it works in my application.
it sends sms to destination mobile.
MSComm1.Output = "at+cmgf=1" & Chr(34)
strbuffer=strbuffer+ MSComm1.Input
MSComm1.Output = "at+cmgs=+91323232323" & Chr(34)
strBuffer = strBuffer + MSComm1.Input
MSComm1.Output ="your message" & vbnewline
strBuffer = strBuffer + MSComm1.Input
hope this works.
can u make an sample of this and send me to e-mail please.
What does your code look like?
Can someone help me with the following:
1- I have xml text data that i need to take out invalid characters from.
2- this data contains extraneous characters that i need removed in order to use xmlDocument.LoadXml(str)
3- when this characters are in the str variable i get an XmlException that indicates that there's an invalid character with hex value of 0x0B.
4- how can i remove that character from the string prior to loading it in with xmlDocument.LoadXml(str) ?
5- i am using VS2005
Your help is greatly appreciated....
-- modified at 23:11 Thursday 17th August, 2006
The string class has a replace method, you would generally call that to remove anything you didn't want in there.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
1- I see.
2- I see.
3- I see.
4- You can use the Replace method of the string class.
5- Good for you.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Thanks to Christian and Guffa.
Below is the solution I was able to come up with...
Public Structure HexReplacement
Public HexCharacter As Char
Public Replacement As String
End Structure
Public Shared Function ConvertHexToChar(ByVal hexValue As String) As Char
Dim convertedChar As Char = Nothing
convertedChar = Chr(Int32.Parse(hexValue, Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber))
Catch ex As FormatException
' Error handling here....
Catch ex As ArgumentException
' Error handling here....
End Try
Return convertedChar
End Function
Public Function CleanOutHexValues(ByVal dirtyString As String, ByVal hexReplacements As HexReplacement()) As String
Dim cleanString As String = dirtyString
For Each hr As HexReplacement In hexReplacements
cleanString = cleanString.Replace(hr.HexCharacter, hr.Replacement)
Return cleanString
End Function
Public Sub TestHexCharCleanUp()
Dim hr(1) As HexReplacement
hr(0).HexCharacter = ConvertHexToChar("0b") ' "0b" = or single space.
hr(0).Replacement = ""
Dim dirtyString As String = "Testing the removal of "
MsgBox(CleanOutHexValues(dirtyString, hr))
End Sub
Comments will be greatly appreciated.
Been playing around with the progressbar, just trying to figure it out. Got it running for the most part but here's where it gets weird.
On my laptop I changed the ForeColor to red and it ran in red. When I port the same project over to my main machine & run it, the progressbar forecolor is not red it's the default green color. I checked my properties & it's still showing red as my forecolor. I tried changing it in code, same thing. Both my laptop are main machine are running XP Pro w/SP2 installed. This is VS 2005 .Net btw.
Any ideas, thoughts on why this won't change colors when I run it?
I have had this problem before when working with a progress bar, but my program also changed the buttons. In my case it was the theme that I had set on the computer overrode the setting that I had in VB. This may not be the case in your situation but it is worth a try to change the theme on your computer and see if this changes the progress bar in your app. If this is the case I am not exactly sure how you can fix it but there is a setting in VB under Project and properties on the application tab where you can check "Enable XP visual styles". Unchecking this may fix the prob.
That was it! Thanks much! I switched to a Windows Classic theme & ran it. Ran perfect. Then used your suggestion of making the change under my IDE. That too fixed my issue.
Thanks again for your advice!
Wonder if anybody can point me in the right direction? I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.
I have a parent and child form. On the parent form, I have a CustomerID field - which is a CustomerID field in my tblCustomersParent table my Access database. I have a similar field in tblCustomersChild to create the relationship, and a field on the child form to display it.
This CustomerID field is passed to the child form using:
Me.frmCustomerContacts = New CustomerContacts<br />
frmCustomerContacts.ValueFromParent = Me.CustomerID.Text<br />
The customer ID is then copied to the child form using:
Public WriteOnly Property ValueFromParent() As String<br />
Set(ByVal Value as String)<br />
Me.CustomerID.Text = Value<br />
End Set<br />
End Property
This works well except for when tblCustomersChild does not have an existing entry for that CustomerID. For example, if I create a new customer (or even if I have an existing customer entry in tblCustomersParent), and then wish to add contacts for that customer, the CustomerID field on the child form does not get populated because tblCustomersChild does not have any corresponding entries already recorded. I can enter a record in Access to make it work, and it does carry that CustomerID through from parent to child, and I can add new contact records to the child form.
I am using a standard SELECT statement to collect the data for the child form based on what the CustomerID field is on the parent form.
I'm using VB.NET 2003.
Try declaring the id variable as public so the child form can access it.