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GeneralRe: how to make exe in C# Pin
Mahmood Ilyas15-Aug-06 1:34
Mahmood Ilyas15-Aug-06 1:34 
Questionrichtextbox Pin
skyeddie14-Aug-06 19:43
skyeddie14-Aug-06 19:43 
AnswerRe: richtextbox Pin
stancrm14-Aug-06 21:48
stancrm14-Aug-06 21:48 
GeneralRe: richtextbox Pin
Ed.Poore14-Aug-06 22:35
Ed.Poore14-Aug-06 22:35 
GeneralRe: richtextbox Pin
mav.northwind14-Aug-06 23:03
mav.northwind14-Aug-06 23:03 
GeneralRe: richtextbox Pin
Ed.Poore14-Aug-06 23:09
Ed.Poore14-Aug-06 23:09 
QuestionApplication re-insatll problem Pin
wasife14-Aug-06 19:39
wasife14-Aug-06 19:39 
QuestionReferencing C++ DLL in C# VS2005 [modified] Pin
alias4714-Aug-06 19:35
alias4714-Aug-06 19:35 
I have some c++ source code, which I have updated to compile under VS2005. When I attempt to add the code as a reference in a C# project, it states that it is not a valid .NET assemply or COM component. Also, I have tried adding the DLL in a DLLImport statement:
[DllImport("@DebugPath DLLName")]
A first chance exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in CSharp.dll
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

The DLL is in the project's bin/Debug folder.

I thought that compiling the c++ DLL in VS2005 would allow c# project to reference it. I saw another option of creating Managed c++ classes, but I didn't want to go there unless i really had to.

Am I doing something wrong?


-- modified at 1:55 Tuesday 15th August, 2006
AnswerRe: Referencing C++ DLL in C# VS2005 Pin
stancrm14-Aug-06 21:51
stancrm14-Aug-06 21:51 
GeneralGenerics Pin
HakunaMatada14-Aug-06 19:00
HakunaMatada14-Aug-06 19:00 
GeneralRe: Generics Pin
Colin Angus Mackay14-Aug-06 22:32
Colin Angus Mackay14-Aug-06 22:32 
QuestionRefresh Binding. [modified] Pin
elefrancois12314-Aug-06 11:49
elefrancois12314-Aug-06 11:49 
QuestionParameter Passing Pin
kalyanPaladugu14-Aug-06 11:18
kalyanPaladugu14-Aug-06 11:18 
AnswerRe: Parameter Passing Pin
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.14-Aug-06 12:46
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.14-Aug-06 12:46 
GeneralRe: Parameter Passing Pin
kalyanPaladugu16-Aug-06 14:14
kalyanPaladugu16-Aug-06 14:14 
GeneralRe: Parameter Passing Pin
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.16-Aug-06 14:19
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.16-Aug-06 14:19 
GeneralRe: Parameter Passing Pin
kalyanPaladugu17-Aug-06 7:02
kalyanPaladugu17-Aug-06 7:02 
GeneralRe: Parameter Passing Pin
Dustin Metzgar17-Aug-06 9:52
Dustin Metzgar17-Aug-06 9:52 
Questioncasting problem with XML DeSrialization Pin
kaldi14-Aug-06 11:06
kaldi14-Aug-06 11:06 
AnswerRe: casting problem with XML DeSrialization Pin
stancrm14-Aug-06 23:01
stancrm14-Aug-06 23:01 
QuestionHow to do sleep in microsecond Pin
kobi10i1014-Aug-06 10:10
kobi10i1014-Aug-06 10:10 
AnswerRe: How to do sleep in microsecond Pin
Judah Gabriel Himango14-Aug-06 10:13
sponsorJudah Gabriel Himango14-Aug-06 10:13 
AnswerRe: How to do sleep in microsecond [modified] Pin
Stefan Troschuetz14-Aug-06 10:25
Stefan Troschuetz14-Aug-06 10:25 
AnswerRe: How to do sleep in microsecond Pin
Dave Kreskowiak14-Aug-06 10:40
mveDave Kreskowiak14-Aug-06 10:40 
GeneralRe: How to do sleep in microsecond Pin
Ed.Poore14-Aug-06 22:41
Ed.Poore14-Aug-06 22:41 

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